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[Support] binhex - Syncthing

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Container path can/needs to be the same, but you need to adjust the unraid side path. Obviously now everything in a given syncthing folder has to lie on the same physical disk unlike previously, and you'd need to consolidate before changing anything if it isn't.

Edited by Kilrah
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After the latest update, my binhex-syncthing container refuses to start. Get the following in the log files. Any ideas how can this issue be resolved? Thanks

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/supervisord", line 33, in <module>
    sys.exit(load_entry_point('supervisor==4.2.5', 'console_scripts', 'supervisord')())
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/supervisord.py", line 359, in main
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/supervisord.py", line 369, in go
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/supervisord.py", line 72, in main
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/options.py", line 1501, in make_logger
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/loggers.py", line 327, in info
    self.log(LevelsByName.INFO, msg, **kw)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/loggers.py", line 345, in log
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/loggers.py", line 227, in emit
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/loggers.py", line 275, in doRollover
    self.removeAndRename(self.baseFilename, dfn)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/loggers.py", line 250, in removeAndRename
    self._rename(sfn, dfn)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/loggers.py", line 235, in _rename
    return os.rename(src, tgt)
OSError: [Errno 5] Input/output error: '/config/supervisord.log' -> '/config/supervisord.log.1'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/supervisord", line 33, in <module>
    sys.exit(load_entry_point('supervisor==4.2.5', 'console_scripts', 'supervisord')())
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/supervisord.py", line 359, in main
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/supervisord.py", line 369, in go
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/supervisord.py", line 72, in main
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/options.py", line 1501, in make_logger
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/loggers.py", line 327, in info
    self.log(LevelsByName.INFO, msg, **kw)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/loggers.py", line 345, in log
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/loggers.py", line 227, in emit
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/loggers.py", line 275, in doRollover
    self.removeAndRename(self.baseFilename, dfn)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/loggers.py", line 250, in removeAndRename
    self._rename(sfn, dfn)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supervisor/loggers.py", line 235, in _rename
    return os.rename(src, tgt)
OSError: [Errno 5] Input/output error: '/config/supervisord.log' -> '/config/supervisord.log.1'
Created by...
___.   .__       .__
\_ |__ |__| ____ |  |__   ____ ___  ___
 | __ \|  |/    \|  |  \_/ __ \\  \/  /
 | \_\ \  |   |  \   Y  \  ___/ >    <
 |___  /__|___|  /___|  /\___  >__/\_ \
     \/        \/     \/     \/      \/

2024-08-02 11:56:08.714489 [info] Host is running unRAID
2024-08-02 11:56:08.726229 [info] System information Linux 9a146909e976 6.1.49-Unraid #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Aug 30 09:42:35 PDT 2023 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2024-08-02 11:56:08.740237 [info] SHARED_NETWORK not defined (via -e SHARED_NETWORK), defaulting to 'no'
2024-08-02 11:56:08.753825 [info] PUID defined as '99'
2024-08-02 11:56:08.799071 [info] PGID defined as '100'
2024-08-02 11:56:08.854223 [info] UMASK defined as '000'
2024-08-02 11:56:08.867045 [info] Permissions already set for '/config'
2024-08-02 11:56:08.881617 [info] Deleting files in /tmp (non recursive)...
2024-08-02 11:56:08.900323 [info] Starting Supervisor...
2024-08-02 11:56:09,010 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/syncthing.conf" during parsing
Created by...
___.   .__       .__
\_ |__ |__| ____ |  |__   ____ ___  ___
 | __ \|  |/    \|  |  \_/ __ \\  \/  /
 | \_\ \  |   |  \   Y  \  ___/ >    <
 |___  /__|___|  /___|  /\___  >__/\_ \
     \/        \/     \/     \/      \/

2024-08-02 12:02:08.336438 [info] Host is running unRAID
2024-08-02 12:02:08.348897 [info] System information Linux 9a146909e976 6.1.49-Unraid #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Aug 30 09:42:35 PDT 2023 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2024-08-02 12:02:08.362191 [info] SHARED_NETWORK not defined (via -e SHARED_NETWORK), defaulting to 'no'
2024-08-02 12:02:08.375645 [info] PUID defined as '99'
2024-08-02 12:02:08.389932 [info] PGID defined as '100'
2024-08-02 12:02:08.423587 [info] UMASK defined as '000'
2024-08-02 12:02:08.436841 [info] Permissions already set for '/config'
2024-08-02 12:02:08.450793 [info] Deleting files in /tmp (non recursive)...
2024-08-02 12:02:08.468738 [info] Starting Supervisor...
2024-08-02 12:02:08,554 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/syncthing.conf" during parsing


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I am getting an inotify error with 


"For the following folders an error occurred while starting to watch for changes. It will be retried every minute, so the errors might go away soon. If they persist, try to fix the underlying issue and ask for help if you can't.  Support

Immichfailed to setup inotify handler. Please increase inotify limits, see https://docs.syncthing.net/users/faq.html#inotify-limits"


I have searched but little info on how to increase inotify limits on a container?


Can anyone offer any advice please?

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10 hours ago, Flixlover said:

I downloaded synchthing and it's prompting me to a username and password but I haven't set up one. How can I reset it? 

So you did not set any password in the syncthing web ui and yet its prompting for username and password?.

This is what i see on first startup, did you set authentication and then forget what you set it to?:-


If i click on OK from the above screenshot and do nothing else and then restart the container i get no prompt for credentials.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've had this problem a few times now and probably time to see if I can prevent it.


I have about 18TB synced between my unraid server, another unraid server and a Windows PC.  I transferred the main unraid server from one chassis to a larger one, which makes all the hard drives change physical ports, but still present and accounted for and unraid sees all disks and can start the array no problem.


The previous time I moved hdd's around, unraid's syncthing was saying there was like 10TB of files to be sync'd and it takes days and days to resolve itself. It doesn't appear to be sucking CPU and network speeds are in the Kb/s. But took like 4-5 days to reach 100% sync.


Today, after moving the motherboard to the new chassis yesterday, it was saying around 400GB was out of sync with the other unraid server and 4TB was out of sync with the Windows PC and it's been around 77% sync'd since almost 24 hours.  Given that the data shouldn't have changed on the Windows PC or on the unraid hard drives, I'm not sure wtf syncthing is doing all this time. Or even why it didn't have the same amount of data showing unsynced between the second unraid server and windows PC.


Best case, I figure out what is happening and prevent it.

Alternatively, I'd like to see what can be done about speeding up the resyncing.


Anyone have any idea why it thinks a bunch of files are out of sync?






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Are all your paths through /mnt/user and not individual disks?

Did you make sure time on the new machine was set correctly before starting array/syncthing? I'd think that's the most likely cause, new machine hadn't gotten NTP yet, syncthing saw date/time mismatches...

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8 hours ago, Kilrah said:

Are all your paths through /mnt/user and not individual disks?

Did you make sure time on the new machine was set correctly before starting array/syncthing? I'd think that's the most likely cause, new machine hadn't gotten NTP yet, syncthing saw date/time mismatches...

Correct, only using:
/media <-> /mnt/user
/config <-> /mnt/cache/appdata/binhex-syncthing


I can only check now, but time is within a second from my second unraid box. The server was off for like 1-2 days (same motherboard, just different chassis and hdd ports used), I don't think that would have been enough to drift more than a few seconds, but this is probably the best lead I have.


It appears that the syncing isn't progressing. I'm going to have to enable more verbose syncthing logging to find out what it is doing. It is stuck on something and not working itself out.



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Update: Today, both unraid and my Windows PC upgraded syncthing to 1.27.12 and both sides now appear to be slowly syncing again. The out of sync counts are both decreasing slowly, as opposed to not decreasing at all the previous 24hours+.


Sounds like I ran into a bug at 1.27.11 and 1.27.12 corrected it. I'll need to check for release notes at some point and see if I can confirm.


Edit: All, a parity check is running (slowly), so that likely isn't helping, either.  I've been getting unclean shutdowns from rebooting from webGUI. I've increased the graceful shutdown time from 90 to 120 seconds, hopefully that was my issue with dockers running and so on.

Edited by CaptainMorganCrunch
parity check also running
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