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Sparklyballs' Repo- Sparkly Stuff In Here

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I created a <user>.json in the appdata/shoutirc/users dir through ftp with the following content


  "user": "example",
  "password": "password",
  "log": false,
  "networks": [{
    "name": "Freenode",
    "host": "irc.freenode.net",
    "port": 6697,
    "tls": true,
    "password": "serverpw",
    "nick": "john",
    "realname": "John Doe",
    "commands": [
      "/msg NickServ identify password",
      "/msg ChanServ op #chan"
    "join": "#foo, #bar"


then changed config file from public to private. I can see the login screen but when i login, it just displays a blank page :( and when i refresh it brings back the login page. Enabled the logs and i can see that there is connection happening in the background and i can see the chat records. What could be causing the issue?

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I created a <user>.json in the appdata/shoutirc/users dir through ftp with the following content


  "user": "example",
  "password": "password",
  "log": false,
  "networks": [{
    "name": "Freenode",
    "host": "irc.freenode.net",
    "port": 6697,
    "tls": true,
    "password": "serverpw",
    "nick": "john",
    "realname": "John Doe",
    "commands": [
      "/msg NickServ identify password",
      "/msg ChanServ op #chan"
    "join": "#foo, #bar"


then changed config file from public to private. I can see the login screen but when i login, it just displays a blank page :( and when i refresh it brings back the login page. Enabled the logs and i can see that there is connection happening in the background and i can see the chat records. What could be causing the issue?


no idea.

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I created a <user>.json in the appdata/shoutirc/users dir through ftp with the following content


  "user": "example",
  "password": "password",
  "log": false,
  "networks": [{
    "name": "Freenode",
    "host": "irc.freenode.net",
    "port": 6697,
    "tls": true,
    "password": "serverpw",
    "nick": "john",
    "realname": "John Doe",
    "commands": [
      "/msg NickServ identify password",
      "/msg ChanServ op #chan"
    "join": "#foo, #bar"


then changed config file from public to private. I can see the login screen but when i login, it just displays a blank page :( and when i refresh it brings back the login page. Enabled the logs and i can see that there is connection happening in the background and i can see the chat records. What could be causing the issue?


no idea.


according to their documentation you're supposed to add a user like this, (from the exec command line for the docker)


shout add user <name> --home /config


then you should see in /config/users a json file for that user, edit it with


shout edit <name> --home /config


but that's damn vi which is bloody useless unless you're a beardy linux type with a degree in annoyingly dificult things.


so i'd suggest nano editing the file.


all of which is academic because as of yet i haven't found the missing link on how to use that user.

not sure if there's a an addition to the url or something you have to use, but their documentation is not clear at all, tells you how to create a user, doesn't tell you how to use it once you've created it.

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right, got a bit further along now.


in the config.js, which is in /config , either edit it in your locally stored folder or exec'ing to the container.





module.exports = {


        // Set the server mode.

        // Public servers does not require authentication.


        // Set to 'false' to enable users.


        // @type    boolean

        // @default  false


        public: true, 




public: true,





public: false,


add a user and it will then give you a login after stop/starting the container.       

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public: true,





public: false,


add a user and it will then give you a login after stop/starting the container.     


This bit I actually did do.  Will try and figure all this out later, and see if I can get it working.

Thanks Sparkly

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OK, to add a user to shout-irc

docker exec -ti shout-irc /bin/bash


Then to add a user

shout add USER --home /config


Exit the container



The .json files will be in your /config/users folder on your unraid array.


Then edit /config/config.js








Nice one sparkly.

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'lo sparkly,



Regarding the kodi headless docker (not coma) I'm just wondering, getting a lot of; "WARNING: Create - Compiled without non-free, rar support is disabled" in kodi.log when performing a scan. Is it possible to compile the docker with unrar? Only thing I know of is Debian removes rar-support in terms of their license;



I'm using the headless version for updating my library via cron, doesn't seem to be able to add some of my media, most likely its because some archives are compressed, which Kodi doesn't support if it's compiled on Debian.


Scans on my other Kodi clients works though (kodi on ubuntu, openelec on rpi).

My entire archive is rar-ed - no go extracting it all.

I can live without it, but it kinda removes the purpose of running a headless version for my intended usage



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'lo sparkly,



Regarding the kodi headless docker (not coma) I'm just wondering, getting a lot of; "WARNING: Create - Compiled without non-free, rar support is disabled" in kodi.log when performing a scan. Is it possible to compile the docker with unrar? Only thing I know of is Debian removes rar-support in terms of their license;



I'm using the headless version for updating my library via cron, doesn't seem to be able to add some of my media, most likely its because some archives are compressed, which Kodi doesn't support if it's compiled on Debian.


Scans on my other Kodi clients works though (kodi on ubuntu, openelec on rpi).

My entire archive is rar-ed - no go extracting it all.

I can live without it, but it kinda removes the purpose of running a headless version for my intended usage


it's not compiled on debian, it's ubuntu 14.04. that thread is specifically debian.

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'lo sparkly,



Regarding the kodi headless docker (not coma) I'm just wondering, getting a lot of; "WARNING: Create - Compiled without non-free, rar support is disabled" in kodi.log when performing a scan. Is it possible to compile the docker with unrar? Only thing I know of is Debian removes rar-support in terms of their license;



I'm using the headless version for updating my library via cron, doesn't seem to be able to add some of my media, most likely its because some archives are compressed, which Kodi doesn't support if it's compiled on Debian.


Scans on my other Kodi clients works though (kodi on ubuntu, openelec on rpi).

My entire archive is rar-ed - no go extracting it all.

I can live without it, but it kinda removes the purpose of running a headless version for my intended usage



added unrar to the dependencies, you can test when the build completes in about an hour to hour and a half, it's a slow build because of compiling kodi.

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hey sparky what does koma do that plex or mediabrowser doesnt?


plex is the bastard son of xbmc, lol.


but other than that, they're not comparable. i have no need for serving my files to the wider net which as i can see is the only reason to bother with plex and it's terrible interface and dodgy movie scanning.


koma is a mashup of kodi and mariadb to provide a headless instance to allow library updates, similar to plex server handling the library for clients.

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hey sparky what does koma do that plex or mediabrowser doesnt?


plex is the bastard son of xbmc, lol.


but other than that, they're not comparable. i have no need for serving my files to the wider net which as i can see is the only reason to bother with plex and it's terrible interface and dodgy movie scanning.


koma is a mashup of kodi and mariadb to provide a headless instance to allow library updates, similar to plex server handling the library for clients.

Plex has players in smart tvs, Roku and other streaming devices. Not just for the wider net, in fact I don't use it on the wider net at all.
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hey sparky what does koma do that plex or mediabrowser doesnt?


plex is the bastard son of xbmc, lol.


but other than that, they're not comparable. i have no need for serving my files to the wider net which as i can see is the only reason to bother with plex and it's terrible interface and dodgy movie scanning.


koma is a mashup of kodi and mariadb to provide a headless instance to allow library updates, similar to plex server handling the library for clients.

Plex has players in smart tvs, Roku and other streaming devices. Not just for the wider net, in fact I don't use it on the wider net at all.


i still don't like it, lol.

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hey sparky what does koma do that plex or mediabrowser doesnt?


plex is the bastard son of xbmc, lol.


but other than that, they're not comparable. i have no need for serving my files to the wider net which as i can see is the only reason to bother with plex and it's terrible interface and dodgy movie scanning.


koma is a mashup of kodi and mariadb to provide a headless instance to allow library updates, similar to plex server handling the library for clients.

Plex has players in smart tvs, Roku and other streaming devices. Not just for the wider net, in fact I don't use it on the wider net at all.


i still don't like it, lol.

I have used XBMC, but switched to Plex before anyone bothered to figure out how to run XBMC as a headless server. XBMC, now Kodi, is definitely more flexible, but flexibility and complexity go hand in hand. I don't spend a lot of time watching TV anyway so I haven't really bothered with it on unRAID yet. Maybe after I get around to setting up DVR capability with the HDHomerun I bought several months ago. Always something needing to be setup, and you docker devs are always coming up with more.
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I've been an unraid + xbmc user for years (closing to a decade now??) and only very recently installed Plex on my unraid. I think Plex is great for mobiles where you need to transcode and sync your media off it. I still keep kodi/xbmc machines on my big screens though.

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I used to have multiple xbmc boxes using a mysql database.


But a couple of years ago I was having mysql related issues and every time I reported the bugs, I got the answer "None of the devs are using mysql and none are interested in working on it"


After that I got a bunch of Roku's and chromecasts and started using plex on them in the bedroom, kitchen, etc. I even gifted a few to family members and shared my plex libraries with them.


I still run xbmc on my main media center, hooked up to the projector. But it is the only xbmc box in the house.


In my opinion, XBMC is great as a standalone media center projected on a huge screen. Subtitle support, cinema experience and pseudotv are top notch additions. However, no remote streaming due to lack of transcoding (unless you have gigabit internet at both ends)


Plex is great for remote streaming, or sharing with friends and family. Within the last 2 years plex grew by leaps and bounds. Utilizing their transcoding backend, they put apps on any media player imaginable and their app is usually one of the first media apps on any new device. Even the PlexSync and CloudSync are amazing features that make it so easy to take media with you anywhere.


And of course, trakt.tv addons keep my xbmc and plex in sync.

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I used to have multiple xbmc boxes using a mysql database.


But a couple of years ago I was having mysql related issues and every time I reported the bugs, I got the answer "None of the devs are using mysql and none are interested in working on it"


After that I got a bunch of Roku's and chromecasts and started using plex on them in the bedroom, kitchen, etc. I even gifted a few to family members and shared my plex libraries with them.


I still run xbmc on my main media center, hooked up to the projector. But it is the only xbmc box in the house.


In my opinion, XBMC is great as a standalone media center projected on a huge screen. Subtitle support, cinema experience and pseudotv are top notch additions. However, no remote streaming due to lack of transcoding (unless you have gigabit internet at both ends)


Plex is great for remote streaming, or sharing with friends and family. Within the last 2 years plex grew by leaps and bounds. Utilizing their transcoding backend, they put apps on any media player imaginable and their app is usually one of the first media apps on any new device. Even the PlexSync and CloudSync are amazing features that make it so easy to take media with you anywhere.


And of course, trakt.tv addons keep my xbmc and plex in sync.


i still don't like it, lol

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i still don't like it, lol


I'm with you Sparkly, I use Plex for my mobile devices but couldn't use it on my media centres.  Kodi all the way.


I might try mediabrowser /emby for mobile support at some point.

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hey sparky what does koma do that plex or mediabrowser doesnt?


plex is the bastard son of xbmc, lol.


but other than that, they're not comparable. i have no need for serving my files to the wider net which as i can see is the only reason to bother with plex and it's terrible interface and dodgy movie scanning.


koma is a mashup of kodi and mariadb to provide a headless instance to allow library updates, similar to plex server handling the library for clients.


Does Kodi manage offline titles? As in Blu-ray discs sitting in the cabinet? That is the big thing I miss with Plex that I had in My Movies (it handles both on/offline but is married to WMC). Being able to show those titles to guests when choosing.

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hey sparky what does koma do that plex or mediabrowser doesnt?


plex is the bastard son of xbmc, lol.


but other than that, they're not comparable. i have no need for serving my files to the wider net which as i can see is the only reason to bother with plex and it's terrible interface and dodgy movie scanning.


koma is a mashup of kodi and mariadb to provide a headless instance to allow library updates, similar to plex server handling the library for clients.


Does Kodi manage offline titles? As in Blu-ray discs sitting in the cabinet? That is the big thing I miss with Plex that I had in My Movies (it handles both on/offline but is married to WMC). Being able to show those titles to guests when choosing.



there's no substitute for doing "the flourish" with your hands as guests marvel at your bluray collection over a glass of something exotic.

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