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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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No problem, just glad to be getting some help figuring it out. (and the plugin is definitely in /boot/config/plugins)

The output from that is


root@Tower:~# ls -l /boot/config/plugins/

total 8

drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 8192 2012-06-07 17:12 Notifications/


Feel like I'm being light on details so if it makes a difference I am on unRAID OS version 5.0-rc3, have the Simple features and Plex plugins installed.


I don't see the file being listed in the result set.  Is that the total output returned from the command?  I'm only seeing 1 item, not 8.  Perhaps try posting the results of the following is that is all that is truly returned:


ls -la /boot/config/plugins/


If you still only get one result from that command it is possible that your flash drive is corrupt. 

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I am not refering to the plugins or apps, but rather the plg files, when updates are made to teh plg file, there is no way to know it's been updated unless you return back to this forum, and even then once you click update PLG, there is not indication that the PLG file was updated and what the current version.

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No problem, just glad to be getting some help figuring it out. (and the plugin is definitely in /boot/config/plugins)

The output from that is


root@Tower:~# ls -l /boot/config/plugins/

total 8

drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 8192 2012-06-07 17:12 Notifications/


Feel like I'm being light on details so if it makes a difference I am on unRAID OS version 5.0-rc3, have the Simple features and Plex plugins installed.


I don't see the file being listed in the result set.  Is that the total output returned from the command?  I'm only seeing 1 item, not 8.  Perhaps try posting the results of the following is that is all that is truly returned:


ls -la /boot/config/plugins/


If you still only get one result from that command it is possible that your flash drive is corrupt.


Ye, that's the total output. When I run the above I get

Tower login: root
Linux 3.0.31-unRAID.
root@Tower:~# ls -la /boot/config/plugins/
total 40
drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 8192 2012-07-05 18:39 ./
drwxrwxrwx 5 root root 8192 2012-07-15 17:30 ../
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6148 2012-07-05 18:39 .DS_Store*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 2012-06-07 17:12 ._.DS_Store*
drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 8192 2012-06-07 17:12 Notifications/


That would be annoying if it's corrupt as it's not been running long. I guess I can just backup my settings and restore them if I redo the flash drive?


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Influencer - Back at post 280 you were looking at an option to get everything in one place. Not asking to sound like i am chaseing you, just wondering if there was an update on any progress you might have made as not seen a mention since? i know you are a very busy guy.


And just as an update my plgs seem to be sorting themselves out, at last boot everything pretty much worked as expected, obviouly some of the 1's and 0's just needed some exercise ! its not 100% but its more than good enough for me - thanks again for your positive support

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When you look at the flash share directly, do you see the plugins?


And as long as you don't have a license then you can backup and copy the settings over to a new flash. If you do have a license you will have to contact limetech to get a license for the new guid.


Ye r7sKF.png


No license so I guess I can just go for it. Pretty reluctant to though as it's taken a little while to get it up and running well, might just leave it. Thanks for your help though Influencer, much appreciated.

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I don't remember if I created it or not, it's the first time I've set something like this up and learning as I go along. I guess I've done something wrong along the way (and I guess I'm getting a bit off topic)


I just got it to work using:

installplg /mnt/disk1/boot/config/plugins couchpotato_v2_unplugged.plg


Is that ok?

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I don't remember if I created it or not, it's the first time I've set something like this up and learning as I go along. I guess I've done something wrong along the way (and I guess I'm getting a bit off topic)


I just got it to work using:

installplg /mnt/disk1/boot/config/plugins couchpotato_v2_unplugged.plg


Is that ok?


That indicates that you've got the plugin on /mnt/disk1.... which is part of your array.  People generally would rather have this file stored on their flash drive.  Are you certain that you want this file on your array?


Most people would have their plg files in /boot/config/plugins/


I would recommend that you remove any/all plg files from /mnt/disk1/boot/config and any sub directories, and place them in /boot/config/plugins


What I recommended is what I would guess at least 90% of users are doing.  Those that aren't utilizing those methods are probably advanced users.

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If thats where its been the whole time, it will not auto install on boot there.


When we say /boot/ we are talking about the flash drive itself.


/boot/ is the "root" of the flash drive.




/flash/config/plugins/ = /boot/config/plugins/


The plug-ins should be located there.

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first of all:


THIS IS AWESOME!  Everything works fine. used to be on the windows version of these, now I'm on unRAID..


everything works fine, I have the configs all on a non array mounted download drive. This works great but I'm having a small issue. This drive will NOT spin down because of CP, SB and sab (and of course plex). I can run a lsof +D of the drive and see hundreds of lines, if I grep just cp2 , sb, and sab, I get about...30-40 entries by cp2, 5 by sab and 2 by sickbeard.


how do I get cp2 to get off of my drive? I've already tuned the rss feed deal to check every 48 hours, among other little things.


on sab I've tuned the folder watch to 3600 seconds with NO folder in place to make sure it's not doing anything.


I can manually spin it down (hdparm -y /dev/sd[x]) and it will stay spun down for a few minutes (abut 5 minutes)





any help would be appreciated. I want to waste as little electricity as possible.


I may also just mount an 8G flash and use that as the config drive. that way spinning down/up is no issue. What do yall think?





To clear it up my process goes: sab/cp/sb run on /usr/local and configs are in my drive (/mnt/drive/cache). they download to /mnt/disk/cache/downloads and then the post processing gets them all into my array. that all works great. it's just the lack of spin down from what I assume is cp.

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Influencer, Thanks for the great plugin.


The SABnzbd does not stop when array is taken offline because of a bug. The unmounting_disks script only stops if $SERVICE=enable, but the SERVICE variable is not read from the cfg-file hence it is undefined. There is no danger in always running the stop, so I find the best solution is to just remove the if-statement.


I will send you a private message so you can include the changes I have made, so we don't get lots of different versions floating the forum. Until then others can make the change themselves by removing line 723, 725 in sabnzbd_unplugged.plg.


Cheers Alex


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Influencer, Thanks for the great plugin.


The SABnzbd does not stop when array is taken offline because of a bug. The unmounting_disks script only stops if $SERVICE=enable, but the SERVICE variable is not read from the cfg-file hence it is undefined. There is no danger in always running the stop, so I find the best solution is to just remove the if-statement.


I will send you a private message so you can include the changes I have made, so we don't get lots of different versions floating the forum. Until then others can make the change themselves by removing line 723, 725 in sabnzbd_unplugged.plg.


Cheers Alex


Must have missed that when I changed stuff around a few weeks ago. I'll fix it tonight.

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To answer some other posts:


In regards to htpc manager, I haven't gotten a reply on the cli options yet, I'll post again on their forum to see if I can get a response.


I'll look into transmission, but no guarantee's on when I'll be able to get to it. Busy time right now!


fantastic, hopefully they will get back to you soon.


I have Sab,CP, SB working fully updated! working flawlessly!! Thanks Again!!

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The htpcmanager_unplugged.plg made my unRAID fail to boot. The last it said was something about failed to do someting in dir yes/something.  Also when I installed the plugin using installplg from a running unRAID, the htpcmanagers settings page behaved weirdly, the data dir could not be defined.


Maybe the failure to boot is caused by my htpcmanager.cfg with installdir=yes. The installdir must have been incorrect because I had first tried to install htpcmanager on a running system, and I tried to set the installdir in the settings page, and then the settings page failed.



#HTPC Manager configuration:



my_port = /mnt/cache/app/htpcmanager/program/mnt/cache/app/htpcmanager/program80828084 


I don't really need htpcmanager, so this message is thus to give others a word of warning, and to give Influencer some debug info.


Cheers, Alex

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Unless I accidentally committed something else, which is possible, the htpc managers commit warns its a template only, it will not work at all. As you can see the settings are even screwed up right now. Install_dir is "yes".


I'm waiting for the devs get back to me about the cli options, and I know they have a bug right now that caused them to disable the daemon option that I use in the other plugins. Haven't had a chance to sit down with it since making the template. I even got caught up setting up my new htpc last night and forgot to commit the changes to Sab last night!


Things should calm down soon at work and ill be able to put more time in with the plugins.

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Things should calm down soon at work and ill be able to put more time in with the plugins.


You should probably schedule a window for all the folks that enjoy your plugins to buy you a beer, and for you to enjoy it.  If that's not something you're interested in I'm pretty sure others that enjoy the fruits of your work will send a few dollars your way, and hope you spend it on something you find fun.  I know I will.


Many thanks, again.

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Next time it happens run this:


ps aux ¦ grep sickbeard


See if you have a defunct process. I think you will. If so that is a bug I've been trying to reproduce but for some reason can't. I am almost positive it is an issue with Sickbeard itself but with no way to reproduce I can't verify or figure out a work around. I have another rig ordered, should be here this week, once I get it set up ill have another test machine I can hopefully reproduce this on.

Hi influencer, did you have an opportunity to review the fix I PM'd you regarding Sickbeard starting and hanging the emhttp webgui process?  As mentioned, it works ok for me and also user intoran who had the same issue has confirmed the change fixed it for him also.  Should mean no page refresh is needed on the webgui after starting Sickbeard.


I can do the change as a pull request you if require or if it'll help you keep track.





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I did, however haven't had a chance to put it in yet. If you'll create a pull request that would be great!


Even though I'm not able to make many changes to the plugins or work on New ones right now, I'm trying to stay active here to let the users know I am in no way abandoning these!


I've set up a i-stat like app on my server recently and am using it to see if it will be stable. If so ill look at creating a plugin for it. This way android users won't be left out!


EDIT: I got the change put in before I had to get ready for work. I have tested it and indeed it does work. Thanks to overbyrn that annoying bug is finally squashed! Sickbeard now refreshes the page when starting like it should.


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