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Connect access to preview releases?

Go to solution Solved by Kilrah,

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Hi All

I finally have a backup/test Unraid server and would like to update this server with the new preview 6.13.0-beta.1

But when I go to the Unraid connect update like instructed here:
I just get this:

Going to Option I get this:


Pressing Next:



Please advice on how to test 6.13 (I would like to test Intel ARC support and need this release to do this 🙂 )


Option 2 – Prereleases / Changing release branch
Many of our users like to run our release candidates (RCs), which are on our "next" branch of releases.

This will be the method for you if you want to test these releases.

Go to Tools → Update OS or click Check for Update in the top-right dropdown, then choose More Options in the modal that appears.

Clicking one of these links will take you to account.unraid.net to look at new OS release options.

The new updater has an account sign-in requirement for downloading “next” releases. We made this change to ensure that users don’t accidentally swap into the next branch and that everyone running a prerelease has a forum account to provide feedback.
The new updater now supports multiple releases of a “mainline” branch. For example, we can potentially release a Stable 6.12.x along with a Stable 6.13.x release.


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