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LSI Controller FW updates IR/IT modes

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Run that one too and this one gives 'doesn't support revision (3)" I actually have a revision B2...

I think with the newer revision you may be able to directly flash the newest LSI firmware with the older dell sas2flsh.


Well I actually got past firmware download successful :) Now reprogramming the adress and see if it works!

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Ok this are the files that made me do a succesfull flash on the D2607 Fujitsu controller (ordered januari 2014 from fujitsu)





and then after starting up in dos I did

megarec -writesbr -o sbrh200.bin


megarec -cleanflash -o

end then I used

sas2flash.exe -o -sasadd SASADDRESS -f 182118IR.BIN -b 18mptsas2.rom


This will actually not flash the bios but that's no problem :)


After that I used the latest flash utility + bios + firmware (P18 in my case) and just did

sas2flash.exe -o -f 2118IR.bin -b mptsas2.rom

everything went well and I was able to go in to the bios and configure my raid without the slow shit from Fujitsu...


Only one port (4 disks) works after this method!




It took me about 4 days to get this working, making this by far the most expensive 'raid' controller I have ever owned... And it's still a slow peace of shit. I will never ever buy one of this crappy cards and or buy anything from LSI ever again in my life. For twice the amount you get a decent real raid controller from Areca or 3Ware making it even possible to do RAID5/6/50/60 and I will stick with 3Ware and Areca for the rest of my life from now on!


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Only one port (4 disks) works after this method!


This is not good!

I heard this issue from another guy I have been in touch with. But he flashed with another tool - not the sasflash or megarec.

Don't remember at the moment...


What about jimpa?

Jimpa, you flashed the D2607 also. Are your both ports working with the IT firmware?

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Thanks, then you got the exact same problem as me ...I cant even find a way to back to the original d2607 fw due to missing instructions.

I have now also a card working with only one port on the card.. with 4 disks. The other 4 never shows up neither in bios.

Crap! Why cant the other port be activated?

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It has to be a way to get around this.

I feel that the sbr file is from a card that has only got one port and that can perhaps be the problem?


I have tried with 2-3 sbr files of different name like h200a.sbr, sbrempty.sbr, empty.sbr, sbr1015.sbr and I can flash it but still only one port get active.

Is there any other toll that can fix this second to be activated.

The port it self is not broken its just that the flash made it wrong  :o

Someone?  :'(

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he flashed with another tool - not the sasflash or megarec.


The flash utility that was used is called lsiutil.


Here is what he wrote:

Try LSIUTIL, it`s powerful tool.

There`s no need to clean flash and no need to remember sas adress, even if it`s windows command line...

In my case... There was no problem to flash any FW to D2607, the problem is non-working "B" SAS-port with IT-fw...

Then he did this:

I tried all IT- & IR-firmware but SAS-port "B' didn't work with all... With original FW both ports work...

As a result I flashed controller with 9240-8i FW and I found and used this: http://mmurayama.blogspot.de/2013/02/setting-up-jbod-with-fujitsu-d2607-raid.html

Passthrou mode works fine...


Unfortunately the 9240-8i is not IT firmware and most certain won't work with unraid!

But you could at least flash something else on the card...

Another thread to flash something else on that card.

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Ordered the LSI 9200-8e and LSI 9201-16e to play with - both SAS 2008 chip based.

Let's see if they can be flashed with the zip package provided in the first post of this thread?!


You can get the latest IT/IR mode firmware directly from LSI. Crossflashing is only for rebranded cards as far as I know....

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Need help here - trying to flash a 9240-8i to 9211 IT.


No problems erasing existing flash and SBR, but when I try to flash the new firmware, which results in a firmware download failure. I can flash back to 9240 original .rom, but can't complete the 9211 flash.


I've already tried using the included SAS2FLSH and d/l both the old P07 and the new P18 version from LSI. Same result. Any ideas on how I can fix this?


Advanced Mode Set

Adapter Selected is a LSI SAS: SAS2008(B2)   

Executing Operation: Flash Firmware Image

	Firmware Image has a Valid Checksum. 

	Firmware Image compatible with Controller. 

	Valid NVDATA Image found. 

	NVDATA Device ID and Chip Revision match verified.
	Valid Initialization Image verified.
	Valid BootLoader Image verified.

	Chip is in RESET state. Attempting Host Boot...
	Firmware Host Boot Successful.

	Writing Current Mfg Page 2 Settings to NVRAM.
	Updated Mfg Page 2.

	Resetting Adapter...
	Adapter Successfully Reset.

	Chip is in RESET state. Performing Host Boot...
	Firmware Host Boot Successful.

	Beginning Firmware Download...
	Firmware Download Failed!

Due to error remaining commands will not be executed.
Unable to Process Commands.
Exiting SAS2Flash.

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I was not able to do so using his toolset.

master.h, can you give more details, where my instructions failed?


So it's been quite awhile, but I just got around to trying to flash another H310. Fireball, I ran into the same issue this time as I did last time. Everything goes swimmingly up until Step #14 (which you have labeled as Step 5.3 to flash the P16 IT-firmware). I get an error message Firmware Returned Exception. IOCStatus=0x25, IOCLogInfo=0x0. Due to error remaining commands will not be executed. Unable to Process Commands. Exiting SAS2Flash.


Here is a link to a picture of the error: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ucbcoj66ii44p1p/2014-02-14%2013.42.49.jpg


Here is a picture of the controller itself. It came brand new from a Dell T3500 or something similar, never been used: https://www.dropbox.com/s/54n8dfqzc8qlk46/2014-02-14%2013.43.15.jpg



Also, your instructions indicate that the SAS address will look like 500605bxxxxxxxxx. Mine does not look like that, according to the text file that's output in 1.bat.

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OK guys, here are my flashlogs that I recorded when I flashed the last 3 H310 controllers.


Sice I don't have your logs, I leave it up to you to evaluate them.

Perhaps you can find a significant detail that prevents your cards from being flashed?



So you were successful in flashing the P7 firmware?

Have you tried the newer P17 with the according sas2flash?



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So you were successful in flashing the P7 firmware?

Have you tried the newer P17 with the according sas2flash?


I wasn't able to flash any of the firmware in the toolset you posted the first time through. I ended up cobbling together my own thing and flashing the Dell HBA IT firmware. I only tried the P16 this time. Will try the other two in your toolset and see if I can find the P17 firmware as well.

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I had a question posted in the General section, and been advised to ask instead here...


I have the LSI MegaRAID 9240-8i...


What is the latest known operational (in unraid) version of BIOS, firmware and configuration (IT/IR)? What kind of performance do you see in your setup?


I've spent lots hours trying /but couldn't crossflash it with the latest sw from either one of these:





I've got it running at the moment with an earlier version of LSI software (after trying all the packages posted on this forum and other sites - thank you for sharing your work & experiences!), and ignoring the errors I get when i use the recommended tools... The motherboards I have (H8SMi-2, and M5A99x EVO R2.0) give errors/warnings when following the process outlined by many. Screenshots: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1sz6dbrb48xr4zt/IMG_0121.JPG



Anyway, after going through different phases - either missing the controller entirely (in unraid), or one of the ports - it is now running. The performance is rather disappointing, and I'm not sure what contributes to that.  The maximum I saw in a parity check was about 60MB/s. Hence my earlier questions.


Some other experience with the same card, in the same setup, but loaded with the original RAID software: I have a spare drive loaded with Linux Mint v16 x64, I just plugged it into the same system, and booted that image, instead of that of unraid. 


Mint has absolutely no problem recognizing the RAID controller (loading mptsas driver) and reporting all the harddrives (individually - w/o any prior setup, just disabled card bios at boot time). I see all of them in Dolphin file manager, and if I click on each the browser opens them one by one and I'm able to explore all directories and all files w/o any issue. I ran reiserfsck on them, w/o any problem. I didn't do any performance check, but what a relief to be able to use it as is, out of the box. Why can't unraid do the same?


Is mptsas driver is not available in unraid/slackware? It must be, and using it would save us endless cross-flashing torments?


Looking for some enlightenment and a stable solution ...


Thank you



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I'll update my previous post because I just tried again to flash P18 of 2118IT.bin

Unlike the previous results, this time it worked, and my controller is now running P18 firmware. Performance wise, no change... still disappointing. Parity check speed varies between 30MB/s and 60MB/s - more on the low speed...


More details:

Since 2 days ago I've been on P16, after going in many circles - I'm not sure how I got there, but I'll try to remember and, if of any interest, add to this thread my experience.


I had a stable P16 firmware loaded. No bios.

One of the tools is reporting the controller now being a SAS2008 B2 hardware version, whole originally it was reported as B3. I'm not sure if this matters, and how much it matters.


To perform the latest upgrade I booted in dos, and used the command (without any other preamble):

sas2flsh -l logfile -o -f 2118it.bin

followed by

sas2flshg -o -sasadd 500605bxxxxxxxxx

right after.

Both terminated successfully.

Both the firmware and the utility to flash it onto the card were from LSI site (LSI SA9211-8i)

After flashing I just rebooted back in unraid and everything works alright.


From the same place i downloaded also sas2ircu, and there is a version for each OS. Since there is a 32 bit version for linux, i just copied it on unraid memory stick, and I can run it from there.

I'm attaching its output for info (running the command ./sas2ircu 0 display ctrlinfo.txt)


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Thanks, Fireball3.

Interesting read. Perhaps that is it then.


Everything hooked up to the controller is listed in the file attached to my previous post (8 drives). The controller is plugged into the PCIe x8 slot on a Supermicro H8SMi-2 motherboard. 

I have no hard drives connected to the m/b at this moment.


Unfortunately I realized that I continue to have a problem with my system, thought of being gone:

I still have to figure out what is causing a humongous number of UDMA_CRC errors, on a couple of my hard drives. Those alone can slow everything down. Besides my data is at risk as well. I had them before getting the controller, when I had the drives connected to the motherboard, but not too many - well.... in the hundreds.

Now that I moved all the HDDs to the controller, the number of UDMA_CRC errors (SMART report) jumped up 20 fold! The SMART report still says that the drive is healthy, and it may be, but I have to figure out where the errors come from, or replace the hard drives.


Since I've changed the cables connecting to the drive, my next suspects are  http://store.antec.com/P/hot-swap-module-for-df-85/0-761345-30757-4.aspx (where the HDD plugs into), or perhaps the interface on the drives themselves, or the power supply.


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