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Everything posted by ich777

  1. This is not affecting the game server at all and the server is running at that point. Can you see it in the Steam Server Browser? If not, can you see it in the Steam Server Browser?
  2. I have linked it in the previous post. Simply click on "Click" there. You have to forward the ports otherwise it won't work. However you can set up a LAN only server but for that you have to edit the config <- should be described in the GitHub that I've linked.
  3. The old ports are still in there since the container port is 7777 and the host port is 7788. You have to entirely delete the old port with the container port 7777 and you have to create new port mappings with both the host and container port set to 7788. For the other ports you have to do the same too. You have no basically told that you want to use port 7788 inside the container and you forward port 7777 from the container to the host 7788 which can't work because the server uses as said above 7788 in the container. I hope I've explained that somewhat understandable...
  4. I can only tell you that intel_gpu_top is working since it reports something on your Dashboard and also in your terminal, this would indicate that the next thing to do is ask on the Plex support thread.
  5. It seems like that something is wrong with the port forwarding as far as I can tell. Have you even forwarded the ports in your firewall? Did you change anything in the firewall? Anyways I would strongly recommend that you post a issue over on GitHub since I only created the template for Unraid and have no control over the container itself and how it behaves, I even don't know if it supports IPv6 fully: Click No.
  6. This is for both of you: You have to change the ports in your server config or your startup parameters. If you have done this, also don't forget to delete the existing port mapping(s) from the container template and create new one(s) with the according port(s) that you've set in the config/start up parameters as the host and container port(s) (and also don't forget to choose the right protocol too!). The existing ones won't work anymore because you've changed it in the config/start up parameters. Also please don't try to attempt to change only the ports which are also exist currently in the template, that won't work for most games, you have to change them in the config/start up parameters, delete them and create new ones with container and host port set to the ones from the config/start up parameters.
  7. But why should this be an issue with intel_gpu_top? Your issue is related to Plex…
  8. Yes, because as I wrote, throttlig is enabled in Plex. BTW that is not an issue at all and this question would be better suited in the Plex support thread, but this is default behavior. As said above, expected behavior.
  9. Just Gigabyte… Alles was BIOS betrifft waren die noch nie so bewandert, meiner bescheidenen Meinung nach, deshalb kauf ich auch ungern was von denen.
  10. Maybe but I‘m jot that damiliar with TOR. I will look into that, can you point me to the exact browser (homepage) that you want to use? I will look into that, but that could take some time.
  11. Your iGPU is transcoding… What is wrong or what do you think isn‘t working? In Plex throttling is enabled by default and this causes such behavior, but pleasr let it enabled, it‘s enabled for a reason…
  12. @giganode hat die meine ich auch. Den könntest Fragen, der verwendet die mit Unraid bzw. in einer VM glaub ich.
  13. Ja, aber wie viele gibt es denn von denen? Gemini Man und Hobbit glaub ich. Aber selbst neben dem einen kannst noch 2x weitere "normale" 4K transcodieren.
  14. Loool, das ist doch dann ein wenig übertrieben aber die sind schon um einigeres sparsamer als die RTX Karten. Das liegt vermutlich an den Untertiteln die in der Datei drin sind, da kommt Plex nicht so gut damit zurecht soweit ich weiß aber ich bin kein Plex Nutzer... Vergiss auch nicht das Audio meistens mit transcoded werden muss. Hab selbst eine T400 in meinem (momentan kaputten) Test Server und die kann eigentlich alles. In meinem Haupt server hab ich aber einen i5-10600 und der kann auch ziemlich das gleiche wie alle Nvidia Consumer Karten.
  15. Naja wenn wir über HFR sprechen dann hast du recht, aber bei so hohen bitraten ist dann auch bei NVENC schluss, zumindest aus meinen tests heraus. Außerdem unterstützen die consumer Karten sowieso nur maximum 3 simultane transcodes.
  16. Warum die? Nur so für mein Verständnis?
  17. Was steht denn in Plex bei der Datei? Steht zufällig (hw) dabei. Du hast nicht gerade viele Informationen raus gegeben und auch nicht welches Eingangsformat die Datei ist. Bitte beachte das die GTX 750Ti eine wirklich nicht so gute Wahl ist vor allem weil die kein h265 kann und dort hast du dann auch schon Probleme. Ich würd dir eher zu eine Nvidia T400 oder einer Nvidia P400 raten wobei ich eher zur T400 tendieren würde weil die dann doch auf Turing basiert und du die neu mittlerweile für um die Eur. 100,- bekommen kannst. Die T400 hat einen Maximalen TDP von 35W, braucht keinen Stomanschluss und ist im Idle mit nvidia-persistenced wirklich eine Low-Power Karte.
  18. And is that an issue for you? have you tried it so far? I can‘t help either in your case, this seems like some kind of weird issue. I‘ve seen reports of hardware failures, others such issues where resolved by newer BIOS updates and even one where the power supply was the cause of the issue. Do you have any other card lying around which you can test?
  19. Please let me know if it is working on bare metal.
  20. In general I don't support modding because I even don't know what these two mods are. If the mod is not working with my container I can't help. You can try another container or you can try to set up the Conan server on bare metal and see if it works there. Conan is also running through WINE and this could also cause some issues.
  21. Have you yet tried to disable your AST onboard graphics card as suggested earlier and see if that makes any difference? Are you sure that you've enabled ReSizable BAR and above 4G Decoding? Please also try to re seat the card in it's graphics slot and re attach the external power connectors. I really can't tell what's going on on your system, it could also be the case that your graphics card is dying but that are all just guesses. It could also be that something doesn't play nice with each other on your system and that this is caused by some weird hardware incompatibility issue.
  22. Your Diagnostics are missing. But please after you've tried to transcode a file and when it's not working.
  23. Ich würd das im Support Thread @dlandon melden, sieht mir nach einem Fehler aus.
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