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Running docker-safe new perms automatically?

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Hi All,

The Plex docker is creating files on my system (when creating optimized versions) with correct user/group, but incorrect permissions (0444).


Wondering if there's a way to fix the Plex docker to create new files with 0666, or just run docker-safe new perms automatically with user scripts once a week or something?


Any ideas?

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You'd probably get a better response by asking in the support thread for your particular container (Plex is a popular application and there are several to choose from). Some containers have a permissions mask that can be changed but still ought to work with the default settings unless you have some unexpected customisation. Running a permissions repair regularly would fix the symptoms but leave the actual problem unresolved, so isn't a good solution.


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The issue is that the files created work perfectly fine within the docker, so it's not an issue they need to fix within the docker.  The issue exists when viewing/modifying the files outside of the docker in unRAID.


The docker user (nobody) has rw permission on all created files.


The issue arises when I'm trying to manage the created files from another PC attached through the network that doesn't use the nobody user for access so unraid deny any attempt to rename/move the files until I adjust permissions.  I expect that the group bits need write permission to work properly (all unraid accounts are group users afaik).

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4 minutes ago, trurl said:

Docker safe new permissions makes owner nobody just like most files on Unraid. 


Your problem is with Windows access of the share 

Well not specifically windows, any network user is the same.  Can't do anything with my Mac over the network either as remote connections don't have the permissions.  How would I fix it?

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  • 1 year later...

Happened across this post. I have exactly the same problem.


The container I am using, as far as I can tell, does not implement anything regarding UMASK on files created inside the container. As such, while the files are owned by 'nobody', the permissions are "nobody drwxr-xr-x". The share that is being written to does have public access. But, while users on the network can view and copy files/folders, they just can't do anything else. They can't edit or delete anything.


As I mentioned, I believe this is down to the containers DEV not implementing the UMASK functions. I suspect that there may be other DEV's that miss this as well. In my case I am using Seedsync and the DEV has been MIA for quite some time and this problem persists.


As a possble solution, if there was a way to inotify specific folders and trigger a New Safe Permissions process on it, that would be great. Would solve a lot of peoples problems. Yes, I know you can do that easily with a script. Alas, I and many many others are not scripters and would risk breaking our Unraid server in the attempt to create such a thing. Hence why we went the Unraid route to begin with.


I will say that getting started in Unraid has opened me up to so many new things and has taught me a lot. But I am not at the level of creating a script, getting it into Unraid and telling Unraid to run it on a regular basis.

Edited by aglyons
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24 minutes ago, Squid said:

just run a script on a schedule.


/usr/local/sbin/newperms /mnt/user/nameOfShare

alternatively you can also do

chmod -r 0777 /mnt/user/nameOfShare



Hey @Squid,

Thanks for jumping in here. And, not to be snarky. But I think you missd the part in my post that aluded to not having a clue how to do that.


1 hour ago, aglyons said:

. Alas, I and many many others are not scripters and would risk breaking our Unraid server in the attempt to create such a thing. Hence why we went the Unraid route to begin with.


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