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Chia farming, plotting; array and unassigned devices


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The native backup tool that comes with Windows 7 and up, including the server versions, is solid as a rock, especially when you want to do disaster recovery.


My production servers use it exclusively.  Also works flawlessly, and Any-Monkey-Can-Do-It, even with native encrypted drives.  I have recovery down to a single USB stick, plus the backup drive obviously, and some ridiculously simple instructions, which predominantly consist of "click <NEXT>" about 6 times. :D

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part that's killing me right now with his drive move, is USB 2.0 is all that's on this machine :(

currently doing a restore to the target disk, connected to another box, so I can get 99% of the work done before moving it into the 'production' farm.  I'll take a folder snapshot of all the .coin folders, then just restore that into place when I make the move.


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1 minute ago, TexasUnraid said:


It is but it is so much work 😪

less work than rebuilding from scratch, at least in my case.

all these customer VMs on this server... I need retardedly simple restore procedures, even for myself, as it'll be stressful enough if this thing smokes itself.

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Lucky for me my home setup is just personal data, worst case I get some angry looks around the dinner table lol.


As long as I have backups of all the data itself, it is not a big deal if it takes a day or 2 to get everything back up.


I got out of IT a long time ago due to the stress, I kept up a lot better with that stuff then.

Edited by TexasUnraid
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I refuse to use an HDD for the boot drive for the last ~10 years. I got my first SSD around 2008 and never looked back. I quickly upgraded every pc in the house to SSD's.


It is amazing what it does even for an old system. I have an old laptop with a core 2 duo from 2006 that is still usable for basic web browsing etc with an SSD. With the stock HDD it lived in the closet for many years it was so slow.

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Had lots of problems with IO sending farm response times through the roof when I had my final directory on the array.

Ended up creating a RAID0 array of 2x HDD as a faster "final" directory, then transferring to array with rsync + ionice.

I am now running 4 plot transfers at a time with zero impacts to response times :D

As long as all dirs are mapped to the chia app (and added in its config), there is never any plot downtime

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12 minutes ago, TexasUnraid said:

I would love to have multiple pools or another unraid license so I could setup the plots on unraid. I am almost running out of drive letters in windows right now lol. Plus selecting a single dir is a lot easier then 20+

I'll be super bummed if multi array isn't in the 6.10 release, I really want to isolate my chia adventures from my other data.

Unraid itself has solved so many issues others have struggled to resolve without using 3rd party tools.


FYI, you can mount drives into a folder, instead of as drive letter to get around the windows drive letter limitations.

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Ambient temperature is about 73F

All are inside the 1U case, except as noted.


     Temperature : 28 C (82 F)
     Temperature : 27 C (80 F)
     Temperature : 28 C (82 F)
     Temperature : 26 C (78 F)
     Temperature : 28 C (82 F)
     Temperature : 28 C (82 F)
     Temperature : 28 C (82 F)
     Temperature : 28 C (82 F)
     Temperature : 43 C (109 F) SSD in a poor air flow spot in the case
     Temperature : 25 C (77 F)
     Temperature : 25 C (77 F)
     Temperature : 25 C (77 F)
     Temperature : 25 C (77 F)
     Temperature : 28 C (82 F) laptop drive outside connected, in free air
     Temperature : 41 C (105 F) outside USB connected drive


I'd say, this NR12000 does a remarkable job keeping the disks cool.

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This is getting out of hand...


Tue 07/13/2021 22:07:45.31
   -Total Balance: 0.0 avo (0 slice)
   -Total Balance: 2500.0 cgn (2500000000000000 mio)
   -Total Balance: 2.000001500136 xch (2000001500136 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 0.0 xdg (0 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 12.0 xfx (12000000000000 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 12.0 xfl (12000000000000 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 200.0 gdog (200000000000000 dog)
   -Total Balance: 30.0 xgj (30000000000000 moji)
   -Total Balance: 46.0 hdd (46000000000000 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 18.0 xka (18000000000000 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 28.0 xse (28000000000000 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 10.0 tsit (10000000000000 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 48.0 spare (48000000000000 graviton)

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