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Intel 12th generation Alder Lake / Hybrid CPU

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9 hours ago, ich777 said:

Try to turno off transcode to h265 in the settings menu.

Are you using my container or the official one, haven‘t tried my container yet on Alder Lake.

I tried switching over to the official one and I can't even start the setup on that one. It just says that it can't connect to it. I'm useless. LOL

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I'm on 6.10.2-rc3 with an i7-12700k.


I'm not interested in Plex transcoding, I made the hardware upgrade so I could transcode content for archival storage and I finally decided to take the jump and try it all out tonight.


I've ran


echo "blacklist i915" > /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf  


, installed Intel GPU Top + GPU Statistics, and installed Unmanic with the device specified in extra parameters. I have a task set up for hevc_vaapi (INTEL/AMD), hevc_qsv (Intel) and libx265 (CPU) to test things out.


I thought I was going to have to install the new kernel to get results but I did a little initial test before I intended to do this and got results from all three. I only saw activity on GPU statistics for the vaapi/qsv tasks and to confirm this when I removed the /dev/dri device from the extra parameters those two tasks failed. It seems beyond doubt that I am transcoding with hardware.


Am I good? Will I get better performance through being on the new kernel? Is something going to not work that would work if I was on the newer kernel? What's happening?

So I'm not interested in transcoding in Plex, what I want to do is use transcode content for archival storage with something like unManic, Tdarr, etc.


I've never actually passed through any GPU to anything in Unraid and

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2 hours ago, accelaptd said:

I'm on 6.10.2-rc3 with an i7-12700k.

Why are so many people on 6.10.2rc3?


6.10.2rc3 is older than 6.10.2... ;)


2 hours ago, accelaptd said:

I thought I was going to have to install the new kernel to get results but I did a little initial test before I intended to do this and got results from all three. I only saw activity on GPU statistics for the vaapi/qsv tasks and to confirm this when I removed the /dev/dri device from the extra parameters those two tasks failed. It seems beyond doubt that I am transcoding with hardware.

Can you post screenshots and maybe what you've tested? Do you mean you've tested with Unmanic?


2 hours ago, accelaptd said:


At time of writing Plex crashes Alder Lake systems when using the iGPU for transcoding.

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Well I thought I may just get lucky with my mobo CPU combination but it wasn't to be so I will heed the advice from now on and wait 


12th Gen Intel® Core™ i5-12600K
official Plex app


crashes Unraid almost immediately on transcode. 

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Hace 1 hora, derek_zoolander dijo:

¿Es solo plex lo que bloquea la iGPU de alderlake? Tengo un 12600k, pero estoy principalmente interesado en usar mi iGPU para máquinas virtuales, tdarr, etc., ya que el 95 % de mis transmisiones plex son de reproducción directa.


¿Alguien puede comentar sobre la estabilidad de unRAID cuando plex no está configurado para usar iGPU?

With direct transmission you have no problem, it is stable with plex, without (HW)

Edited by xXx
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jellyfin did end up crashing eventually with this in the log.  Not sure if its related or anything as there was no active transcode occuring, however playback may have been occurring in the browser (I was letting movies run in the background).  UnRAID remained stable throughout though


16:47:41] [FTL] [65] Main: Unhandled Exception
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. (Parameter 'index')
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Remove(T item)
   at Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.WebSocketController.OnConnectionClosed(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__128_1(Object state)
   at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.<>c.<.cctor>b__6_0(QueueUserWorkItemCallback quwi)
   at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.Execute()
   at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
   at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart()


Edited by derek_zoolander
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On 6/8/2022 at 2:21 AM, ich777 said:

@flyize can you please test if Jellyfin is working on your system and not crashing it? Currently I think the ffmpeg version from Plex is the issue...

I believe this too.  On the chinese forums they have stability with jellyfin.  Have had it since RC4.  And the only thing they did was replicate what was previously discussed in the forum and follow the brief guide I threw togeather on what i did.  

Edited by Cajones
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I thought it is already known for long that the current Plex containers are using a broken intel compute runtime (that's why they removed the automatic update of the runtime for the new Plex pass version)



You can try the new kernel with this Plex container lsiodev/plex:amd64-  which is using an older compute runtime which is not broken

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1 hour ago, dchamb said:

Thank you for the reply. I will move forward with my plan to upgrade my current system with an Alder Lake cpu and a NVIDIA graphics card.

Wish that was more reasonably priced without hassles.  If you want 4k HEVC transcodes, and no transcode limit... Fairly significant money for capability you already have :(

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