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Unraid stops responding, requires hard reboot


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My Unraid server, seemingly randomly, will stop responding and hang, and then require a hard reboot to get up and running again. During this hang, there is no output from the local video adapter, the server network interface is not ping-able, and nothing its running responds.

I've tried troubleshooting by setting the output of syslog to the flash, but there is nothing in there of any concern, in fact it doesn't seem to log any warnings about the hang.


The latest example shows the last log entry on the 21st at just after 8pm, however it was definitely working up until midnight of that day. this morning I woke up and it was fully hung, requiring a hard reboot, and this is where the log picks up again. the last few log lines are probably me updating a few containers I have running on it.


Could I get some more pointers on how to troubleshoot this please? is there a log I am missing somewhere that might be of some use?




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Config stays the same, you may have to redo your cache drives but that's it. I downgraded by replacing everything on the usb drive except for the config folder. (ran out of rollbacks trying multiple 6.9 versions. Its cheaper than buying replacement hardware if you don't find another fix. MAke sure you have the ram at the recommended speed for the cpu, disable c states, make sure you don't have anything funky with power supply power control etc.

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  • 5 months later...

I too have the same thing. Randomly just reboots, nothing in the logs that pertains to any issue. @john014, did you ever figure out what was causing this? The last log entry for me is:

Mar 4 03:49:46 UnRaid emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdo

And the next is after I powered it back up, and the system was starting. It has done this for quite sometime, and it is super annoying. Is there any sort of additional debugging we could enable?

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How long should it take to reboot? A similar thing happened to me -- I was logged out, cache drives wouldn't show up, in-progress file transfers aborted, and the login popup wouldn't come back up. So, I figured I might as well reboot (I'm just getting things setup and transferred over so the server isn't really in use yet), and now it's been sitting on the REBOOT screen for "1251" seconds (?). That seems excessive, no?


Edit: I just did the "dangerous" thing and hard powered it off. After rebooting, logs indicated a problem with the attached USB drive I was copying from and after disconnecting it, it booted fine.


This has been a bit of a finicky setup process, but hopefully things smooth out once it's all done.

Edited by no-thanks
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Thanks! I do have an attached monitor, but there was nothing on the screen when I switched inputs over. I didn't have my monitor on the Unraid box's output when I rebooted, so I didn't see what may have happened in the process. I haven't gotten the onboard GUI working properly yet.


It seems something happened to the external HDD during the copy process, because now Unraid and my Mac won't recognize/mount it. It's possible it died, it was pretty old. Nothing of import on it, fortunately, just some easily replaceable media files.

Edited by no-thanks
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On 3/4/2022 at 3:11 PM, hamish_18 said:

I too have the same thing. Randomly just reboots, nothing in the logs that pertains to any issue. @john014, did you ever figure out what was causing this? The last log entry for me is:

Mar 4 03:49:46 UnRaid emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdo

And the next is after I powered it back up, and the system was starting. It has done this for quite sometime, and it is super annoying. Is there any sort of additional debugging we could enable?



I think we had different issues - as mine was a lockup. It seemingly fixed itself with no changes made by me. The only thing that would have changed would have been the docker containers I have running - but if a container can bring a system to its knees then somethings wrong...


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12 minutes ago, john014 said:

if a container can bring a system to its knees then somethings wrong

A misconfigured container can fill rootfs and cause unpredictable OS behavior since the OS lives in rootfs and needs space to work. Any volume mapping that isn't actual host storage is in rootfs.

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