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Unbraid Community Help

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I’m brand to to Unraid, I literally installed it 2 days ago. After initially setting up my array, ( and installing the Community App, Plex & Krusader) one of my drives showed up as missing and I didn’t know how to remove it from the array so I reloaded unraid on my usb drive and ran the set up again for a new array. However, now I can install the Community app and Plex and Krusader are visible on my server, but the don’t have the option to open the web UI. Any help is appreciated as I really want to stick with Unraid (especially since I paid for a license) but if I can’t fix the issue I feel I might have to revert to a Windows PC with a bunch of drives to get access to my Plex media server

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If you look at the screen shot for my hexbin-krusader Docker, you will find a support link  in the dropdown menu.  I don't see one in yours.  If you installed it from the APPS tab, there should be a support link in the listing for the version you are using.  Ask there about where the Krusader GUI is. 


If you don't find the answer, you could consider switching to the Docker that I am using...    

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3 hours ago, Fdaley said:

Below are screen shoots of the error I get when trying to install the Community Application, and the menu I see when I left-click on Krusader and Plax

Community Applications Error.PNG


Open the GUI terminal Window (the    >_   icon on the right of the toolbar).  Type type the following command



A Control-C will stop it.  If that works, try this command:

ping cnn.com


IF these two both work, you have full Internet access from your server.  Try the install again.  (It is not summons that these servers will be down.)

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