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Server becoming unresponsive

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 minute ago, trurl said:

Problems with multiple disks. Probably controller or maybe power, splitter.

Yeah I know about that issue. Some of these disks (particular model) don't like being spun down, that's only a recent change though as this strange crash was happening before I set the to spin down. I have a post on the HD subject 


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  • 4 weeks later...

Last thing logged before reboot as you may have noticed was Parity Check Tuning plugin. Does it happen if you remove that?


Also notice you have 100G docker.img. That is usually a sign of misconfiguration by the user, especially since you are actually using 70G of that 100. 20G for docker.img is often more than enough.


The usual cause of filling docker.img is an application writing to a path that isn't mapped.


What can be even more fatal is filling rootfs, since that is where the OS files are and will typically break the OS. One way to fill rootfs with a misconfigured docker is by specifying a host path that isn't a disk or user share.


You also have a large number of .cfg files in config/shares on flash. That suggests you may have accidentally created user shares at some time, perhaps by specifiying a path to the top level of a disk or /mnt/user.


You might try monitoring rootfs to see if you are filling it.


What do you get from the command line with this?

df -h


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I've removed Parity Check Tuning plugin as of now.

I've got a rather large collection of containers, it's mainly the databases and PVR ones that are large. It's always been around 70G and is fairly constant. Having had the issue you described last year it usually just stops the docker service from running. In this case the UI completely crashes, I can't even reset by SSH, I need to use IMPI to reset the machine. I'll start going through the containers just to check the oaths anyway.

Here's the command output


root@Ultron:~# df -h
Filesystem                 Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs                      63G  1.7G   62G   3% /
tmpfs                       32M  5.9M   27M  19% /run
/dev/sda1                  7.2G  948M  6.3G  13% /boot
overlay                     63G  1.7G   62G   3% /lib/modules
overlay                     63G  1.7G   62G   3% /lib/firmware
devtmpfs                    63G     0   63G   0% /dev
tmpfs                       63G  264K   63G   1% /dev/shm
cgroup_root                8.0M     0  8.0M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs                      128M  3.4M  125M   3% /var/log
tmpfs                      1.0M     0  1.0M   0% /mnt/disks
tmpfs                      1.0M     0  1.0M   0% /mnt/remotes
/dev/md1                   5.5T  2.0T  3.5T  37% /mnt/disk1
/dev/md2                   5.5T   40G  5.5T   1% /mnt/disk2
/dev/sdb1                  224G  187G   38G  84% /mnt/cache-docker
/dev/sdf1                   11T  5.2T  5.8T  48% /mnt/cache-downloads
/dev/sdi1                  932G  264G  669G  29% /mnt/cache-files
/dev/sdd1                  932G  6.6G  925G   1% /mnt/cache-media
/dev/sde1                  932G  6.6G  925G   1% /mnt/cache-tv
shfs                        11T  2.1T  8.9T  19% /mnt/user0
shfs                        11T  2.1T  8.9T  19% /mnt/user
/dev/loop2                 100G   69G   30G  70% /var/lib/docker
/dev/loop3                 1.0G  6.1M  903M   1% /etc/libvirt
//     43T   37T  6.3T  86% /mnt/remotes/
// Drive   43T   37T  6.3T  86% /mnt/remotes/ Drive
//      43T   37T  6.3T  86% /mnt/remotes/
//      43T   37T  6.3T  86% /mnt/remotes/


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1 hour ago, Mr_Jay84 said:

I've removed Parity Check Tuning plugin as of now.

The parity check tuning plugin never does nothing that can directly cause the system to become unresponsive, although it could be that a running parity check can cause this.   The plugin periodically runs a monitor task to see if there is currently a parity check in progress so it is not abnormal to see entries in the syslog relating to this.  Having said that I see that the version of the plugin you have installed is a few release out-of-date.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

What CPU are you running???  First time I've ever seen this without it actually stating what it is....

Vendor ID:                       GenuineIntel
Model name:                      Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 2.00GHz

It's obviously a Xeon, but what model and what stepping?


Does the system event log happen to show anything (in the BIOS)

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