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[support] pducharme's Dockers support thread

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Logs seems to be saying all is good.


Did you install the Certificate on the ATV ?  you need to install the cert by using this procedure :


Step 5 to Step 9 in this tutorial : https://miapple.me/plexconnect-installling-certificates-on-apple-tv-without-usb/


After that, it should work. 


I guess you changed the Unraid Web GUI Port ? (instead of 80) so PlexConnect can use it ? -- it's also required.


Let me know!

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Logs seems to be saying all is good.


Did you install the Certificate on the ATV ?  you need to install the cert by using this procedure :


Step 5 to Step 9 in this tutorial : https://miapple.me/plexconnect-installling-certificates-on-apple-tv-without-usb/


After that, it should work. 


I guess you changed the Unraid Web GUI Port ? (instead of 80) so PlexConnect can use it ? -- it's also required.


Let me know!



After installed a new profile by following that tutorial, the plexconnect is working fine now. Thanks a lot.


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  • 2 weeks later...

spencers:  I did the same !  I updated the docker, then realized it too far.  So I did this (from LS.io thread) :


0. Complete the UniFi Controller setup.  If you remember SSID and Pass, you can set it to the same as before.

1. Install the Google UniFi webapp : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ubiquiti-discovery-tool/hmpigflbjeapnknladcfphgkemopofig?hl=en

2. In that Chrome App, I clicked the "Unifi Familly" button, then It displayed my AP (managed/adopted)

3. I click the AP, then choose "Reset to default", I entered the user/pass i previously set in my UniFi Controller before I destroyed it.

4. I SSH to the AP IP address using the default ubnt / ubnt

5. type this :  mca-cli

6: set-inform http://UnraidIP:port/inform (where address is IP of controller and port is the port you are using for inform, default is 8080)

7. After, I see it appearing in the UniFi Controller Web GUI, I click on "adopt", then when completed I click on Upgrade (to upgrade it to latest version of the Firmware that came out at the same time then the new UniFi version).


Hope it get you back on tracks :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've discovered something very very worrying about the urbackup container with btrfs tools,


it's making ghost copies of the container which cannot be deleted, delete the container and image it gives you a warning about being unable to delete a snapshot.


then reboot and there are ghost containers appearing on my dashboard that you can delete, but survive a reboot and are there again.


i am going to message jonp about this, because i'm very concerned that it's doing things to the docker.img file that it really shouldn't be.


Hi. Has anyone found a solution to this issue? Or can anyone suggest an alternate backup solution? Currently testing unRAID and it wasn't till recently that I was able to test it on a physical machine. Up to now I was running it on a VM. More than half the trial lost on a VM solution that never really worked as a proper test bench. Since yesterday I have it running on a box that has no internet connection and the main idea for this box was to set up a share and have all my PC's backup to there, using UrBackup on the server end and the UrBackup client on the Win boxes. So my main issue would have been how to install UrBackup on the unRAID box without any internet connection to the box. Now that seems like the least of my worries.



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I've discovered something very very worrying about the urbackup container with btrfs tools,


it's making ghost copies of the container which cannot be deleted, delete the container and image it gives you a warning about being unable to delete a snapshot.


then reboot and there are ghost containers appearing on my dashboard that you can delete, but survive a reboot and are there again.


i am going to message jonp about this, because i'm very concerned that it's doing things to the docker.img file that it really shouldn't be.


Hi. Has anyone found a solution to this issue?


I think I found a fix to remove the ghost copies. It's not a solution to the issue, but a fix to free up the space eaten up by the subcontainers. Check the linked post below and the post after it.



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I've discovered something very very worrying about the urbackup container with btrfs tools,


it's making ghost copies of the container which cannot be deleted, delete the container and image it gives you a warning about being unable to delete a snapshot.


then reboot and there are ghost containers appearing on my dashboard that you can delete, but survive a reboot and are there again.


i am going to message jonp about this, because i'm very concerned that it's doing things to the docker.img file that it really shouldn't be.

Being one of the less inclined to the linux camp, all those lines of text tend to scare me off :)


Thanks . I'll look in to it.


Hi. Has anyone found a solution to this issue?


I think I found a fix to remove the ghost copies. It's not a solution to the issue, but a fix to free up the space eaten up by the subcontainers. Check the linked post below and the post after it.



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Is there a proper procedure to update the Unifi docker, and retain all current configuration? 


If not, I may just leave well enough alone  ;)


Here's how I just did it:


Download the backup from Settings -> Maintenance

Update the Docker

On the first step of setting up Unifi, select restore from backup file.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just updated my UniFi docker image and had to go through the setup as well.  Very frustrating.  Whenever I edit the docker, I have to go through the setup wizard.  From the looks of the image there is only one place this is saving and I have it where my other Docker persistent storage is.  What's wrong with this image?

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I have installed Unifi-Video, but I cannot get it to start for the life of me.  I let it create the files and folders within my appdata folder.  I have stopped the program and edited system.properties to include "is_default=true" (without quotes) on the first line.  I have also repaired permissions after this action and restarted the docker.  Once restarted I see nothing in the docker log.  What I am doing wrong?  I have used nano via putty to edit, as well as, word pad through file explorer.  I have repaired permissions before starting, as well as, delete all the files and start fresh multiple times.  I have yet to get the docker to actually load.


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I see they have just released UniFi Video 3.2 ;) ;)


nblain1 - I had to run it from my cache drive or else mongodb wouldn't work, some sort of file read/write speed check it does at startup fails otherwise.


The docker is installed to and running from my cache drive (specifically /mnt/cache/appdata and NOT /mnt/user/appdata).  Is this the correct mapping scheme?  Also when you edited system.properties how did you do it?  Did you ssh to unRaid directly and use nano or just a word editor from a networked machine?  Also, am I correct when I login as root to edit the file using SSH and nano?

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Yes, I did update the docker for Unifi-Video today to 3.2 release, but now, I got an error with starting.  I even try deleting the appdata/unifi-video folder, but it seems it doesn't work either. 


Complaints about : no_ubnt_webrtc_jni in java library path...


I'll have to search... for now, it's broken!

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Hi.  Are there special instructions to get the Unifi controller to work?  It cannot find my AP.  A windows based controller finds it immediately.


A little background-


My Unraid box is behind a Sophos firewall.  But desktops (hosting the windows based controller) can ping the unraid box, and access it without problems.  I didn't put in any rules for internet network.


I receive this message: No Devices have been discovered.


Any ideas?

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spencers:  I did the same !  I updated the docker, then realized it too far.  So I did this (from LS.io thread) :


0. Complete the UniFi Controller setup.  If you remember SSID and Pass, you can set it to the same as before.

1. Install the Google UniFi webapp : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ubiquiti-discovery-tool/hmpigflbjeapnknladcfphgkemopofig?hl=en

2. In that Chrome App, I clicked the "Unifi Familly" button, then It displayed my AP (managed/adopted)

3. I click the AP, then choose "Reset to default", I entered the user/pass i previously set in my UniFi Controller before I destroyed it.

4. I SSH to the AP IP address using the default ubnt / ubnt

5. type this :  mca-cli

6: set-inform http://UnraidIP:port/inform (where address is IP of controller and port is the port you are using for inform, default is 8080)

7. After, I see it appearing in the UniFi Controller Web GUI, I click on "adopt", then when completed I click on Upgrade (to upgrade it to latest version of the Firmware that came out at the same time then the new UniFi version).


Hope it get you back on tracks :)

Hi. This instruction is clearer. But I have a question.  How do you find out the AP's IP address to ssh into?

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If your AP was previously adopted on another controller, you'll need to set-inform it.  I find that I had to manually tell the AP what was the address of the controller.  Maybe it's because it reside in a docker (?).

Yup,  I got it working with my windows based controller. Is there a way to do a set-inform in Gui,  then reset (I read this is needed) ,  and still be recognized by the docker unifi controller app?

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