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VirtualBox compiled for unRAID


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Will the scripts you've posted for self-compilation work with 4.3.6?

Yes, it should work. Only if there are some big changes on vbox or unraid they should require changes.


will there be any leftovers after a server restart ?

No. Unraid runs on a ramfs, loaded from bzroot file at every boot, any changes to this filesystem (in this case installing development tools, etc) will "disappear" after reboot.

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The plugin can be configured to automatically restart the package  upon restart.

Yes, but I'm guessing his problem may be the plugin doesn't know it needs to load the new package version - with different file name - that he did manually copy to the flash... I don't use the plugin myself then not sure how this is done to make the plugin use a different vbox package file, but you can surely help him on that.

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Wait... there is something wrong then... as my script do not create package with that file name, I guess that is the virtualbox file you downloaded from virtualbox site? not the created package - that one should be created as vbox-4.3.6-unRAID-3.9.11p.tgz as theone pointed. Then I guess your mistake was the last 'cp', you did actually copy to the flash the file you downloaded from virtualbox site and not the created package.

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Wait... there is something wrong then... as my script do not create package with that file name, I guess that is the virtualbox file you downloaded from virtualbox site? not the created package - that one should be created as vbox-4.3.6-unRAID-3.9.11p.tgz as theone pointed. Then I guess your mistake was the last 'cp', you did actually copy to the flash the file you downloaded from virtualbox site and not the created package.

I have used your procedure as follows:

cd ~
/boot/dev/buildev.sh make
mkdir /tmpfs && mount -t tmpfs -o rw,size=1G tmpfs /tmpfs && export TMPDIR=/tmpfs
wget http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/4.3.6/VirtualBox-4.3.6-91406-Linux_x86.run
sh VirtualBox-4.3.6-91406-Linux_x86.run
cp VirtualBox-4.3.6-91406-Linux_x86.tgz /boot/config/plugins/virtualbox


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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you Nars.


I may be off base here but can we use the same procedure to compile a 64bit version of VirtualBox?


With the latest 64bit beta of unraid I'd be willing to try my VM's on it using vbox 64bit.

I know the push/interest regarding virtualization is to use the baked in options and that would certainly be my preference.

I'm more just curious if it's doable should I want to run the beta for a while and keep vbox.

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@hoek: If you are referring to the steps/scripts I did posted some pages back, vboxpkgc.sh script maybe doesn't need any changes but buildev.sh will surely need some changes, at least to get proper Slackware 14.1 x64 packages for unRaid 6.0 instead of Slackware 13.1. I will soon test unRaid 6.0 on a VM and may check what changes needed on these scripts, but as you said KVM will be surely a better option on unRaid 6.0, when all ready for it.

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VirtualBox 4.3.6 package for unRaid 6.0 beta (64-bit):



Note: to use it with the VirtualBox plugin you may need to remove the '-x86_64' suffix on the package filename or the plugin may not like it...


@theone: is the suffix a problem? can it be sorted? also if you are going to do changes on the plugin could you please also make it support .txz packages? as it does an huge difference in package size...


Also I did updated my 'buildev.sh' script to support unRaid 6.x, detecting it and getting the right slackware 14.1 packages.

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