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(Support) Aptalca's docker templates

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I don't think I enable the clipboard channels. What channels do you guys want enabled? Here is the list.











is that sound ?? there isn't a virtual sound card is there ?


With X11rdp running the virtual server I think its possible. I'm still building that image since I had to get a build going that had a bug fixed for check boxes. I'm testing it out now and it seems pretty stable although it is a build from a dev branch so there might be some bug and stability issues. Is sound something you want?

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I don't think I enable the clipboard channels. What channels do you guys want enabled? Here is the list.











is that sound ?? there isn't a virtual sound card is there ?


With X11rdp running the virtual server I think its possible. I'm still building that image since I had to get a build going that had a bug fixed for check boxes. I'm testing it out now and it seems pretty stable although it is a build from a dev branch so there might be some bug and stability issues. Is sound something you want?


it could be very interesting. video editors and other apps in the same vein.

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ALL DIGIKAM USERS (if there are any  :o )


I screwed up. I missed another config file that digikam uses (horrible documentation). This file in the current release is saved within the container and will be lost during the next update. If you would like to keep your existing settings and database, please perform the following BEFORE you update (update will be released in a couple of days)


Open the WebUI, click on browse and then quit


Go to the unRaid terminal and enter into the digikam docker with the following command:


docker exec -it DigiKam bash


Then enter the following commands:


mkdir -p /config/.kde
cp -Rp /nobody/.kde/* /config/.kde/
rm -r /nobody/.kde
ln -s /config/.kde /nobody/.kde
chown nobody:users /nobody/.kde
chown -R nobody:users /config/.kde


After that you can update and your setting should be preserved. All future updates will also preserve settings (I hope)


EDIT: I have been testing this extensively and I am confident that the above will preserve your app settings. If you update without doing the above, just point to the same library folder (/config) upon first launch and you should still have your albums and tags, but you will lose a lot of the gui settings like how thumbs are displayed and such.

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DigiKam is updated to 4.9.0 from 3.5.0.


Last official stable release for ubuntu 14.04 was 3.5.0. I am using a different repository to install the latest. I had to do a lot of testing to make sure it worked properly before updating.


I added the ability to change the resolution. Default is 1280x720, but you can change the WIDTH and HEIGHT variables in the Advanced View window of the container settings. (1080p is a lot more functional on a high res display, but may affect performance on poor or remote network connections)


I also added an EDGE variable to enable future updates. Set to 1 for auto updates on start up.


I believe it is stable enough that this should be the last update to this container for a while.

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Ahh, so you went with the second option of installing. In that case, you can just hit the save button underneath where you enter the repositories and it should update the ones already saved. After that the new templates should show up.


The picture I posted is for the community repositories plugin. It is pretty awesome as you can browse all the containers available by all the devs, Then you can click on any one of their container logos to add the specific container. The plugin pulls the info from all the repositories. Here's the page for the plugin: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=39106.0

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lol, never used krusader


I was using nautilus on my vm for all large transfer or delete operations (try to delete a folder with several thousands of files on a samba share in windows explorer on a laptop via wifi, you would want to shoot yourself). Since I scrapped the vm, I was using mc in screen on unraid terminal.


Dolphin is nicer than nautilus for sure, but I gotta check out krusader, too

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i'm still building krusader, and you can't stop me, lol.

Just installed aptalca's Dolphin. Look forward to comparing it to krusader.


I added another volume mapping in my Dolphin, /boot maps to /flash. Might be useful to get to those locations as well as stuff in /mnt.


Looking in my Dolphin now, I see there is already an empty /boot, and the contents of unRAID /boot appear in /flash, as I intended. Could I have used /boot on the container side instead of /flash? I didn't because I thought it might already exist, and it does, but it is empty.

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I believe /boot is the partition that holds the kernel and whatever else is needed before the kernel is loaded.


I am not sure how it is handled after boot in ubuntu and/or whether mounting the flash disk as /boot would cause any issues in a container.

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