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Everything posted by mr-hexen

  1. I wouldnt assume that. If they did that for anything you'd think it'd be the Server installer, but nope.
  2. I wouldn't Its no different than posting plexpass versions.
  3. Standoff heights should be fairly standard as the I/O shield wouldnt fit properly if there was variation between cases.
  4. Using Chrome here.... I just get a big blank space.
  5. Or you can use plastic standoffs that don't require a hole at all.... https://www.google.ca/search?q=plastic+motherboard+standoffs&rlz=1C1WPZB_enCA709CA709&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwifi-atg_7RAhUk1oMKHQpADY8Q_AUICCgB&biw=1920&bih=960
  6. @bjp999, youtube links don't show up, realized this the other day to. I had to embed mine in quote or code boxes.
  7. Hi snoopin, Quick question: is there any felt impact from the upgrade in terms of your VM, performance, or anything with your USB devices attached to that controller? If not, the message is likely harmless, but curious if you can trace this back to any symptoms you notice when using the VM. I also get the same: 2017-02-05T13:30:01.642740Z qemu-system-x86_64: warning: Unknown firmware file in legacy mode: etc/msr_feature_control And my Ubuntu VM now is terribly slow and laggy. Trying to type in a terminal will yield something like: apt-get upgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg and just hang, then eventually come back. Very bad performance. Was smooth as butter prior to the upgrade of 6.2.4 -> 6.3.0. No config changes, just upgrade through webui. Ok, assuming this is over VNC. Can you try this solution from our upgrade notes to see if it fixes it for you? I was already on Q35 2.5, so I changed it to Q35 2.7 and I still have the same sluggish behavior, and same logs. And yes, I use the built in VNC interface. What about the vnc video driver? Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk Same stuttered behavior when changing from QXL to Cirrus. Just tested..... Can you repost diagnostics? Also please share your VM XML. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk Here you are (VM is off at the time of creation, as I can't use it) - I added a VM.xml inside the zip as well (note, I switched Video driver back since it made no difference). As a data point, I'm experiencing the EXACT issues with my ubuntu VNC VM. I've tried all types of combinations for machine type (440 v q35) and VNC driver (all 3). I even tried to create a NEW VM using ubuntu 16.04 and 16.10 and I can immediately tell the problem persists, dont even have to install the OS just in the installer it has issues. My Plex Media Player VM with HD5450 passthru seems to be working just fine. During the Ubuntu installer, the initial part that is a text only menu works fine, it's only when the GUI is loaded.
  8. Thanks Gary. I was at pc-q35-2.5, however the key-presses did not work as expected. Manually changed the XML to 2.7 and my ElementaryOS VM is back to humming as hoped for. edit: spoke to soon. the keypresses are now working, however it takes 7 seconds for each press to register ;( Too tired to dig ATM. edit 1: Ok... 1 dig solved this. The VM defaulted to using QXL after the 6.3 uprgrade rather than CIRRUS for the VNC driver. The QXL VNC driver is a DOG on performance Outside of this, the update has been smooth on 2 machines nice work LT This is the issue (delayed response in VNC from input) that I am seeing. I've tried all 3 VNC drivers (vmvga, QXL, cirrus). Tried changing q35 to 2.5, 2.6, 2.7. I'm even seeing this behaviour on new ubuntu VMs running 16.10. I've tried i440, OMVF, SeaBios, etc. and results do not change.
  9. Anyone else see a significant performance degradation in VM's? I have a ubuntu 16.04 vm that I use a test platform for learning linux. I always have used it via VNC and its been OK (usable), but since 3.0 its dog slow. I have 2 cores assigned, 2GB ram, Q35-2.7 (tried 2.5 and 2.6), none of these settings changed since 6.2.4.
  10. If anyone is owed anything, it's binhex who made this awsome container.
  11. The IP address is, and it says the same under eth0 when I run that command. There is this warning in the log, I'm not sure if this is the issue, what it is or how to fix it: [warn] iptable_mangle module not supported, you will not be able to connect to ruTorrent or Privoxy outside of your LAN [info] Please attempt to load the module by executing the following on your host:- '/sbin/modprobe iptable_mangle' OK, so the LAN_NETWORK entry is your problem. From your supervisor log This should be
  12. The IP address is, and it says the same under eth0 when I run that command. There is this warning in the log, I'm not sure if this is the issue, what it is or how to fix it: [warn] iptable_mangle module not supported, you will not be able to connect to ruTorrent or Privoxy outside of your LAN [info] Please attempt to load the module by executing the following on your host:- '/sbin/modprobe iptable_mangle' You can try, but I've assumed these attempts to connect are from within the same network?
  13. Are you sure you've set the subnet access correctly? what is the IP address of your unRAID server? run this command from a command line prompt: ifconfig Either 'br0' or 'eth0' will have your unRAID ip address.
  14. Didnt know you had that in the FAQ, FYI, the "code" is missing a quotation at the start of the second echo command.
  15. OK firstly your in the wrong thread, this is for delugevpn not rtorrentvpn, so any replies in there please. So taking a look at your logs that is a successful start, there is nothing wrong there, are you attempting to connect to the webui from inside your lan yes? You would need to connect using http://<your unraid servers IP>:<host port mapped to 9080> I can assure you the VPN dockers I have authored are not "broken". Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk Well I'm using the delugevpn so I figured I'd post in the delugevpn support thread. My mistake. Anyway neither 9080 or 8112 work for the webui. 8112 being the port used in the webui shortcut. edit: Starting it without the VPN enabled works. I can access the ui perfectly. edit2: Got it working. Did your solution have to do with enabling then disabling VM's ?
  16. Some GPU's don't like soft resets (that is rebooting the VM, not the entire serve) as this might not properly re-init the GPU. If you haven't already, try rebooting the server then starting the VM.
  17. aaand its $150 in Canada, seriously, WTF. https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811112339&cm_re=lian-li_pc-q25-_-11-112-339-_-Product
  18. Gary, if you dont mind how big (sqft) is your house? When comparing things like utility cost, size, among many many other factors, is relevant. I am in a 1300sqft townhome and my hydro (electric) bill ranges from 120 in the winter to 200 in the summer.
  19. I give up -- what does that ("hydro is crazy") mean, and what does it have to do with getting a rack ?? Also, if you have room for a large SuperMicro rack-mount chassis, it would seem you have room for a rack ... at least a small one [e.g. a 12U open rack: https://www.amazon.com/12U-4-Post-Open-Rack/dp/B0037ECAJA ] Hydro = electricity. We live in Ontario, aka land of the highest electricity rates in North America, thanks to our premiere Orval Redenbacher, I mean Kathleen Wynne.
  20. I believe you can use regular SATA cables on the SATA Express plug to get 2 regular ports: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQEvOr55Pf8
  21. It depends on the player. I use Plex and its in the settings area.. Sometimes its called "buffer" or "network buffer".
  22. Also, try increasing the cache on your player. I have my players set to 75MB of cache which allows for a good chunk of streaming interruption before issues occur.
  23. According to your signature, the cache disk is a WD spinner. I see you have a mSATA SSD as well.. what is being used for what? SSD is king for high I/O.
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