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OpenVPN Server & Client for unRAID 6.2+ (6.1 are still supported)


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I have this issue trying to connect from Windows 10

15 minutes ago, mata7 said:

peter i found my problem

if i enable Control channel encryption (tls-crypt) i cannot connect, if is disable work fine, is there any security compromise if i have this disable?


thanks for you help 



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On 4/28/2017 at 10:52 AM, killeriq said:

Trying to enable this function (its set in OVPN file by provider) https://airvpn.org/topic/9608-how-to-accept-dns-push-on-linux-systems-with-resolvconf/

Update resolv-conf script (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/OpenVPN#DNS)


How do i enable it? i did copy  /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf.sh and set chmod +x , but still not working...

reading: Note: If manually placing the script on the filesystem, be sure to have openresolv installed.

How do i install it into the OpenVPN client or unraid server?





 Hi Guys, any solution on this?



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  • 2 weeks later...
Im running OVPN Server on unraid, but soon as i connect from remote PC as client , i lose internet connection on that PC.
Any clue what/where to check?

Did you change many settings ? If so start with default and try again?
I never seen this behaviour before .
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Yes. I also tried uninstalling. Still no luck. I went as far as deleting the files manually.
i tried safari, Firefox and chrome browsers also.

Hmmm, can you change to a new path for "Path to store Server, Clients config files and the Easyrsa V3" and start over again?
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4 hours ago, peter_sm said:

Hmmm, can you change to a new path for "Path to store Server, Clients config files and the Easyrsa V3" and start over again?


Just tried it with a new folder. No luck. Previously I was deleting that folder manually before reinstalling but with no success.

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4 hours ago, peter_sm said:

Hmmm, can you change to a new path for "Path to store Server, Clients config files and the Easyrsa V3" and start over again?

Something I just noticed is that the "VPN Server IP" and "OpenVPN Version" are blank in the status page.  I have the IP configured but the fact that the version number is missing is strange.


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I figured it out. Looks like the URL for the openvpn package was timing out. 

the plg was pulling from:



I replaced it with this source and it was able to pull the package correctly.



The install log didn't have any mention of the file not downloading correctly and the plug in reports back as install complete. maybe something you can look into for the next update?

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4 hours ago, dscdsc said:

I figured it out. Looks like the URL for the openvpn package was timing out. 

the plg was pulling from:



I replaced it with this source and it was able to pull the package correctly.



The install log didn't have any mention of the file not downloading correctly and the plug in reports back as install complete. maybe something you can look into for the next update?


Had this exact some issue

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4 hours ago, peter_sm said:

I see now that is some issue with default slackware package location .. but did you not get any md5 error during install ?




There was no MD5 error and the plug in installation reported as complete. I did notice that the plug in installation was very fast, probably because the openvpn package was not downloaded.


The way I figured it out was I tried downloading and installing the openvpn package manually. I got the URL from the PLG file and did a wget and also tried in a browser. That's when I saw the link was not working and I looked for an alternate.


As of 5 mins ago the link is still down. Did they change something on the mirror?


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