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Everything posted by JustinChase

  1. I'm not running beta, I'm running 6.1.9.
  2. Deluge is reporting a new version is available, but checking for updates did not offer any updates to the docker. I'm in no hurry, it's working fine for me, but just an FYI
  3. What do you have for your path settings in the docker setup? i.e. /data => /mnt/user/downloads
  4. Okay, weird, but okay. thanks for the info.
  5. I just updated the docker again, since there was a pending update, but I'm still running version 0.8.x Is there some reason no to update to version 1.0? I think they list it as the current stable version on their support site.
  6. Yeah, i figured. I got upgraded from 0.7.x to 0.8.x, even though I thought 1.x was the new latest stable. Did I do it wrong? I just checked, it seems there is a 1.0.0 version available now... http://forums.sabnzbd.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20382 I'm in no hurry, just checking.
  7. reboot didn't fix it. deleting the perms.txt file in the /mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbdvpn folder didn't fix it. deleting the sabnzbd.ini.bak file did seem to fix it. This file has since been recreated and i no longer see the messages in the log.
  8. I just updated this docker, and am still running unRAID 6.1.9. When the docker restarted, all of my downloads were lost. I repaired the queue, and they all came back, but it won't download. I checked the settings, and my password had gotten jacked up. I corrected, then tested the connection, and it's fine. But, i'm still getting these messages in the SABnzbd log... 2016-03-19 12:59:13,498 ERROR: Cannot create backup file for /config/sabnzbd.ini.bak 2016-03-19 12:58:40,475 ERROR: Cannot create backup file for /config/sabnzbd.ini.bak 2016-03-19 12:58:16,274 ERROR: Cannot create backup file for /config/sabnzbd.ini.bak 2016-03-19 12:58:07,449 ERROR: Cannot create backup file for /config/sabnzbd.ini.bak I've not looked too hard yet, but it seems to be some sort of permissions issue. I'm going to reboot the server now, but wanted to document this in case there is something that needs fixed that a reboot won't cure.
  9. I use port 1194 (not 1196) and us-east.privateinternetaccess.com for my delugevpn setup. I also don't see VPN_Protocol in your setup screenshot. Mine is set for UDP. Maybe these things are your issue?
  10. I assume by pfSense router you mean a computer with pfSense running on it. If so, then yes, it would work fine because it's not a limited router hardware CPU. If you tried to run PIA on an ASUS RT-N66 router, which is highly regarded as a good, fast router, you'd discover how slow everything gets. It just doesn't have enough power for real-time, high security encryption. Hopefully LimeTech allows the hooks needed for binhex to get his PIA docker solution working for us someday.
  11. +1 This type of solution is very much needed. Having the ability to choose which application uses the VPN provides a great amount of control and flexibility. As an example VPNing docker applications like Sickbeard, Sickrage, Sonarr, Couchpotato, Sabnzbd, to name a few, but not VPNing Plex Server since it has an issue with losing it's connection once a VPN connection is established. Hope to see this type of solution come to fruition in the future. OR... You can use your external firewall / router. Load a DD-WRT or Tomato firmware on your router and using the OpenVPN client & the active routing policies - you can "route" any number of specific internal source IP's out through the VPN. Keeps the networking on the edge and it is actully quite easy to set up (If I can do it! ;-)) My 2c, Did it. WAAAYYYY too slow. routers don't have enough CPU power for real-time encryption. I slowed my speeds by about 75%. The VPN really needs to run on a modern CPU, so inside a separate docker is the better solution. I'm looking at setting up a pfSense install for this very purpose, but an openVPN docker would probably work just as well.
  12. yes, but... After updating a couple of options in the notification settings (enabled docker update and array status), then saving, the spamming has stopped. Something must have gotten jazzed up somehow, but the issue now seems resolved. Weird, but okay Thank you so much for pointing me to a resolution!! You are a good internet citizen
  13. That's actually an easy question. Its the disk temperature / array status script. Why its failing I have no idea since there is no line reference in the log, but to begin with, I'd look at disk settings - Poll Attributes. Since the entries are happening every minute, I'd hazard a guess that the attribute is set to 60. After that, I'd check your notification settings and initially try disabling all notifications, and then re-set up your smtp settings / push settings. ha, easy for you!! I don't see anything in the disk settings that would update every minute (screenshot attached). I looked in notification settings also, but nothing seemed out of order there.
  14. sorry to keep spamming this thread I fixed it. I noticed that the network setting page in unRAID showed a MAC address that ended in D7, but my router had assigned the static IP address to the same MAC but ending in D5. I have 2 onboard NICs, and had previously been disabling one in the BIOS, but while trying to setup pfSense, I enabled them both again. As part of that same process, I'm excluding one of them to allow pfSense to use it. I must have excluded the one I had previously been using for unRAID. I have no idea why everything was mostly working (SABnzbd could download files fine). But I removed the D5 MAC from my router static table, and assigned the D7 MAC to the unRAID IP address, and BAM, I can ping google, and just installed a new plugin. frustrating, and pretty weird, but seemingly resolved now. Okay, now, so what's spamming my log file??? ***I just uninstalled ALL plugins, then rebooted the server. Still getting the messages... Feb 1 00:06:01 media crond[1696]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Feb 1 00:07:01 media crond[1696]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Feb 1 00:08:01 media crond[1696]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Feb 1 00:09:01 media crond[1696]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Feb 1 00:10:01 media crond[1696]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Feb 1 00:11:01 media crond[1696]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Feb 1 00:12:01 media crond[1696]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null I looked in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor but it's beyond my comprehension I think I've exhausted my troubleshooting skills now. Hopefully someone else can figure out what's causing this and help me fix it.
  15. I don't know where all these settings come from, but I just rebooted after updating the DNS in the network settings page. root@media:~# route -n Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UG 1 0 0 br0 U 0 0 0 lo U 0 0 0 docker0 U 0 0 0 br0 U 0 0 0 virbr0 why is br0 listed twice? Where did and come from? I don't have these assigned in my network anywhere. the docker0 set for is also weird, but I suspect it's correct, since I've never seen any IP quite like it, it seems too random to be a mistake.
  16. Sadly, no. Rebooting didn't help, I get the same errors. I feel like this is a bug. So, in looking around, it seems unRAID just cannot reach github... root@media:~# ping github.com -c 3 ping: unknown host github.com I changed the DNS settings in Network (which had been working fine for over a year) to my nearest OpenNIC DNS settings, still no luck. I then checked the router, and it had for all DNS server settings, so I added the OpenNIC settings there, and pinged github from the router and that worked fine. Checked unRAID again, and still cannot reach github. I had been trying to install pfSense, and did finally get it installed, but don't have enough NICs in the server to actually use it, so it's not even running right now. I suppose while trying to set it up it borked something, but I'm not sure what, or where to look.
  17. It does of the actual application (if the author in question supplies the md5 within the .plg file) In the case of an md5 mismatch, you'll see an error message to that effect during installation. Personally, I'd love to see something other than all those simple_xml errors which are rather confusing to users when the download of the plg is corrupted. So wouldn't a bad download trigger the hash failure scenario? I guess I'm not sure if I got a bad download or some other problem.
  18. Yeah, I wasn't sure if that was a document/download problem or an access/permissions/design problem. I would like to think the plugin manager verifies downloads md5 hashes before proceeding, but perhaps not. I'll work on this some more later this evening. I'd still like to know which plugin is spamming my log, so I know which one to try fixing.
  19. Well, i figured it couldn't hurt to just reinstall the plugins and see it that helped. The first one I tried was powerdown, and I got this... plugin: installing: https://github.com/dlandon/powerdown/raw/master/powerdown-x86_64.plg plugin: downloading https://github.com/dlandon/powerdown/raw/master/powerdown-x86_64.plg plugin: downloading: https://github.com/dlandon/powerdown/raw/master/powerdown-x86_64.plg ... done Warning: simplexml_load_file(): /tmp/plugins/powerdown-x86_64.plg:1: parser error : Document is empty in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 193 Warning: simplexml_load_file(): in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 193 Warning: simplexml_load_file(): ^ in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 193 Warning: simplexml_load_file(): /tmp/plugins/powerdown-x86_64.plg:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 193 Warning: simplexml_load_file(): in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 193 Warning: simplexml_load_file(): ^ in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 193 plugin: xml parse error That seems bad. I paused my download and tried again. Same errors. *I tried the next plugin and got the same error... plugin: installing: https://raw.github.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.active.streams.plg plugin: downloading https://raw.github.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.active.streams.plg plugin: downloading: https://raw.github.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.active.streams.plg ... done Warning: simplexml_load_file(): /tmp/plugins/dynamix.active.streams.plg:1: parser error : Document is empty in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 193 Warning: simplexml_load_file(): in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 193 Warning: simplexml_load_file(): ^ in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 193 Warning: simplexml_load_file(): /tmp/plugins/dynamix.active.streams.plg:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 193 Warning: simplexml_load_file(): in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 193 Warning: simplexml_load_file(): ^ in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 193 plugin: xml parse error
  20. Thanks for the heads up. I wonder which plugin is causing my specific issue, as I'd prefer not to uninstall and reinstall all the plugins if possible. Especially since unassiged drives handles my VM and docker images. Do I have to uninstall them before installing? I assume so, as it seems the point is to remove whatever is 'bad' about them, then install them fresh. I've previously removed several that I don't use that often, so I only have these 4 installed.... https://github.com/dlandon/powerdown/raw/master/powerdown-x86_64.plg https://github.com/dlandon/unassigned.devices/raw/master/unassigned.devices.plg https://raw.github.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.active.streams.plg https://raw.github.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.s3.sleep.plg I wonder if one of the ones I uninstalled is causing the issues instead?
  21. I did a search, but didn't find this exact thing, so sorry if I missed it. I'm getting these posted to my syslog every minute... Jan 31 12:31:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:32:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:33:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:34:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:35:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:36:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:37:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:38:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:39:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:40:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:41:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:42:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:43:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:44:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:45:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:46:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:47:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:48:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:49:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:50:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:51:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:52:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:53:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:54:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null Jan 31 12:55:01 media crond[1752]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dyanmix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null I'm guessing they are related to the Local Master plugin, which I had installed for awhile, but uninstalled a week or so ago.
  22. Hi binhex, I was going to ask for a (very low importance) favor of you. I've been using the gfjardim docker for owncloud and needos docker for mariadb, but he's gone AWOL, as you know, and OwnCloud is telling me there is a new version to update to, but I suspect he won't be back to update his docker for the new version any time soon, so... ...in all your abundance of free time (hehe), can you either take over, or create dockers for this (or both of these?) I'm in no hurry, it's working fine, I just thought it'd be nice to have it updated, and even better to have them based on your docker base, like pretty much all my other dockers. PLEASE no not feel compelled to do it, I completely understand that you may not want to take on any more work for yourself, but you've always been so generous with your time, I thought it worth at least asking. Thanks again, and take it easy.
  23. I was looking for a list of the changes in the new build, and ended up here... https://hub.docker.com/r/binhex/arch-sabnzbdvpn/ From there, there is a link to the support page, but it takes you to the old support thread, which you just closed. No big deal, just letting you know it didn't get updated in all your recent changes
  24. So, I've made some updates to my server; I replaced my (unassigned) SSD with a larger one, replaced my cache drive with a new one and added more memory. When I restarted the server, the cache tab was missing, so I had to stop the array then select my new drive for the cache drive. However, prior to realizing I had to stop the array to add the cache drive I saw it and the new SSD listed in the unassigned drives tab. After adding the cache as the cache drive, it is still showing in the unassigned drive tab. It didn't use to show the cache as an unassigned drive previously, so I'm not sure what's going on there. Also, I'm unable to open or format the SSD from the unassigned drive tab. I can see it, but can't use it now. I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but it's late, and I'm frustrated, so I'm asking for help. Thanks!
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