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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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Hello all.  I went on vacation, and when I came back, all is not running.  My unraid is no longer accessible.  I created a new usb stick afterwards.  I'm now using unRAID Server Basic version: 5.0-rc12a, and downloaded the latest influencers plugins.  Can't get any of them to work.  Sab doesn't start, sickbeard either.  I haven't tried couchpotato. 


Is there any reason for this?  Are the new plugins compatible with the latest unRAID Server Basic version: 5.0-rc12a?


How do I fix this?


I use Mylar, Sab, Sick, headphones and couchpotato and I have tried all of them and have the same problem with SF 1.0.11 and 5.0-rc12a, when I start the array with any of those active SF just crashes and wont load. I can get into unmenu but thats it. I tried commenting out the sqlite install since SF installs a newer version but that did nothing. couchpotato still runs but it causes SF to stop working, the others dont run at all.

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If you are both using headphones plugin as part of your setup, then there is a known issue with accessing webgui. You have to delete your cookies. There is a post somewhere on the forums, ill see if I can dig it up.


so far I have most of them running... I havent tried headphones yet but Sab, CP and Sick work fine I think... Mylar seems pretty messed up, my listing of managed items is gone in most places but the pull list still says wanted on some of the comics... when I try to search for a comic I get a long list of errors looking like python and server errors.


ugh I knew I should have just left things alone and not updated and naturally the reason I updated, I cant get working either

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I've adapted the common.py source from sickbeard so it can search for 720p web-dl, 1080p web-dl, 1080i MPEG2 (usually TS files) and bluray rips (x264 re-encodes with bluray or hd-dvd as source with possible degraded quality) and bluray remuxes (non-re-encoded blurays but stripped and/or remuxed, keeping quality).


It also changes the wrong 'HDTV' quality to its correct name which is 'x264 720p'.

Quality is from top to bottom where top is worse, bottom is best. So a 720 web-dl is better then a 720p x264 (which is usually the case).

Offcourse, feel free to change it to your own likings.


Just replace the common.py with this one and you're ready to go.

(Keep a copy of the original one just in case)



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Unable to open sick beard. After some issues with Mover I now have a issue with getting sickbeard to open. From what it looks like is that it is not opening the port. I have had the same problem before with subsonic and I was able to fix by deleting and reinstalling. No luck with sickbeard. I have the firewall on the router configured correctly and I know that is not the issue as everything else in the range works (ie sabnzbd). I have tried another port in the config but it still does not work.


Any suggestions? I don't see anything in the sys log

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Just had Transmission crash with the following:

Mar 30 18:15:02 Tower kernel: transmission-da[9627]: segfault at 2e4434ef ip 08060bc3 sp b732bdd0 error 4 in transmission-daemon[8048000+68000]


I'm running the standard Version 1.6 of the plugin, with Transmission 2.76.


This occurred just after I'd deleted a torrent, and trashed data from the web interface.  Any thing that can be fixed?

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I was having some problems with sab and sickbeard after working fine for over 6 months so tried to do a fresh reinstall.


*edit* Having some trouble with couch, this appears on the couch page in the unmenu settings when i try to start.


Enabling couchpotato

Starting couchpotato

Starting CouchPotato v2: sudo -u nobody python /usr/local/couchpotato_v2/CouchPotato.py --daemon --config_file /boot/config/plugins/couchpotato_v2/settings.conf --pid_file /var/run/couchpotato_v2/couchpotato_v2.pid

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/local/couchpotato_v2/CouchPotato.py", line 126, in

l = Loader()

File "/usr/local/couchpotato_v2/CouchPotato.py", line 52, in __init__


OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'mnt/user/apps/couchpotato_v2/logs'


any ideas? I also noticed it said it cannot make a pid file or something when installing.


I can't connect to my sickbeard install either. Is it something I've done wrong with the data directory? Sabnzbd is working fine btw.

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Same problem here with sick beard, last update and RC12a. Plug info say its running but I cant find in top or processes.


RUNNING with version: fb37d332b333b43e7bcae46b619ae6b7ef94e266



Mar 31 13:51:47 unraid sudo: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/python /mnt/cache/Apps/sickbeard/SickBeard.py --daemon --forceupdate --port 8081 --datadir /mnt/cache/Apps/sickbeard --pidfile /var/run/sickbeard/sickbeard.pid > /dev/null 2>&1


Delete package (not the install folder).

Wait for new database (done).

Reboot (several times).


No problem with Transmission or SB.


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Fixed. The problem is the database.


1.- copy all SB folder to backup

2.- delete original sb folder

3.- reinstall sb with plugin

4.- copy config.ini and old sickbeard.db from 6 months ago, I miss some shows.

5.- just works. All shows are waiting for an update.


In some hours I´ll backup again sickbeard folder and try to restore a more updated db.

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I don't have any old sickbeard settings or files backed up so still stuck at the moment with no sickbeard or couch as listed above ^ :(


In the SB folder should/maybe have some old database with db0 or db10 ext. Sure not uptoday but it can help to recover your config.

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I made a request topic about this already, but I thought I might as well request in here too.


I have been looking into unraid for a while now and finally have some savings to start building a server myself!


There is just one thing keeping me from pulling the trigger and that is a little application called AutoSub.


AutoSub automatically(doh ) scans your TV show directories for episodes and downloads subtitles(if needed), names them after the episode and places it in the same folder. It searches for subtitles on bierdopje.com, a populair website for English and Dutch subtitles. It also matches to release groups so 99.9% of the time they are in sync.


The following are some links to the application:

Forum thread(in Dutch, unfortunately): http://www.bierdopje.com/forum/algemeen-developers/topic/10322-AutoSub-deel-2/1

Their project page(This is in English): https://code.google.com/p/auto-sub/


It's written in python, therefore I thought it wouldn't be to difficult for some of the experienced people here to turn this into a plug-in.

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I've added something similar to sabnzbd's post processing in Python. Once sab has downloaded an episode, i try looking for a dutch subtitle (using bierdopje), based upon filename/source/encoding/resolution/clan matching. If it can't find a dutch sub, an english sub will be downloaded and copied to the same folder the episode is in, using the same name. The request for a dutch subtitle is then saved as a 'wanted' sub to a sqlite database, and there is a cron job that will try to fetch the dutch sub on a daily basis, up to 31 days after the original airdate. If it's not found after 31 days, the request is deleted.


I don't know how to create a plugin, as far as i know it is not documented anywhere, but i could use my own subtitle script to create something similar to what you are describing, shouldnt be that hard. I am not going to use the code you provided, that's no fun ;)

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I've added something similar to sabnzbd's post processing in Python. Once sab has downloaded an episode, i try looking for a dutch subtitle (using bierdopje), based upon filename/source/encoding/resolution/clan matching. If it can't find a dutch sub, an english sub will be downloaded and copied to the same folder the episode is in, using the same name. The request for a dutch subtitle is then saved as a 'wanted' sub to a sqlite database, and there is a cron job that will try to fetch the dutch sub on a daily basis, up to 31 days after the original airdate. If it's not found after 31 days, the request is deleted.


I don't know how to create a plugin, as far as i know it is not documented anywhere, but i could use my own subtitle script to create something similar to what you are describing, shouldnt be that hard. I am not going to use the code you provided, that's no fun ;)


This sounds almost exactly like what Auto-Sub does and would be wonderfull to have running on my unraid! If you could document how to do this in a noob-friendly way I will purchase my hardware first thing tomorrow! as I said, it's the only thing keeping me from doing it just yet. :)

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I'll see what i can do. The only thing i have to build basically is some code that traverses the 'tvseries' share, and adds missing subtitle entries to the sqlite subtitle request database (which i allready have) and the daily cron 'bierdopje' subfinder script (which is allready up and running) will do the rest...


Nice new project :) will keep you posted :)

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Otherwise, since you can share unraid's disks and user shares, maybe it is even possible to run your current subdownloader script on a windows machine, and just add the unraid tvseries share to it? (\\unraid\user\tvseries) i assume you have to tell it where to look for missing subs at this moment as well, whether this is a local folder or a network folder...

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Otherwise, since you can share unraid's disks and user shares, maybe it is even possible to run your current subdownloader script on a windows machine, and just add the unraid tvseries share to it? (\\unraid\user\tvseries) i assume you have to tell it where to look for missing subs at this moment as well, whether this is a local folder or a network folder...


I have thought about doing this, and while this could work for now, I plan on changing my XBMC clients to something like a raspberry pi or android based device. Other things I have thought about is running esxi and installing both Windows and the Unraid OS, but this will simply get too complicated and the hardware needed will get too expensive.

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How easy would it be to make a plug-in for the Development branch for Mylar? For me, with no programming skills, it's next to impossible. So what I'm really asking is, if it's not too much trouble, Influencer, could you do that, pretty please? Or maybe someone can advise me (of limited skills) if and how I can edit the existing Mylar plug-in to load the Dev branch version instead of master?

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Hi I am interested in the Couch Potato Plugin but I am confused about how its supposed to work with unRaid.  Is there any documentation that explains how it works and how to set it up?


I am planning on using it with torrents and not newsgroups.  I am currently running couchpotato on my Mac but it would be great to be able to run it from my unraid.  I just want to make sure I know what I am doing before i jump in.


I know that I can just drop the plugin file into my plugins folder on my flash drive and reboot but then what?  how do I access the UI?  what are the correct settings to use when configuring it?  Can I use it with torrents on unraid or does it have to be with newsgroups?


I tried browsing this thread but with over 120 pages of content it is very possible I missed something.  If someone could point me int he right direction I really would appreciate it.

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Hi I am interested in the Couch Potato Plugin but I am confused about how its supposed to work with unRaid.  Is there any documentation that explains how it works and how to set it up?


I am planning on using it with torrents and not newsgroups.  I am currently running couchpotato on my Mac but it would be great to be able to run it from my unraid.  I just want to make sure I know what I am doing before i jump in.


I know that I can just drop the plugin file into my plugins folder on my flash drive and reboot but then what?  how do I access the UI?  what are the correct settings to use when configuring it?  Can I use it with torrents on unraid or does it have to be with newsgroups?


I tried browsing this thread but with over 120 pages of content it is very possible I missed something.  If someone could point me int he right direction I really would appreciate it.


It's run in your web browser. It will be the IP address of your unraid:port you set in settings.


Works fine(ish) with torrents as there is no option to post process and keep original files for seeding. But this requirement depends on where you get your torrents from.


Once installed, ie the plg is put into /boot/config/plugins and rebooted or using installplg you will see an icon in the settings tab in unraid webgui.


In there you will need to configure install directory, ie /mnt/cache/apps/sickbeard and port, ie 8004. Set it to yes and click apply.


Then in your browser you can access it, ie or tower:8004 etc depending on your unraid configuration.


The rest of the actual couchpotato configuration is done within itself in the browser.

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thanks for the details!  that helps a lot!  one more question though.  When I installed the simplefeatures plugin i put it in /boot/plugins.  does this one have to be in /boot/config/plugins or is it ok to put in /boot/plugins?


thanks again for the info!

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thanks for the details!  that helps a lot!  one more question though.  When I installed the simplefeatures plugin i put it in /boot/plugins.  does this one have to be in /boot/config/plugins or is it ok to put in /boot/plugins?


thanks again for the info!


On the first page of most plugins it tells you where to put them. In this example it's in the link.


It will need to be installed in /boot/config/plugins

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Works fine(ish) with torrents as there is no option to post process and keep original files for seeding. But this requirement depends on where you get your torrents from.


One other question - is there a bittorrent plugin that I need to install to make CP work on my unraid or is that included with this plugin?  I as because when i installed CP on my mac, I had to install uTorrent as well.  But i didnt see any bittorrent plugin on the unraid plugins page.


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