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does using an app like Krusader bypass the Minimum free space setting?

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oh ya forgot.. it was running a Parity Check at the same time i was doing the copying..  i do not know if parity checking and Copying with Krusader at the same time..

i found i was having issues with Rsysnc too..   as i was working on my user scripts  while  parity checking was going on..


now when rysnc ran it   it was to create folders or files..  Krusader was able to see these folders.. but rysnc couldnt... when i went to the terminal  and cd /........ to the actual directory.. that folder/ file wasnt actually there....  and then krusader stopped working as a docker.. you couldnt shut it down or when you restarted it didnt work


i dont know if that had a factor to the issues.. and i waited till unraid was done parity checking..  maybe it was the issues it went down to 100meg.. i didnt think of adding to it..

but it was before i was doing my sisters krusader copy.


but its fine you dont believe me  if it ever happens again ill make sure i take screen shots.. cuz it happened... unless the Main page was incorectly displaing wrong free space..

thanks for listening and helping so far... if it happens again ill make sure i grab screen shots.. cuz i know what i saw and was dealing with i not crazy... 🙂


always learning 🙂



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Minimum Free doesn't mean always keep that amount free.


It means if a disk doesn't have at least Minimum Free, choose a different disk.


If a disk has more than Minimum, the disk can be chosen regardless of how large the file becomes.


Example: Minimum is 10G, disk has 15G free. If you write a 10G file, the disk can be chosen because it has more than Minimum. If the disk is chosen the disk will have 5G remaining after the 10G file is written. After that, the disk won't be chosen again because it has less than Minimum.


Example: Minimum is 10G, disk has 15G free. If you write a 20G file, the disk can be chosen because it has more than Minimum. If the disk is chosen, it will run out of space and give an error.

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Please refer to my topic here:

I am running into the same problems again and again with different configurations. Also tried to exclude one disk, but nevertheless Krusader fills up the disk and does not jump to next disk in array. While seemst to be working well via SMB file transver from another machine.

There must be something wrong either with Krusader or with Unraid 6.10RC1.


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1 hour ago, matty2k said:

Please refer to my topic here:

I am running into the same problems again and again with different configurations. Also tried to exclude one disk, but nevertheless Krusader fills up the disk and does not jump to next disk in array. While seemst to be working well via SMB file transver from another machine.

There must be something wrong either with Krusader or with Unraid 6.10RC1.


I would expect problems with that restrictive a Split Level setting.


In Krusader what access mode has been allowed for the Access to the Unraid shares?   I believe that you want it to be R/W slave (although I do not see how that being wrong can cause your symptoms).

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1 hour ago, matty2k said:

There must be something wrong either with Krusader or with Unraid 6.10RC1.

Please try doing the same thing with Midnight Commander (mc on the console), that will confirm if there's an issue with Krusader or some other thing.


I did repeat the test I did yesterday with v6.10, since before I did it with 6.9.2, and the first time I did it with Krusader it did go well beyond the minimum free space set, curiously a 2nd try after rebooting worked as expected, so there might be something there.

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15 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

and the first time I did it with Krusader it did go well beyond the minimum free space set

Looks like under certain circumstances, e.g., if a new share is created, and then minimum free space is set, it doesn't take until next array start, and this happens with Krusader or MC, so you might want to try that also.

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Well, I just restarted the whole server and tried another copy of files and the transfer started to the correct disk this time (I did not change anything n the sharesettings after restart).

By the way, meanwhile I also have split level set to split as needed (before restart too) and this did not make any difference.

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  • 1 year later...

This Krusader app is so confusing. See the screenshot. Why is Krusader showing 28.6GB when I'm 100% certain that this path has like 10 TERABYTES available? The share below is a dataset on a ZFS POOL. This wrong capacity is preventing me from copying a batch of files in excess of 28.6GB. 



Edited by doctortt
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