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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Unlikely to be the cause of a booting problem. Put flash in your PC and let it checkdisk. Make sure you are booting from a USB2 port. After trying each of these, get us diagnostics if you can. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post. If you can boot then if you still have problems, use your flash backup if it is current, might help some things. You can prepare flash as a new install and just copy the config folder from your backup. If you still have problems, you can edit config/docker.cfg on flash to disable dockers, edit config/domains.cfg on flash to disable VMs, edit config/disk.cfg to disable autostart on the array. Then reboot in SAFE mode.
  2. And even if you use the trust parity option, you still need a correcting parity check to make sure parity really is in sync with the physical disks. Generally, trusting parity should only be done after careful consideration. It might make sense in some specific circumstances. It often does make sense in a New Config situation, seldom in a disabled disk situation.
  3. Make sure you don't overfill cache with that schedule. Go to Global Share Settings and set Minimum Free for cache to larger than the largest file you expect to write to cache. If Unraid sees cache has less than minimum, it will overflow cache-yes shares to the array instead of running out of space with an error.
  4. Krusader should have enough permissions to take care of that. Show us where you are seeing the file.
  5. Setup Syslog Server so you can get syslogs saved to retrieve after reboot. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=781601
  6. Settings - Docker, disable Settings - VM Manager, disable
  7. At the top where it explains how to get Diagnostics, the screenshot is OK (showing the Tools page), but the text says to go to Settings to get the Diagnostics. Also, suggesting that a user might replace flash because it is too slow I think is perpetuating a misconception. The OS doesn't run from the flash.
  8. Editing that file won't change anything until Unraid reads it again. If you don't have access rebooting is the way to do that. SAFE mode was just an extra suggestion but just reboot if you can.
  9. Mover can't move open files. Disable Docker and VM services in Settings.
  10. If you can't get into the webUI try disabling docker by editing config/docker.cfg on the flash drive, and reboot in SAFE mode.
  11. What was your solution?
  12. If you have your own domain, why get duckdns involved at all? The video tutorial shows you how to do it with duckdns, OR how to do it with your own domain. Not both at the same time.
  13. Also, maybe you are trying to use the UPS wrong. You shouldn't be running it long enough for its battery to run down. You should only run it long enough so that if the power isn't coming back very soon go ahead and shutdown.
  14. Post new diagnostics then. We can make better recommendations if we have all the latest information. Attach them to your NEXT post so we can see that this thread has a new post worth checking on.
  15. GPF is a clue but not definitive
  16. Have you done memtest? Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  17. Maybe to a text editor that is what it is. Might mean something else to another application. In any case they don't have anything to do with Unraid.
  18. See the "Need Help?" sticky pinned near the top of the General Support subforum for instructions on how to get us more information. Diagnostics preferred if you can get it.
  19. Since you are new to our forum just thought I would mention. This might be the fix for you, or it might only make things look better for a while. Other things discussed in this thread are more likely to be the cause for new users, especially those posts with links to the Docker FAQ.
  20. Is this a new problem? Did this build work OK before this started?
  21. Sounds like a bad connection somewhere. Do you have any power splitters?
  22. If you disabled it in Settings - VM Manager then that should work.
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