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VirtualBox compiled for unRAID


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I'm trying to compile this, but one thing is not same as in the guide as installed stock unraid





on one line is stated


mv /usr/src/linux /usr/src/linux_original


but on my system it's looks like this (rc12a)


root@tower:~# cd /usr/src/
root@tower:/usr/src# ls
linux-3.4.26-unRAID/  slackbuilds/



so I can't make this


mv /usr/src/linux /usr/src/linux_original

if [ ! -d "$P/headers" ]; then
   mkdir -p $P/headers
   tar -C $P/headers -zxvf $P/packages/linux-
   cp -rf /usr/src/linux_original/* $P/headers/linux-
   cp -f /usr/src/linux_original/.config $P/headers/linux-

ln -sf $P/headers/linux- /usr/src/linux
[ -e "/usr/include/linux" ] && mv /usr/include/linux /usr/include/linux_original
[ -e "/usr/include/asm-generic" ] && mv /usr/include/asm-generic /usr/include/asm-generic_original
[ -e "/usr/include/asm" ] && mv /usr/include/asm /usr/include/asm_original
ln -sf /usr/src/linux/include/asm-generic /usr/include/asm-generic
ln -sf /usr/src/linux/include/linux /usr/include/linux
ln -sf /usr/src/linux/arch/x86/include/asm /usr/include/asm

cd /usr/src/linux && make oldconfig && make


so I don't get any further-- anyone that can help me ;.)







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The instructions were originally created for unRAID 4.x. In many unRAID 4 versions the kernel location is "/usr/src/linux". In unRAID 5.x, the kernel location started including the kernel version in the path name (for example, unRAID 5RC10's kernel location is "/usr/src/linux-3.4.24-unRAID").


For unRAID 5RC12, I would change the command to

mv /usr/src/linux-3.4.26-unRAID /usr/src/linux_original


Also - It looks like you are trying to use the scripts for unRAID 4.7 (as I see kernel referenced in several places). I usually use the instructions instead of the scripts because if something messes up, I am able to tell which step did not  respond as I expected.


Hope this helps. Let us know if you run into anything else & need assistance.

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  • 1 month later...

The wiki page "Installing VirtualBox in unRAID" has been updated with the new information needed to compile VirtualBox.


I updated the new files needed to compile RC13, instructions to use the new files & updated the doinst.sh file with changes needed to allow USB devices to work in VirtualBox.


I have not used the scripts at the bottom of the wiki, so those were not updated.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for writing this, I'm looking forward to getting it installed and trying it out.


Just found an issue with the plugin though. You are grepping for "Most current version" to get the version number, but on http://vbox.a1aina.com/ you've left in those words for 4.2.14, so the plugin isn't getting it right in order to build the filenames for download.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm able to view the site & download files. It is possible that the host reached its bandwidth capacity; advanced statistics were not turned on (now on) so hard to tell. Let me know if the problem reoccurs & I will see if I need to add more bandwidth or change hosts. For now it is working.

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So I got Virtualbox and phpvirtualbox installed on unraid V5 Final with simplefeatures webserver - at first i got the SOAP Extensions not enabled on php - fixed that by editing the php.ini in /boot/config/simplefeatures folder and removed ";" from ";extension=soap" line, but now when i got to virtualbox web console i get a logon screen - enter admin admin now instead of a Soap Extension error i get no XML document - is there something that i missed or do i not have everything installed correctly - I have all the install and logging for vbox going to my cache drive.

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kontu, I've not tried to use pass through as my hardware does not support it. I'd probably be using ESXi if I had the option. However, in my searching just now, I came across this page on the subject relating to VirtualBox: http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch09.html#pcipassthrough. Numbers 5 & 6 in the list mention that you Linux version must be compiled, recognize & use IOMMU support. Since I do not have hardware capable of this, you will likely need to compile your own headers & package VirtualBox to use this (passthrough) feature.


I am not positive this is the issue, but perhaps the link will point you in the right direction. If you decide to try to compile VirtualBox for yourself, a wiki page, http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=Installing_VirtualBox_in_unRAID, explains how to do so. If you solve the issue, please post to let others that might be interested in using passthrough know. Perhaps someone else here will be able to offer further assistance. Good luck!

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advices that some ppl might need.

i am no pro in this stuffs, but i got it work


i have these installed:

unraid 5.0

simple features 1.0.11

VirtualBox v4.2.16

VirtualBox Extension v4.2.16

VirtualBox Guest Additions v4.2.16

VirtualBox Plugin  v0.5.2


config edited: \\tower\flash\config\simpleFeatures\php.ini

enabled "extension=soap.so"


config edited: \\tower\www\phpvirtualbox\config.php

var $noAuth = true;


manually started vboxwebsrv using telnet

vboxwebsrv -b -H [server ip address] --logfile /dev/null >/dev/null


when u create virtual disk, remember to point to //mnt/user OR //mnt/disk

or vm will crash for no reason.

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kontu, I've not tried to use pass through as my hardware does not support it. I'd probably be using ESXi if I had the option. However, in my searching just now, I came across this page on the subject relating to VirtualBox: http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch09.html#pcipassthrough. Numbers 5 & 6 in the list mention that you Linux version must be compiled, recognize & use IOMMU support. Since I do not have hardware capable of this, you will likely need to compile your own headers & package VirtualBox to use this (passthrough) feature.


I am not positive this is the issue, but perhaps the link will point you in the right direction. If you decide to try to compile VirtualBox for yourself, a wiki page, http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=Installing_VirtualBox_in_unRAID, explains how to do so. If you solve the issue, please post to let others that might be interested in using passthrough know. Perhaps someone else here will be able to offer further assistance. Good luck!


Thanks laine, I'll do some more digging on that and see if I can accomplish anything with it.

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I've compiled & uploaded VirtualBox 4.2.18 for unRAID 5.0-i386 & 4.7. This will probably be the last version I do for unRAID 4.7*.


*If you still use unRAID 4.7 & would like me to continue to compile & upload newer versions of VirtualBox for it, let me know.



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I am trying to load up php but I can not find the php.ini file listed where others have it.

There is nothing in the  /boot/config/simplefeatures folder except for stats and webserver.

In simple features settings for webserver it shows as running now after modifing the .plg file for webserver.

So close here.


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Due to Google Code's recent changes (click here for info on GoogleCode's policy change), the PHPVirtualBox project has been moved to SourceForge.


PHPVirtualBox common errors & issues: http://sourceforge.net/p/phpvirtualbox/wiki/Common%20phpVirtualBox%20Errors%20and%20Issues/


PHPVirtualBox wiki page: http://sourceforge.net/p/phpvirtualbox/wiki/Home/


PHPVirtualBox forums (for issues not covered in their wiki): http://sourceforge.net/p/phpvirtualbox/discussion/



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  • 1 month later...

There is a new VirtualBox version 4.3:



But phpvirtualbox doesn't seem to be compatible yet (as of 4.3 RC1):



Just to update:

There seems to be a phpvirtualbox 4.3 which is supposed to support the VirtualBox 4.3.x releases.


Will test once lainie compiles the new 4.3 version.


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