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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Does this happen on all devices or just on one device? What does exactly freeze? Audio, Video or both? Maybe try to create a screen capture or something like that and send me a PM with the capture. Does this happen with all media, h264, h265, h265 HDR?
  2. Sure thing, will change that in the next couple days, maybe I will build a small plugin page where the users can choose if it started automatically or not, by default auto-start disabled.
  3. 11th gen should work fine. Install the plugin "Intel-GPU-TOP" and try it. Currently only 12th gen (Alder Lake) makes problems.
  4. Does the default work? Can you send over the world so that I can try it on my machine? Have you changed anything else in the template? We are talking about the default Terraria server right?
  5. It is easier to rename the world file to the default name. Can you provide a log from the container?
  6. Ja, die sind nicht direkter der Verkäufer, simpler Reseller. Mir ist nur der auf die schnelle eingefallen. 😉
  7. Such mal nach InterSSL hatte ich früher meine Certs her. 😉
  8. Restart the server or restart the Array, both should fix the issue after a cold boot.
  9. I don't know if that's possible the easy way. If you find a way to do it, let me know. Stick to the linuxserver container if it's also working there. 😉
  10. That depends, if you want to play with your friends you can also start a local game on your PC and host the server on your local machine but the downside to this is that your friends can't play when you are offline and only you have the savegame... That's where dedicated servers come into play, you can host a dedicated server on your server and you and your friends can join whenever they like, or if you want to install mods that's also possible on dedicated servers.
  11. Please try to disable these two options in Jellyfin and try it again: Btw what card are you using for HW transcoding?
  12. Das wäre kein problem bzw kannst dich wegen dem sonst gerne nochmal melden. 😉 Ich hab bei meinem 10th gen System nochmal den Intel P-State powersave Governor aktiviert und das spart zumindest in meiner Konfiguration zwischen 8 und 10Watt. Jedoch ist das mit dem Governor so eine sache, beim einen funktioniert der besser, beim anderen der andere... Mit dem ACPI hatte ich nicht so ein Glück.
  13. You can stress test you CPU with CoreFreq, but please keep in mind that some users reported a crash on installation. Those crashes are caused because CoreFreq is written really near to the hardware and the developer doesn't have all different hardware out there on hand. CoreFreq also can deliver real time stats from your CPU and the main developer from CoreFreq fixes such issues nearly instanly, if they are reported by the users... You can always stop the Array in the first place bevore you install the plugin if there is a crash.
  14. Sehr gut, danke, sag mal hattest du die ganzen tweaks und autotune für Powertop aktiv als du getestet hast? Bzw gibt es auch tests ohne autotune und die tweaks?
  15. Why not buy a Nvidia T400? You can get it for about 140,- brand new, and consumes up to 35W
  16. Can you try to transcode a file for 30 seconds or so and then send me the log, you'll find the logs in the Server Dashbaord -> at the bottom Logs and then it should start with FFmpeg... What is set at Playback in the Jellyfin settings? Do you set it to NVENC? Also did you start over completely fresh or do you still use your old folder structure? Do you now use my container?
  17. Is this a experimental build? Maybe you have to turn that on for experimental builds but keep in mind that this will lead to longer start times from the container because it's validating the game files each time the container starts. Usually for stable branches it can take a while so that SteamCMD picks up the update and actually updates the game even if you enable validation, don't know what is causing this but some users having issues like that.
  18. GAME-NAME is actually the game name that Gold Source and Source games are using for knowing how to start and is a defined value by the developers. Glad that you've sorted that. You can change the name in the server.cfg, if non exists create it in: /mnt/cache/appdata/nomoreroominhell/nmrih/cfg/
  19. Probier mal den an zu schalten ob das Problem dann noch immer auftritt, manche Monitore werden erst erkannt wenn die an geschaltet sind. Hast du das evtl. mal früher gemacht mit dem VFIO plugin? 1987:5012 dürfte die Geräte ID eines Phison controllers sein, sprich NVME Ja/Jein, da du versucht hast auch die Adresse zu binden ist es schon möglich das dir dort irgendwas einen Schaden rein geschmissen hat, ich würd die vfio-pci.cfg mal bereinigen und einen neustart machen. Kann auch sein das im BIOS für die iGPU was nicht "richtig" eingestellt ist, der i915 Treiber auf Linux wird immer komplizierter und verursacht bei Alder Lake mal richtig probleme. Beim transcodieren selbst hattest du aber noch nie Probleme oder? Es wäre aber trotzdem interessant welche Meldung er am Bildschirm ausgibt wenn er crasht. Bitte berichte mal, nach einer Woche oder so ob das System noch stabil ist. Mich würde auch interessieren wie es aussieht wenn der i915 Treiber geladen ist, kannst ruhig wieder mit dem Intel-GPU-TOP plugin machen (spätestens bei unRAID 6.10.0 werden die Treiber sowieso wieder automatisch geladen). Hatte auf 10th gen noch nie das Problem das der Server crashed, hab selber auch eine 10th gen CPU verbaut:
  20. You will get a notification on every finished scrub like in the screenshot above regardless if you've set it on a schedule or if it is triggered by the plugin. If that's enough for you, you can remove all custom things that you've done to make it work.
  21. Danke für den Report aber das wäre mir neu das der i915 Treiber mit 10th gen Probleme hat... Hast du einen Monitor oder dergleichen dran am Server? Für was hast du die iGPU benutzt? EDIT: bitte pass auch noch deine VFIO Konfiguration an, dein Server vereucht beim booten noch das Gerät 2 zu binden was eigentlich deine iGPU wäre, das schlägt aber fehl weil die GeräteID nicht passt und der i915 Treiber dort schon geladen ist.
  22. Yes, because Nvidia dropped the support for such old cards now. Your card should be supported up to driver v470.103.01 (last stable "legacy" driver which supports these cards) which is actually available for 6.9.2. Anyways, please note that your card can only transcode h264, not h265 (Source) that's why I recommended the T400 to you because this is actually a new released card that is affordable and supports h265 and is not that power hungry as the K600.
  23. Not really, unRAID is at least in my opinion it's own Distribution with it's own (not all) packages and various fixes and customization,... The current test build from unRAID is based on Kernel version 5.15.16 and not like Slackware current that is based on Kernel version 5.15.19 (or even Slackware 15 is based on 5.15.19 from what I know). I think Kernel 5.16 is coming maybe sooner than you think because it introduces various fixes for Alder Lake mostly fixing crashes when the iGPU is used for transcoding in Emby/Jellyfin/Plex Docker containers. But keep in mind even if it comes to unRAID and you use for example the ZFS plugin from @steini84 you are out of luck because ZFS currently doesn't work on Kernel version 5.16+
  24. Please first of all turn of validation. Have you changed something in the container template itself, I'm not able to reproduce this on my machine: lambdawars.log An what machine are you running the container? CPU/Cores?
  25. Nop, a Qadro K400 isn't supported, I don't think that this card even has NVENC and is therefore not usable for HW transcoding. Did you read that in the syslog? The driver should tell you that. Even if I compile that driver for you, it won't work in Docker Containers because it's simply not supported anymore. I would recommend that you look out for a Nvidia T400 (you can get them brand new for about 140,-).
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