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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Your appdata is gone of course, but your docker templates are on flash. After you get cache and docker service going again you should be able to install your dockers just as they were (with no existing appdata of course) by using the Previous Apps feature on the Apps page.
  2. Nothing from the folders will be loaded without the corresponding .plg file
  3. Are you looking on the Tools page? I have it and I am not aware of any of my plugins creating it. Maybe something different about how you have Notifications setup?
  4. Nothing obvious. Delete all .plg files in config/plugins and see if it boots in normal mode with no plugins.
  5. After mover completes post new diagnostics.
  6. That normally indicates a plugin issue. Post a new diagnostic.
  7. You can easily get a shell inside any of your containers by simply clicking on its icon on the Dashboard or Docker page and selecting >_ Console.
  8. And what about that cp line? What is the purpose of that?
  9. Why are you running the webUI on a non-standard port. Your go file: #!/bin/bash # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp -p 2785& cp /boot/custom/docker-shell /usr/local/bin
  10. Not sure but I think that would need to be added to the append line.
  11. Sounds like a networking issue rather than an Unraid issue, but go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  12. You can always download a zipped backup of flash from Main - Boot Device - Flash - Flash Backup. Your configuration is completely contained in the config folder on flash, and if you can copy that folder to a new install you would be running again just as before. You should make a new backup anytime you make any significant configuration changes, especially when you make any changes to disk assignments.
  13. Are your sure that is the IP address of your server? Are you sure no other device on your network has that IP?
  14. At this point I don't think I would trust that flash drive. What brand is it? You should have asked earlier about your problems shutting down. I have done very many updates, and even a few unclean shutdowns, and have never had a problem, so I don't think that is the actual cause your flash drive has failed. Do you have a backup? You should always have a backup of flash. Everything about your configuration is stored in the config folder on flash and if you are able to copy that to a new install you would be back up and running just as before. You can always download a zipped backup of flash from Main - Boot Device - Flash - Flash Backup. You should make a backup anytime you make any significant configuration changes, especially if you make any changes to your disk assignments.
  15. I had hoped someone with Mac experience would respond, and maybe they will. Are you sure the metadata you are concerned with is actually part of the file? For example, I don't have Mac, but I have plenty of files on my Unraid which contains metadata. My photos have EXIF data put there by the camera, which contains information about the exposure and other things. And I have a lot of music in various formats which also contain metadata. MP3s, for example, usually have information about the song title, artist, album and other things stored in MP3 "tags" which are part of the file. I have no problem at all transferring all of these files to / from Unraid with their metadata intact. I also have a plex server installed on my Unraid, and it has movie files in its library which have metadata. But that metadata is not part of the files, rather it is stored in the plex database. What application is in your screenshots?
  16. I think we need @johnnie.black on this thread.
  17. In future, if you aren't absolutely sure what to do, come to the forum before doing anything at all and wait for advice. Probably a good chance you won't be able to recover all your data (if any), and the resulting lost+found files you get from filesystem repair can be difficult to work with since often the folders and filenames are lost. It is probably simpler to just get your data from your backups.
  18. Note in that FAQ Squid linked that the mode you want to use is "single", not raid0. Unraid decides where to write a file before it begins to write the file. It has no way to know in advance how large a file will become. After it has chosen a disk to write, if that disk runs out of space you get an error. There are a few things that have to be setup to get cache to overflow to the array. First of all, the user share you are writing to must be either cache-yes or cache-prefer. Cache-no will not be written to cache to begin with, and cache-only will not consider writing to the array. The setting you probably want is cache-yes. See this link in the FAQ for more details about what happens with the various Use cache settings: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-537383 The other thing that comes into play is the Minimum Free setting for cache in Global Share Settings. As mentioned, Unraid doesn't know how large a file will become. If cache has less than Minimum Free, Unraid will choose the array instead. You should set Minimum Free to larger than the largest file you expect to write to cache. Each User Share also has a Minimum Free Setting. That controls how much space a disk must have for Unraid to choose the disk. So if an array disk has less than Minimum, Unraid will choose another disk. You should set it larger than the largest file you expect to write to the User Share.
  19. That diagnostic doesn't agree with your screenshot either, since it doesn't show any disks mounted and in fact shows them as both newly assigned. Are you messing around trying to fix this by yourself? Stop! Post a new screenshot.
  20. So you know exactly which disks are cache then? Do you have a screenshot that might show your disk assignments? Did you ever save a syslog or diagnostics?
  21. That screenshot doesn't agree with your diagnostics. Did you do anything between taking the diagnostics and taking the screenshot?
  22. Both data disks appear to be mounted and probably empty. Did you only have those two data disks? Do you have backups of the lost data? There is still a lot missing from your narrative. What did you do exactly that may or may not have been a stupid mistake?
  23. The most important is to not assign a data disk to parity. How many cache disks do you have?
  24. See this thread pinned near the top of this same subforum: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/53172-windows-issues-with-unraid/
  25. You can always go directly to the correct support thread for any of your plugins by selecting the Support link on the Plugins page in the webUI.
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