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Try a force kill


kill -9 10512


Hmm, nope. Web GUI is still not responding...


root@Tower:~# kill -9 10512
root@Tower:~# ps aux |grep sickbeard
root     10512  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    Jul13   0:00 [rc.sickbeard] <defunct>
nobody   24676  1.0  2.1 220648 44964 ?        Sl   Jul14   8:59 /usr/bin/python /usr/local/sickbeard/SickBeard.py --daemon --port 8081 --datadir /mnt/disk2/usenet/SickBeard --pidfile /var/run/sickbeard/sickbeard.pid > /dev/null 2>&1 --nolaunch
root     31906  0.0  0.0   2452   584 pts/0    S+   11:17   0:00 grep sickbeard


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Try a force kill


kill -9 10512


Hmm, nope. Web GUI is still not responding...


root@Tower:~# kill -9 10512
root@Tower:~# ps aux |grep sickbeard
root     10512  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    Jul13   0:00 [rc.sickbeard] <defunct>
nobody   24676  1.0  2.1 220648 44964 ?        Sl   Jul14   8:59 /usr/bin/python /usr/local/sickbeard/SickBeard.py --daemon --port 8081 --datadir /mnt/disk2/usenet/SickBeard --pidfile /var/run/sickbeard/sickbeard.pid > /dev/null 2>&1 --nolaunch
root     31906  0.0  0.0   2452   584 pts/0    S+   11:17   0:00 grep sickbeard


I am still having the same problem as this guy, tried the force kill as well with no luck.

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Ok, we'll try killing the parent process then.



ps xal | grep rc.sickbeard


The forth column is the parent process id. Then run


ps aux | grep parentpid


Replace "parentpid" with the pid from step 1.


Make sure its nothing vital, post here if you are not sure(for example, don't kill emhttp or anything like that)


If its not something vital

kill -9 parentpid


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After running that i get this:

root@Tower:~# ps xal | grep rc.sickbeard
0     0  9853  9839  20   0   2448   584 pipe_w S+   pts/0      0:00 grep rc.sickbeard
0     0 10552  8155  20   0      0     0 exit   Z    ?          0:00 [rc.sickbeard] <defunct>
root@Tower:~# ps aux | grep 8155
root      8155  0.0  0.0  12920  1632 ?        Sl   Jul10   1:01 /usr/local/sbin/emhttp
root      9873  0.0  0.0   2452   588 pts/0    S+   18:15   0:00 grep 8155

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When I got home I found that the server had restarted. Couldn't get to it through the web gui, and the shares hadn't come up.


I managed to get in using telnet and then killed the scripts starting couchpotato, sickbeard and sabnzbd. I could only do this one at a time because the next script wouldn't start until the first finished.



ps aux | grep couchpotato

kill -9 couchpotato script id

ps aux | grep sickbeard

kill -9 sickbeard script id

ps aux | grep sabnzbd

kill -9 sabnzbd script id


Then the web gui came up straight away along with the network shares, with a parity check in progress. I think it probably would have all sorted itself out once the parity check finished.


As you mentioned before Influencer, there really needs to be a way to wait for the system to be up and running before these plugins start. Hopefully once 5 final is done something can be done about it.

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Since you can't kill emhttp and restart it, you'll have to reboot. Rename the plugin to .plg.bak and reboot. Then manually install the plugin, and type

/etc/rc.d/rc.sickbeard start


Post the output


root@Tower:/boot/config/plugins# /etc/rc.d/rc.sickbeard start
Starting SickBeard: sudo -u nobody python /usr/local/sickbeard/SickBeard.py --daemon --port 8081 --datadir /mnt/cache/.programs/sickbeard --pidfile /var/run/sickbeard/sickbeard.pid > /dev/null2>&1
... OK
Please refresh the page


Looks like everything ran good, and good news the web gui still works.


root@Tower:/boot/config/plugins# ps aux | grep sickbeard
nobody   11904  6.9  1.3 196028 27336 ?        Sl   16:49   0:02 python /usr/local/sickbeard/SickBeard.py --daemon --port 8081 --datadir /mnt/cache/.programs/sickbeard --pidfile var/run/sickbeard/sickbeard.pid > /dev/null 2>&1
root     12007  0.0  0.0   2452   584 pts/0    S+   16:49   0:00 grep sickbeard


I guess a reboot was all that was needed.  One thing I did notice though, is that when rebooting.  The server hangs on starting Couchpotato or Sabnzbd.  I don't think its installing the properly.  But nothing shows up in the syslog.

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I think plex has changed versions of curl, squashing my install. I havent been home but to sleep this week (or last) so I haven't had a chance to look into it. Sunday I'm working a half day so I should be able to look into it then. Until Sunday I'm working 18+ hours a day.

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Oh believe me its fine. I enjoy the plugins, its what I do in my downtime. I just have to get the downtime :P.


I can check what version curl spidi is using and compare, I think that is the case though as I have an older version of plex and don't have the issue.

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Plex doesn't install any packages. It brings every thing with it.... the needed applications like python or curl are in "/usr/local/plexmediaserver".


and this won't effect the library of your unRAID installation.


to be specific. before I start PMS with the user "unraid-plex" I export LD_LIBRARY_PATH to "/usr/local/plexmediaserver". And this effects only the current env the user is running in. Nothing can interfere with your installation at this point.

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Arghhhhhhh - sorry !! But frustrated.


Did a restart tonight and cannot get the plg's to restart. I have downloaded new ones, i have used my working ones, i have reinstalled ...... i can get headphones to work even though all of them come up as not installed after a reboot but if i hit apply in the settings page it starts itself. The others i have tried everything i know - which is not a lot but more than i did a few weeks ago.


I had a screen attached and kept getting m,essages such as python: cant open file .usr/local/couchpotatoV2/couchpotato.py no such file or directory, similar things for the others.


I have a cache drive with data set to /mnt/cache/apps and install as usr/local/appname as was recomended


I tried to start SP and couch by doing the /etc/rc.d/rc.sickbeard start as i have read in this thread but again i got the error  (of course changing the name for couch)



cp: cannot stat `/tmp/Sick-Beard/*': No such file or directory

... OK

Starting SickBeard: sudo -u nobody python /usr/local/sickbeard/SickBeard.py --daemon --port 8083 --datadir /mnt/cache/apps/sickbeard --pidfile /var/run/sickbeard/sickbeard.pid > /dev/null 2>&1

python: can't open file '/usr/local/sickbeard/SickBeard.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory


Should they all say "not installed" as the status in the settings area after a reboot ???


As an additional problem i have tried to start the array and its just stuck at starting, despite many refreshes its not showing as started. If i remove all the plg's from the flash and reboot everything is fine


Some direction please as all of this was working before a reboot and now i feel i am just thrashing about wildly in the dark



Got headphones and sab working - dont really know how. They were showing as not installed so i think i either did install button followed by apply button or just by hitting appy, done so many options ......


Also not sure if this extract from the syslog helps but it does not seem to show the erros i was reading from the screen attached?

Jul 18 21:16:18 Backupsvr sudo:    root : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/tmp ; USER=nobody ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/python /usr/local/sickbeard/SickBeard.py --daemon --port 8083 --datadir /mnt/cache/apps/sickbeard --pidfile /var/run/sickbeard/sickbeard.pid > /dev/null 2>&1

Jul 18 21:18:08 Backupsvr sudo:    root : TTY=console ; PWD=/ ; USER=nobody ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/python /usr/local/sabnzbd/SABnzbd.py -d -s --config-file /mnt/cache/apps/sabnzbd --pid /var/run/sabnzbd/ > /dev/null 2>&1

Jul 18 21:19:00 Backupsvr sudo:    root : TTY=console ; PWD=/tmp ; USER=nobody ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/python /usr/local/sickbeard/SickBeard.py --daemon --port 8083 --datadir /mnt/cache/apps/sickbeard --pidfile /var/run/sickbeard/sickbeard.pid > /dev/null 2>&1

Jul 18 21:19:49 Backupsvr sudo:    root : TTY=console ; PWD=/tmp ; USER=nobody ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/python /usr/local/couchpotato_v2/CouchPotato.py --daemon --config_file /boot/config/plugins/couchpotato_v2/settings.conf --pid_file /var/run/couchpotato_v2/couchpotato_v2.pid

Jul 18 21:20:39 Backupsvr sudo:    root : TTY=console ; PWD=/tmp ; USER=nobody ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/python /usr/local/sickbeard/SickBeard.py --daemon --port 8083 --datadir /mnt/cache/apps/sickbeard --pidfile /var/run/sickbeard/sickbeard.pid > /dev/null 2>&1

Jul 18 21:26:44 Backupsvr sudo:    root : TTY=console ; PWD=/tmp ; USER=nobody ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/python /usr/local/sickbeard/SickBeard.py --daemon --port 8083 --datadir /mnt/cache/apps/sickbeard --pidfile /var/run/sickbeard/sickbeard.pid > /dev/null 2>&1

Jul 18 21:27:37 Backupsvr sudo:    root : TTY=console ; PWD=/tmp ; USER=nobody ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/python /usr/local/sickbeard/SickBeard.py --daemon --port 8083 --datadir /mnt/cache/apps/sickbeard --pidfile /var/run/sickbeard/sickbeard.pid > /dev/null 2>&1

Jul 18 21:34:07 Backupsvr sudo:    root : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/tmp ; USER=nobody ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/python /usr/local/sickbeard/SickBeard.py --daemon --port 8083 --datadir /mnt/cache/apps/sickbeard --pidfile /var/run/sickbeard/sickbeard.pid > /dev/null 2>&1



2nd EDIT:

In case this is useful .....


root@Backupsvr:~# ps aux | grep headphones

nobody  11817  0.1  0.4 131892 18604 ?        Sl  21:15  0:02 python /usr/local/headphones/Headphones.py -d -p 8084 --datadir /mnt/cache/apps/headphones --nolaunch --pidfile /var/run/headphones/headphones-8084.pid

root    21304  0.0  0.0  2452  588 pts/0    S+  21:49  0:00 grep headphones

root@Backupsvr:~# ps aux | grep sickbeard

root    21407  0.0  0.0  2452  588 pts/0    S+  21:50  0:00 grep sickbeard

root@Backupsvr:~# ps aux | grep couchpotatov2

root    21476  0.0  0.0  2448  588 pts/0    S+  21:50  0:00 grep couchpotatov2

root@Backupsvr:~# ps aux | grep sabnzbd

nobody  12672  0.3  0.4 187092 18776 ?        Sl  21:18  0:05 python /usr/local/sabnzbd/SABnzbd.py -d -s --config-file /mnt/cache/apps/sabnzbd --pid /var/run/sabnzbd/ > /dev/null 2>&1

root    21544  0.0  0.0  2448  584 pts/0    S+  21:50  0:00 grep sabnzbd



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data dir located on cache drive persisted after a reboot but /usr/local is a RAM fs which won't survive a reboot and app needs to be reinstalled, which may take quite long during boot time. if any app tries to access array before it is mounted it may lock it and prevent from starting. Try to put both app and data onto cache.

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I recommend only the data directory on the cache drive for the following reasons:


1. As mentioned above, having the app install itself on cache will stop the cache drive from spinning down, which is important for those running a "green" server.

2. If installed in /usr/local/ it will be re-installed on boot, so you can be sure you have the latest version when you reboot. Kind of convenient(and since git repo's update more frequently than standard releases like sabnzbd, its easy to get behind quick)


I don't necessarily agree that having them installed to ram and having to re-install each boot slows it down. It can I suppose, and there is always the issue of if your net is down or the download link is down, but I think most people have internet fast enough now that the time to download/install is not even worth mentioning. I cannot tell a difference between the boot time with all the plug-ins enabled and all disabled.


The install directory is not as important as the data directory. The only thing I strongly recommend against is installing to the array, or running the data directory from the array. I hope to have time to rewrite the plug-ins to fix this issue once and for all, but for now, that is my recommendations.

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So I am currenlty seeing 3 issues with sab and sickbeard.


1 Both plugins will start even when set to no (pretty sutre this is being looked at)


2 I cannot stop sab from within the plugin, once it's started I cannot stop it with the stop button, seems to maybe try although nothing in syslog, an attemp to take array offline after trying the stop button and array will not go offline saying cache busy (where it's installed) .  i then do a shutdown from within sab in it goes down and array stops.


3 sickbeard is only showing a hash for the version and not the current version number.

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I did nothing before the reboots, all plg's were working, i did a mod to the fan to add a silent one and when i rebooted none of the plg's worked and all showed "not installed". Only thing i could see on the screen to give indication of errors was "usr/local/couchpotatoV2/couchpotato.py no such file or directory" I have taken the plg's out and rebooted all fine, shut down, add plg's back into /boot/config/plugins, rebboted and same problem. Taken plg's out again and restarted server, add the plg's back into the folder and then reinstalled each of them one by one, all sucessful but when i go into settings all the icons are there with my settings but it shows all as "not installed". I then try to click the "enable" button and for sab and head this seems to work, for couch and sick it seems not to work - i have not been able to get these to fire up despite trying several different ways.


Are there folders i should remove so that the install does a full job but that does not require me to set everything up again from scratch as there are a lot of "already exists" in my sys log for files and folders upon install (which i would expect).


Is there a requirement to disable each plg before a shutdown so i know for next time?


So how do i get them working again as they are obviously not working from a normal reboot (why not? should you just be able to shutdown and reboot and they all come back) and will not work by just installing each one after a clean reboot


Is there a defined sequence i should follow to try to get these up again?

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Thanks - is there a quick way to test that theory so we know the cause of the error (dont know what got you to that conclusion) or should i just wait for the fix and try again then as i am not desperate to use the plg's this week?

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