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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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Hey influencer,


Having some trouble with the couch potato plugin.


I have had it installed and working for a good while. recently, anytime I reboot (I'm only rebooting now for testing this specific problem) the couch potato plugin does NOT install. all the others install and startup normally and effortlessly. but cpv2 just shows up on the simple features settings as uninstall. I hit install and start, and it works. but I do this literally every reboot. I've checked the file permissions and they are identical to all the other plugins. I'm at a loss here...

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have a look at the logs folder

and the permission on the couchpotato.log


i had after an upgrae the issue that this permission was screwed up and so couchpotato wouldn't start


if you look in the error log you would see something like this


IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'/mnt/cache/couchpotatov2/logs/CouchPotato.log'


changing the permission to 770 solved it for me


i assume it is git pulling the permission from github... so if ruud screws up then we also have fun :P

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Couchpotato has been starting/installing fine for me, but I'll run some tests when I get home tonight to confirm this. Thank you for posting the issue, and thank you to sacretagent for some troubleshooting and possible solution,  8) .


If this is the case, I'll have to put another check in for the permissions to make sure it can run. Its odd it will start when doing so manually, but not when rebooting.


Is there anything in the logs or on the screen to give any hints?

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the only permission error I can get from the logs is this recurring one:



08-21 08:38:33 ERROR [potato.core._base.updater] Failed using source updater. [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'/mnt/disk/config/cp2/cache/version'



But why will it work when run manually but not automatically?


the permission to the file was w-w-r (224 weirdly enough)


I chmod'ed it to 776 (did the other as a 6 just in case)

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That could be the reason. On reboot it should install again, a hold over "updater" for back when cp didn't have a working in app update. It can't access the version file so it fails, stopping the process.


Where is your install dir set to? I have all apps set to install to ram so that is why I never had this problem

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that's what I do as well. it's all on /usr/local/, all my configs are on a secondary flash drive (which gets rsynced every night to hard drives and remote server via ssh) which is /mnt/disk/config/


I don't really want to reboot the server until I have to (which I will in a week or so when I get my ram back from gskill) so I'll check it out then.


question: Can I use the in app updater for any of the plugins? I haven't been doing so worried that it would break the install.

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Alright, for those of you who were wanting HTPC Manager, I've got a beta up on the dev branch, get it HERE!(right click, save link as). I've tested and it seems to be working pretty good, I've set it up for XBMC, sickbeard and sab(don't have CP running right now to test it since I don't really use CP), it seems to be doing the job nicely.


NOTE: Once you set up sickbeard and sab(I assume CP as well), you must restart the app for those connections to be made. It seems to pull xbmc right away.


As always, if you have a cache drive I suggest having the data dir reside on it as htpc manager locally caches all xbmc thumbs, so it has the potential to get large quickly depending on your library.


If a few of you would test this plug-in and give me your feedback, I'll add it to the first page and move it up to a full version revision. I also figured a new way of getting the current version for the apps I'm pulling from git, so I'll likely be pushing that change to the other apps. This will fix the problem of not being able to get the current version unless you do an in-app update first(so the version.txt is written).


Also another note, while testing I updated sickbeard in-app, and it seems to of broke the installation, so until I can test it further do NOT update sickbeard in-app. I'm not sure if it was a one-off problem from me testing the other changes or if something has broken on either our side or sickbeards side. Getting late now so I'll test this further tomorrow.


...And another note, I was asked a while back about sabnzbd not updating. I've checked and the latest release is 0.7.3, which is what the plug-in is pulling. There are currently two beta's out and right now it is not possible to download the beta's from the plug-in. The devs at Sab changed their release structure and it seems are no longer including beta's on their latest release page, so the way the plug-in currently pulls the releases will NOT catch these. I have a few other things in the works right now so beta downloads will be on the back burner for a while. Kinda ironic since I first took over these plug-ins to add the ability to download beta's for sab,  :o . I will work on this when I get a chance, but I think you all will be pleased in the mean time,  ;D . HTPC Manager was a big one I wanted to get out since it 1. Deals with the main plug-ins I'm already supporting and 2. There seems to be a big *want* from the community for it.


The other thing I'm working on is an istat like plug-in that supports all platforms. It will not be able to read temps(I know, this is a biggie) BUT you will be able to do so yourself if you have sensors setup. It will require little configuration, and will NOT require you to make adjustments to your network(open ports or anything of the such). I'll hopefully have more on this soon, I've been running it for the past few days with no problems, it has worked pretty good. Also is free for up to 3 computers, and the android app is free as well.  ;D ;D ;D


Goodnight all! I hope to hear from you!

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I'm on a fresh (read: today) install of unRAID 5rc5


Installed Sabnzbd ... works awesome (thank you).


Attempted to install Sickbeard plugin that I downloaded about 15 minutes ago, after reboot get this error...


"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/sickbeard/sickbeard.php on line 14"


Nothing else show up under Settings/Sickbeard in the browser.


Reviewed the sickbeard.php line 14 at the location listed above and I see this:


$sickbeard_curversion = trim(shell_exec( "/etc/rc.d/rc.sickbeard vercheck" );


Any ideas?

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Sick Beard isn't working properly:


Home won't load the shows - but it counts the number and episodes downloaded and TVDB won't find the show when you try to add a new show... BUT


Coming episodes works...


Are there bugs in the new plug??

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Hi Influencer,


Thanks for all your plugins! They all working great for me except CouchPotato. For some reason it won't autostart after a reboot, I have to manually start it. Sickbeard and SABNZBD both startup fine. They all installed in the same place in their own folder.


See attached screenshot...


As there somewhere I can look to see why it doesn't autostart? All I have are your 3 plugins, snap, ssh, and simpl features installed.


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I haven't had a chance to mess with darkstat, may just drop it as it doesn't want to run right (the app not the plg).


Couchpotato looks like I accidentally overwrote the plugin with partially changed version. I had made the changes and was trying something else out, might have accidentally committed the auto saved "draft". It'll be this afternoon before I can get in to change it.


This is what happens when you work on multiple things at once, :P . Lose track of what's going on where!

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Couchpotato looks like I accidentally overwrote the plugin with partially changed version. I had made the changes and was trying something else out, might have accidentally committed the auto saved "draft". It'll be this afternoon before I can get in to change it.


Congrats on your 1000 post :) Also thanks for taking a look at the CouchPotato auto-startup issue.


Do you accept paypal donations? Since I can't buy a beer in person, I'll donate some $ so you can get a few :)

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There is a link on the github page for donations if you wish to donate, :). And thank you for the congrats! Didn't even realize I was at 1000!


Fixed the stray ) real quick, but there is still a bug where the pid_file isn't being created so the plug-in doesn't think couchpotato is running when it actually is. I'll look to see if this is a problem with the plugin or with couchpotato tonight. Sorry for the mess!


EDIT: Seems to be working now, I'll still check it out, might be intermittent issue. Also not finding version correctly, I'll look at that also tonight!


EDIT 2: OK, realized what the problem was, the new way of checking the version will only work if you reboot the server. It requires a slightly different method of installing the plug-in so that it can pull the version. If you don't want to restart the server, you can manually delete the installdir (ONLY DO THIS IF YOUR DATA DIR IS DIFFERENT) and re-install. If your data dir is the same, you'll have to manually delete all of the install files, leaving your data files alone!

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