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I just lost operating system

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13 minutes ago, vid1953 said:

So i figure see what shows up after its done.

What you have now is what you will have when its done. Nothing parity can do about this. When you build parity, you will have protection again but what will be protected is what you currently have on the disks and what you put on the disks going forward.


Something got rid of your data. Even if your parity disk didn't need to be replaced and parity was completely valid, your data disks would be empty and parity would agree they were empty.


13 minutes ago, vid1953 said:

Do i have to wait to install the plex docker?

You can install plex but doesn't look like you have any media for it to work with.


Depending on how your data was wiped it might be possible to try to recover files from those empty disks. Some people have had success with UFS Explorer.


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Parity is a common concept in computers and communications. It is basically the same idea wherever it is used. Parity is just an extra bit that allows a missing bit to be calculated from all the other bits.


Parity contains none of your data. Parity just allows a single missing disk to be rebuilt based on the contents of all the other disks.

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20 minutes ago, trurl said:

Parity is a common concept in computers and communications. It is basically the same idea wherever it is used. Parity is just an extra bit that allows a missing bit to be calculated from all the other bits.


Parity contains none of your data. Parity just allows a single missing disk to be rebuilt based on the contents of all the other disks.


Well so much for that idea.

The concept of the security of myr files turned me to Unraid and if something were to happen to a disc, it would be recovered after the new disc was installed. I can deal with the loss of the movies but I did have some family videos that i cant replace. 

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1 hour ago, vid1953 said:

The concept of the security of myr files turned me to Unraid and if something were to happen to a disc, it would be recovered after the new disc was installed. I can deal with the loss of the movies but I did have some family videos that i cant replace. 

That is basically how it does work. If a disk fails, its content can be rebuilt from parity PLUS ALL the other disks. And that is how parity works in any system where it is used. Parity contains none of your data, just extra bits that allow a missing disk to be recalculated from all the other disks.. 


There are lots of more common ways to lose data besides a failed disk, including user error. You must always have another copy of anything important and irreplaceable. Parity is not a substitute for backups, whether using Unraid or some other system.

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I looked at it and at this point i will just start from scratch. I did have some things I found on some other drives I had.

My question now, Was the hack a virus? Is it still in any of those 25GB of files on my disc 1 ? I could not find and folders

that had any video files. So why use up 25GB? Also write corrections to parity is checked. Do I leave that checked?

I set up to have a parity check once a month. 

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25 GB is just filesystem overhead.


The usual recommendation for parity checks is noncorrecting unless you specifically want to correct parity. If there are sync errors then you would run a correcting parity check unless you have some reason to suspect another specific disk or some other problem. 


Most likely cause of your file loss is someone got into your server and formatted your disks 



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I have been sitting here looking at youtube videos and still trying to understand what I am doing. Then when Im done, is my server really secure? did I do it right? This is not what I really want to be doing all day. There has to be someone I could pay, that would VPN in and help set this up. I really have no desire to sit and play with this server. I had a friend talk me into doing a Plex unraid server, which he set up, because it would protect your hard drives and all your files. Well that didnt help me when someone came in and deleated everything. 

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1 hour ago, vid1953 said:

will be able to access plex

Are you talking about accessing Plex remotely?


The only way to do this is to forward external port 32400 (the default) or another external port to port 32400 on your server or Plex IP address.  This DOES NOT make your server insecure.


For remote access and management via the unRAID GUI, you will need to forward ports for WireGuard, OpenVPN, etc. for secure VPN access to your server.  This DOES NOT make your server insecure.


Limetech has also provided an early access plugin which offers several new features including secure remote access.  It has a few issues still being worked out, thus the early access label, but will be another good alternative for securely accessing your server.  I personally plan to stick with WireGuard.


Forwarding ports is not inherently insecure.  In fact, it is required it for proper LAN/WAN networking.  You just have to be careful which ports are forwarded and how they are used.


See this post for some information on test you can run to verify your server security.

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