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Everything posted by trurl

  1. More useful and more complete than that screenshot would be the docker run command that results. How to get the docker run command is explained in the very first link in the Docker FAQ pinned near the top of the Docker Engine subforum.
  2. First link in the Docker FAQ: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/
  3. RAID or Unraid (or BeyondRAID) is NEVER a substitute for backups.
  4. You can go directly from the Apps page to the correct support thread for any of your dockers or plugins there by simply clicking on the (?) Support Thread link in the listing for the docker or plugin. And just for completeness: Installed dockers have a Support link from clicking on the docker icon on the Dashboard or Docker page. Installed plugins have a Support link from the Plugins page.
  5. New Config never changes anything on any of the assigned disks. It just (optionally and by default) rebuilds parity on the disk assigned to the parity slot, based on the data on the data disks assigned in the parity array. And parity contains none of your data just in case you are unclear about that.
  6. You should always check the first post in any support thread for instructions or links to instructions.
  7. Dynamix System Stats plugin will also let you see the cache RAM if you really want to see it, but as mentioned
  8. You should use CA to install everything. Some other plugin and docker support threads don't even explain how to install them otherwise.
  9. What are you looking at to determine how much RAM is being used?
  10. Cache-No means it won't use the cache at all. Cache-Yes means it will write to the faster cache then move them to the slower array at the scheduled time. Cache-Only will write them to cache and keep them there. Cache-Prefer is somewhat more complicated, but the effect is to try to keep (or even move) files to cache if there is room. There is Help in the webUI. You can toggle Help for the whole webUI with Help(?) from the main menu, or you can toggle help for a specific setting by clicking on its label. Here is a FAQ with more details on the various Use Cache Settings:
  11. Still unclear to me though. Is the DROBO itself your backup, or it is the only copy of these important and irreplaceable files?
  12. I have split your post into its own topic because it isn't likely that moving files around is the correct approach to your problem. Might even be that there is nothing wrong with your disk. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post. Since some of your ideas are definitely wrong, please don't do anything without further advice.
  13. See the "Need Help" sticky pinned near the top of this same subforum for ideas on how to get us more information, Diagnostics preferred.
  14. Do you mean you have no backup? Or do you just mean you want an additional backup?
  15. Did you try anything suggested after the post you quoted?
  16. Do you have a cache drive? Are you writing to a cached share?
  17. I have never used UD to format any disk. My NTFS UD disks were formatted in Windows. I have been using them for years for offsite backup as mentioned.
  18. Whether or not you preclear, a disk must be formatted or it won't have a filesystem to put folders and files in.
  19. If the new disks are precleared, they will have to be formatted before they can accept files. Just don't format any disk that already has data on it.
  20. I've never had a problem with this. I use NTFS HDDs for offsite backup.
  21. Your screenshot only shows one Unassigned Device. How exactly were you transferring the files? Command line, Krusader, over the network with Windows, what? Go to Tools-Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  22. I don't see any point to get parity involved if you don't intend to have parity. Especially since there isn't much data. Just add one of the disks, copy the data to it, replace the smaller disk when done.
  23. If you have appdata backup that plus the templates on flash are all you need to get your dockers going again using the Previous Apps feature on the Apps page. You could do this with a different cache or even without cache.
  24. So are you wanting to run a Windows VM and pass the NVME through (the subject of this thread), or just use it to boot Windows instead of Unraid?
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