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[Support] A75G - Blueiris

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/8/2021 at 3:51 AM, knaks said:

I have this working with a custom resolution (1920x1080x24) by editing /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf in the Docker console:



command=/usr/bin/Xvfb :0 -screen 0 800x600x24



I opened the Docker console and am unable to edit the above mentioned file as I cannot seem to find an editor like nano.  Can you briefly explain how to edit the file?  Also, unles I am looking in the wrong place I do not see this file???

Edited by Shesakillatwo
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I have tried this docker container twice over the past few months and neither times has BlueIris actually opened. The docker container starts fine, i am able to see the noVNC feed and access the desktop, but nothing ever comes up, when right clicking, and selecting anything in the BlueIris applications tab, none of those commands do anything, and nothing shows in top either. 

Does this container actually work without pre-configuration? Or am I completely missing something that allows BlueIris to start? Any help would be appreciated as I am trying to dump Zoneminder for something that works and doesn't seem to have constant issues.

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On 7/11/2021 at 4:04 PM, TheOgre said:

I have tried this docker container twice over the past few months and neither times has BlueIris actually opened. The docker container starts fine, i am able to see the noVNC feed and access the desktop, but nothing ever comes up, when right clicking, and selecting anything in the BlueIris applications tab, none of those commands do anything, and nothing shows in top either. 

Does this container actually work without pre-configuration? Or am I completely missing something that allows BlueIris to start? Any help would be appreciated as I am trying to dump Zoneminder for something that works and doesn't seem to have constant issues.

I did manage to get this installed after a few tries.  Appears to need to start and install some required items and Blue Iris in the docker during the install?  It only extracted about half the Docker files then I waited and started the Web UI to finish the install.  I did specify an unraid share for recording which works fine.  I am running 12 2MP cameras.


Only having two problems so far.  

1.  Cannot connect to the server from the Android Mobile App.  Not really sure why?

2. CPU sits at around 40%, but periodically pegs to 100% with pretty much all of that being from the Blue Iris docker.  Not sure why this happens...


Otherwise this seems to be working OK.  I am running an i7-3xxx so not the most powerful machine.

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@Shesakillatwo what is your setup details?


Ive been running it for a few weeks now, and its mostly ok. Its frozen a few times for me, but Im not sure if thats due to my meddling. Ive set my docker up with an IP on br0, and have no issues connecting to it from the BlueIris app on my mobile.


My server runs on Ryzen 5 2600X. I got about 9 dockers running, and BlueIris is using around 2%-3% with 4 cameras. I ran BlueIris in demo mode for a while to test, but my impression is that it works a lot better registered as a docker. Well worth the price as well.




A bit on the side, I recently set up deepstack for motion trigger using these two excellent guides.

Configure BlueIris as demonstrated here:



For the deepstack part, use this guide:



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/18/2021 at 3:04 PM, squarebob said:

@Shesakillatwo what is your setup details?


Ive been running it for a few weeks now, and its mostly ok. Its frozen a few times for me, but Im not sure if thats due to my meddling. Ive set my docker up with an IP on br0, and have no issues connecting to it from the BlueIris app on my mobile.


My server runs on Ryzen 5 2600X. I got about 9 dockers running, and BlueIris is using around 2%-3% with 4 cameras. I ran BlueIris in demo mode for a while to test, but my impression is that it works a lot better registered as a docker. Well worth the price as well.




A bit on the side, I recently set up deepstack for motion trigger using these two excellent guides.

Configure BlueIris as demonstrated here:



For the deepstack part, use this guide:



I Switched my Blue Iris Docker my docker to use an IP on br0, and I have no issues connecting to it from the BlueIris app on my mobile now.  Good suggestion.  I am still however periodically seeing my CPU Climb to 100% and hang there.  This is an older machine running an I7-3770k CPU with 16GB Ram.  It is working about the same as my Physical Blue Iris Server except for the periodic Spikes.  I removed all the other Docker Container to ensure it is not some kinda conflict issue which I am not even sure is possible. 


I did also look at the videos you suggested and they were pretty cool.  May head down that path once I get things a bit more stabilized!    Thanks again for all your help and suggestions!

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On 5/17/2021 at 9:43 AM, Wicked_Chicken said:

Hello. I've been having problems with this freezing/not responding and it does not appear that updating the app (BlueIris) works. Can this be resolved. So happy BI is in a docker! Thank you!

I would like to update the Blue Iris APP within the docker container.  However, when BI shuts down to install an updated version, before the update can complete BI is starting again in the container and this causes the update to fail.  Is this possible to update BI?  I ask because I appear to be having some type of memory leak with the current version in the Docker.  

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Another question.  The Current BI Docker seems to be having some memory issues which I am unsure how to Troubleshoot.  in the Below image you can see how my memory utilization suddenly shoots up twice in a 12 hour period.  As it peaks CPU has issues and things become unresponsive on the machine.  After the second spike I shut down the BI Docker and everything remained stable for 24+ hours.  I have no other dockers running at this point while I troubleshoot.  Any thoughts on how to fix this or troubleshoot?




Also I noted that  an older version of the BI App seems to always install with the Docker.  Is there a way to force a newer version to install as there are much newer versions of 5.x available as noted below.  



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All of this assumes the "jshridha/blueiris:gpu" repository is being used (template default, for me at least).


Updating Blue Iris:


You can update the Blue Iris app itself by temporarily disabling the autorestart from supervisord. The file /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord-normal.conf contains the supervisord config in normal mode.


The problem is that there aren't any common text editors in the docker image, so you need to install one (or use sed if that's your thing). Just remember every time you update the docker or edit/save the docker settings, this will reset and you'll need to install nano again. So to install one from the docker command line (or 'docker exec -it blueiris bash' from the unraid terminal): 


apt update
apt install nano
nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord-normal.conf
  • Use the arrow keys to go down to the bottom of the file.
  • Under the [program:blueiris] header, change autorestart=true to autorestart=false.
  • Press ctrl+o then enter to write changes.
  • Press ctrl+x to exit.
  • Restart the container.


At this point you can go to the web vnc interface, check for updates and install as normal.  If you use the UI3 web interface, you have to update that as well.

  • Minimize the blue iris app (down arrow in the upper right, just like windows)
  • Right click on the desktop and choose Applications -> Blue Iris -> Install Latest UI3.

Alternatively, this part can technically be done on the commandline instead:

unraid terminal:
docker exec -it blueiris runuser -u wineuser /home/wineuser/get_latest_ui3.sh

or, docker image terminal:
runuser -u wineuser /home/wineuser/get_latest_ui3.sh


I suppose you could automate that part on container start, but I don't know the consequences of updating UI3 independently of Blue Iris itself, so I just do it manually every update.


Don't forget to set autorestart=true in the supervisord-normal.conf file when done, otherwise blueiris will not recover if it crashes (it's wine, it will crash eventually).


Service Mode Quirks:


Also, to anybody who wants to run this in service mode, just to not have xorg/vnc/fluxbox and the blueiris console running in the background, there's some stuff you need to take care of.

  • First make sure the UI3 web interface is set up and working, it will be your only way to access blue iris from your PC in this mode (obviously).
  • Enable the service from blue iris options -> startup tab, once the service option is checked (or sometimes after clicking OK) it might appear to be locked up, just hit ENTER on the keyboard (there's supposed to be a prompt that isn't being displayed properly, yay wine).
  • Then click OK to close the options dialog. DO NOT RESTART THE CONTAINER YET!
  • To work around another wine quirk or blue iris bug you'll need to edit the service entry in the registry (there's a missing quote ' " ')
Unraid terminal:
docker exec -it blueiris runuser -u wineuser wine reg add "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\BlueIris" /v ImagePath /t REG_SZ /d "\"C:\Program Files\Blue Iris 5\BlueIris.exe\"" /f

Or, docker image terminal:
runuser -u wineuser wine reg add "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\BlueIris" /v ImagePath /t REG_SZ /d "\"C:\Program Files\Blue Iris 5\BlueIris.exe\"" /f


Back in the unraid web interface:

  • Docker -> blueiris -> edit to get to the config for the docker image.
  • Click the "BASIC VIEW" toggle to switch to advanced view. 
  • In the "Post Arguments:" field enter:
    -c /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord-service.conf
  • Save.

It should rebuild and restart the image. The VNC interface will not work, but the UI3 web interface should come up fairly quickly.


Removing the "Post Arguments:" content will revert back to normal. This also removes the service entirely, so you will need to start over and re-enabling it in blue iris itself to go back to service mode if desired.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/25/2021 at 8:04 PM, tobytl said:

Don't forget to set autorestart=true in the supervisord-normal.conf file when done, otherwise blueiris will not recover if it crashes (it's wine, it will crash eventually).

So after a few weeks I have some observations and questions.  It appears that some times when I start this docker blue Iris appears to be starting but never full does start up and the CPU sits at 100% till I stop the docker.  Once stopped if I restart it it starts up fine most of the time.  In addition I upgraded from 16GB of RAM to 32GB.  The docker now seems to use about 8-10% less CPU.  I do though still see the Docker occasionally climb in memory use till it falls over as shown above.  Some times it does this a few hours after starting the Docker and sometimes it does after a few days.  This has not improved updating BlueIris.  So based on your comment above I was curious if this could be a Wine issue rather than a Blue Iris issue.  I know nothing about wine so if this is possibly the case any idea how to troubleshoot this?


It does seem odd no one else has reported this issue???

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/19/2021 at 3:37 PM, Shesakillatwo said:

So after a few weeks I have some observations and questions.  It appears that some times when I start this docker blue Iris appears to be starting but never full does start up and the CPU sits at 100% till I stop the docker.  Once stopped if I restart it it starts up fine most of the time.  In addition I upgraded from 16GB of RAM to 32GB.  The docker now seems to use about 8-10% less CPU.  I do though still see the Docker occasionally climb in memory use till it falls over as shown above.  Some times it does this a few hours after starting the Docker and sometimes it does after a few days.  This has not improved updating BlueIris.  So based on your comment above I was curious if this could be a Wine issue rather than a Blue Iris issue.  I know nothing about wine so if this is possibly the case any idea how to troubleshoot this?


It does seem odd no one else has reported this issue???

I experience this as well on occasion when restarting the docker. Docker uses around 70% CPU. When I check the web interface, only the BI splash screen shows. I need to restart the docker probably around 2-4 times to get it out of this loop. 




On 10/1/2021 at 1:00 PM, Rimpe said:

Any ideas why I am getting this after fresh docker install.

Screenshot 2021-10-01 at 13.43.49.png

I have not experienced this problem, but does it consistently reoccur if you remove the docker and folder associated with it, and reinstall?

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On 10/7/2021 at 9:50 PM, squarebob said:

I experience this as well on occasion when restarting the docker. Docker uses around 70% CPU. When I check the web interface, only the BI splash screen shows. I need to restart the docker probably around 2-4 times to get it out of this loop. 




I have not experienced this problem, but does it consistently reoccur if you remove the docker and folder associated with it, and reinstall?

I actually ended up just intalling MS server 2016 VM and been actually more than happy with the native solution.

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I have never set up an Unraid VM before but am definitely open to trying it.  Our of curiosity if you happen to know, how is the CPU usage on the VM when compared to the Docker?  my Docker runs at about 40% CPU utilization unless the Gui is open in which case it seems to go up 8-10%.  Just curious how it compares if you had actually run the Docker Version.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So I took the leap and set up Blue Iris with a Window 10 VM on the Same unraid Server I was running the Blue Iris Docker.   I stopped the Docker and have not yet deleted it. I was also able to copy my config with the .reg file to the new VM and only had to make a few changes!  I was very surprised and happy with the outcome.  First, I run the BI Service on the VM so the Gui is not always running.  I start the Gui when I need to make changes but leave it off otherwise.  I access the cameras and normal things from my Mobile app.   I found running just the Service I actually had about 5-10% bettter CPU Utilization on Server when compared to the Docker.  If I start the GUI on the VM it goes about 10+% higher than the docker but again, I only run the GUI to make changes and adjustments.  This said, If things continue to be stable and I have no issues over the next week or two it is my intention to delete the Docker and stay with the VM.  I will ost a message after I have tested a while and made that decision.

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On 10/27/2021 at 10:10 PM, hunter69 said:

Can you share your vm specs?  Like number of cpu's pinned.  Ram  Did you setup Deepstack AI?

So I am using an old Asus Motherboard with an Intel® Core™ i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz that I had laying around.  I upped it to 32 GB of Ram.  I currently have 12 1080P cameras connected to the system.  


I set up the Blue Iris vm using 6 of the 8 cores ( 1/5 2/6 3/7 ) leaving the 0/4 Cores for other things.  I did also try it on only 4 cores but decided to leave it at 6 because when I run the GUI to do updates to Blue Iris I felt the CPU Utilization went a bit higher than I wanted. I am not yet using Deepstack and not sure I will.  I was mainly trying to duplicate my old Stand alone Blue Iris Box with hopefully better performance.  While I don't remember specifics I would say the performance is similar if not a bit better than the stand alone.  Below is a plot of the two weeks or so since I mad the change.  Average CPU for the Server sits around 35%-40% with only the Windows Service Running and goes up to about 55%-60% with the Gui open.  So far no spikes or restart issue and none of the 100% CPU issues.  The fact that it has been Rock Solid Stable is one of the main reasons I moved away from the Docker.  Downside is I had to buy a windows 10 Key but that was only $29 USD.  Worth the trade off.....




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What is the newest stable version of BI anyone is able to run?

I tried multiple times, disabling the autostart, 5.2.2 and 5.2.1 both seem to break BI.

I stopped activating my license after a while. until I can get a newer version running and a backup of the Docker container.

Also I don't see Deepstack in the Wine BI.

Does it show up after a successful update?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Seems to perform very well - but i got a problem

Webinterface gives several "Size" errors after around half an hour. After that its not accessible anymore.

Even restarting the docker, array or system does not fix this. tryed to stop/ start the webserver inside BI

Web UI is simply white after that

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