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VirtualBox Plugin for unRAID v5 and v6


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if they are put directly in /opt it uses ram - .opt on my cache drive is currently 17g with newznab+ and ajaxplorer etc -


should have a option on where to install it - install dir and data dir if that is supported - like the sabnzbd, couchpotato etc plugins do


example of one BIG one is Dropbox, database dir is in /mnt/cache.dropbox and actual files are /mnt/user/Dropbox


lampp is setup to use /opt on a hard drive - /opt on unraid will be on the ramdrive - hence the symlink to let it find itself on my cache drive as all the config files are setup that way, apache, mysql, php, proftpd and all their support utils....





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Excelent work!!


This plugin increase quality level of unraid.update system, buttons layout, etc... Great. I have no issues at all.


Maybe more user friendly for veginners about a complete install with optional webserver and phpvirtualbox but really excellent work.


I second this..!  ;)


Plugin installed without an issue.. :) Thumbs up for creating the plugin..!


...but being an absolute Linux & Webserver noob would love a 'walk me thru' on the next steps to actually installing a VM..!  :D


best regards, fergal

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I second this..!  ;)


Plugin installed without an issue.. :) Thumbs up for creating the plugin..!


...but being an absolute Linux & Webserver noob would love a 'walk me thru' on the next steps to actually installing a VM..!  :D


best regards, fergal


Once you have the webserver and phpVirtualBox installed (see http://vbox.a1aina.com/install.php) you can find many tutorials on youtube of how to setup a new VM.


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is there a way not not have this install in /opt?



this is something that lainie should answer as *s*he is compiling the package.


The VirtualBox installer (the VirtualBox<version>.run file that comes from the VirtualBox Download page) extracts binary files to "/opt/VirtualBox" directory, creates an udev rule, compiles and insert the kernel modules and creates a lot of links. If you need further customization (like a specific other location), you will probably need to compile your own; here is a link to the guide on how to compile VirtualBox for unRAID.


If you can present a good reason why everyone (using this package/plugin) would want VirtualBox installed elsewhere & provide instructions, I can look into incorporating it into future versions.

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drwxrwxrwx 6 root root 32768 2013-01-24 17:32 ../
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21381 2013-02-04 18:42 xpti.dat*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  1237 2013-02-04 18:42 compreg.dat*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  1818 2013-02-05 19:25 VBoxSVC.log.10*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  1818 2013-02-05 20:43 VBoxSVC.log.9*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  2189 2013-02-05 20:44 VBoxSVC.log.8*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  2584 2013-02-06 17:47 VBoxSVC.log.7*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  2039 2013-02-06 20:05 VBoxSVC.log.6*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  1818 2013-02-06 20:05 VBoxSVC.log.5*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  1818 2013-02-06 20:08 VBoxSVC.log.4*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  2190 2013-02-06 20:11 VBoxSVC.log.3*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  2584 2013-02-09 13:19 VBoxSVC.log.2*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  1817 2013-02-09 13:19 VBoxSVC.log.1*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  2431 2013-02-09 15:30 VirtualBox.xml-prev*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  2518 2013-02-09 15:31 VirtualBox.xml*
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 32768 2013-02-09 15:31 ./
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  4587 2013-02-09 20:31 VBoxSVC.log*

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I can maybe add a parameter to the plugin configuration that you could change /boot/custom/vbox location and it will change the symlink from existing to anything the user wants and even move existing files to the new location.


I just need to understand when this location is used so I change it after every install in time.

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is there a way not not have this install in /opt?



this is something that lainie should answer as *s*he is compiling the package.


The VirtualBox installer (the VirtualBox<version>.run file that comes from the VirtualBox Download page) extracts binary files to "/opt/VirtualBox" directory, creates an udev rule, compiles and insert the kernel modules and creates a lot of links. If you need further customization (like a specific other location), you will probably need to compile your own; here is a link to the guide on how to compile VirtualBox for unRAID.


If you can present a good reason why everyone (using this package/plugin) would want VirtualBox installed elsewhere & provide instructions, I can look into incorporating it into future versions.


the reason why /opt is not a good location for unRAID is because /opt will sit on the ram drive - there is only so much space used when it is created - /opt is and has always been a physical disk location on a normal linux distro


hence the same thing with me using lampp - its designed to be ran from a physical drive not a ram drive - my lampp install w/newznab is 17G and growing - it wont fit on a ram drive - the reason why is symlink to my cache drive.


Am am not saying it cant be run from there - but it does not like the permission when the VB extension get installed - VB itself installs just fine...


everything should be owned by nobody.users - VB is being owned by root and complains that my /mnt/cache is not owned by root when trying to install the extension



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guess there is no hope in this plugin for me - will either have to run my VB on a windows machine or put together another linux machine.


Its a shame, as this looks like a good plugin....




It is not the plugin but the package.


Can you change the ownership of just the opt folder on your cache drive /mnt/cache to root:root ?

And then try again?


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i figured out another way ...


instead of symlinking /opt i am now symlinking /opt/lampp to my cache drive.


so now your plugin can create what it needs in /opt and is happy.


now if I can just get phpvirtualbox up and running - i get a error message with a loading box on top of it and cant see what its hollering about




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i figured out another way ...


instead of symlinking /opt i am now symlinking /opt/lampp to my cache drive.


so now your plugin can create what it needs in /opt and is happy.




now if I can just get phpvirtualbox up and running - i get a error message with a loading box on top of it and cant see what its hollering about




What exactly did you do to install phpVirtualBox?


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extracted it into my webserver docs area - edited the config.php and put it my root login/pass and double checked the port


I will try and take a screen shot




do you really need the authentication?

If not disable authentication:

var $noAuth = true;


dont have that in my config.php?  do I just add it?




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I second this..!  ;)


Plugin installed without an issue.. :) Thumbs up for creating the plugin..!


...but being an absolute Linux & Webserver noob would love a 'walk me thru' on the next steps to actually installing a VM..!  :D


best regards, fergal


Once you have the webserver and phpVirtualBox installed (see http://vbox.a1aina.com/install.php) you can find many tutorials on youtube of how to setup a new VM.


Got it working, nice one..! Thanks..!

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