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[DOCKER] Handbrake GUI + Automation via CLI

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Hello, I'm trying to access the CLI version of handbrake.  How do I do that?  I just see WEBUI when i click on the Handbrake Docker and it takes me to the Handbrake GUI.




in the folder on your unraid box which was mapped to "/nobody/.config/ghb" , you will find a convert script folder and a watch folder.


in the script folder is a sample script for conversions, change the variables at the top for different presets and then put a movie in the watch folder and it will spit it out in the output folder.


use the gui to edit/add presets.

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Hey sparkly. Any chance of getting an update to 10.2? Even better, is there a way for you to always grab 'current' on docker reload like plex does?


I just want to restate that all the auto-update docker containers goes against the true spirit of Docker, where it's supposed to be a static snapshot in time, so if something works it will continue to work and every user's experience will be the same.


However, I can see how users like to abuse the Docker system so they can treat it like their personal computer with auto-updates.

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Hey sparkly. Any chance of getting an update to 10.2? Even better, is there a way for you to always grab 'current' on docker reload like plex does?


i'm not doing the whole update every 15 seconds routine..., so no edge or variant of edge.


the image itself takes whatever is the latest in the handbrake ppa, the container obviously reflects that.


any changes are therefore at the image level and need to be instigated by me.

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huh? edge?


All I know is 10.2 is the current stable release.  The rest of the image talk was lost on me. Sorry.


BRiT: are you talking auto update while the docker is running? or an update that happens when the docker is recreated and it grabs the most recent application binary? If you mean the latter then maybe we need a toggle tell unraid NOT to redownload?


EDIT: you mean the most current here https://launchpad.net/~stebbins/+archive/ubuntu/handbrake-releases ... because it is 10.2 and i tried an edit/save in unraid and I still have 10.1

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I was talking about the docker updating programs inside the contaier via variables like edge or other auto update mechanisms.


Im fine with unraid pulling down a new version of a docker container if the user did not specify a specific version of the container AND has auto update setting enabled on the docker container. However, I do not believe unraid has such an autoupdate setting available so thats moot (for now).

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yeah i don't know from "edge". I still haven't figured out what people are talking about with that. I'm guessing from what you said it is some way to get update in-docker while running? Yeah I'm not looking for that and i get why it is bad.


sparkly ... hmmm ok i'll try again once my encode queue is empty.

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in the folder on your unraid box which was mapped to "/nobody/.config/ghb" , you will find a convert script folder and a watch folder.


in the script folder is a sample script for conversions, change the variables at the top for different presets and then put a movie in the watch folder and it will spit it out in the output folder.


use the gui to edit/add presets.


Thanks, do you know how often the job is suppose to run? I put in one video and it converted but when i added more videos to the watch folder it doesn't convert. 

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yeah i don't know from "edge". I still haven't figured out what people are talking about with that. I'm guessing from what you said it is some way to get update in-docker while running? Yeah I'm not looking for that and i get why it is bad.


sparkly ... hmmm ok i'll try again once my encode queue is empty.


[sigh] tried it again and bam, updated. Sorry for the noise.

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in the folder on your unraid box which was mapped to "/nobody/.config/ghb" , you will find a convert script folder and a watch folder.


in the script folder is a sample script for conversions, change the variables at the top for different presets and then put a movie in the watch folder and it will spit it out in the output folder.


use the gui to edit/add presets.


Thanks, do you know how often the job is suppose to run? I put in one video and it converted but when i added more videos to the watch folder it doesn't convert.


should be instant , perhaps clear out already converted video files.

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  • 2 weeks later...

in the folder on your unraid box which was mapped to "/nobody/.config/ghb" , you will find a convert script folder and a watch folder.


in the script folder is a sample script for conversions, change the variables at the top for different presets and then put a movie in the watch folder and it will spit it out in the output folder.


use the gui to edit/add presets.


Thanks, do you know how often the job is suppose to run? I put in one video and it converted but when i added more videos to the watch folder it doesn't convert.


should be instant , perhaps clear out already converted video files.


Same here, its not using my Watch folder at all for me, is there anything else that needs to be tweaked other than the config file to change the preset?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Could someone give me an idea of how long it is taking their server to convert a Blu-Ray with this Docker?  I love it, but I thought my server might be able to process it a bit faster and I'm curious what others are seeing.  I would be especially curious to hear from anyone with an i3, i5, or i7 processor.  I've read that those have some kind of capability to do conversions like this very fast.  Again, just a curiosity. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you very much for this Docker. I've got an extremely silly question (sorry). For a test run I used the preset destination folder nobody.


For the log:

[06:25:22] job configuration:
[06:25:22]  * source
[06:25:22]    + /Movies/The Fast And The Furious 1-6.mkv
[06:25:22]    + title 1, chapter(s) 1 to 1
[06:25:22]    + container: matroska,webm
[06:25:22]  * destination
[06:25:22]    + /nobody/The Fast And The Furious 1-6.m4v
[06:25:22]    + container: MPEG-4 (libavformat)


Any pointers on the location of the converted file?


Again, sorry... Thanks!

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Thank you very much for this Docker. I've got an extremely silly question (sorry). For a test run I used the preset destination folder nobody.


For the log:

[06:25:22] job configuration:
[06:25:22]  * source
[06:25:22]    + /Movies/The Fast And The Furious 1-6.mkv
[06:25:22]    + title 1, chapter(s) 1 to 1
[06:25:22]    + container: matroska,webm
[06:25:22]  * destination
[06:25:22]    + /nobody/The Fast And The Furious 1-6.m4v
[06:25:22]    + container: MPEG-4 (libavformat)


Any pointers on the location of the converted file?


Again, sorry... Thanks!

What are your volume mappings?
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Thank you!



As you can see from your volume mappings, only a subfolder of /nobody is actually mapped to unRAID. So, /nobody itself is inside the container, and the file you have created is taking up space in your docker .img file.


You should remove the container and image in order to clean up your docker .img file. Then add the container again from your template, and when you use it, make sure you make it output to a folder that is mapped to unRAID. That is probably what your /Output folder is for.

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Thank you!



As you can see from your volume mappings, only a subfolder of /nobody is actually mapped to unRAID. So, /nobody itself is inside the container, and the file you have created is taking up space in your docker .img file.


You should remove the container and image in order to clean up your docker .img file. Then add the container again from your template, and when you use it, make sure you make it output to a folder that is mapped to unRAID. That is probably what your /Output folder is for.


if he wants the converted file outputted, if he hasn't killed the container yet that is...


docker exec -it HandBrake mv /nobody/*.m4v /Output/



from the unraid command line should give him it.


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Thank you!



As you can see from your volume mappings, only a subfolder of /nobody is actually mapped to unRAID. So, /nobody itself is inside the container, and the file you have created is taking up space in your docker .img file.


You should remove the container and image in order to clean up your docker .img file. Then add the container again from your template, and when you use it, make sure you make it output to a folder that is mapped to unRAID. That is probably what your /Output folder is for.


if he wants the converted file outputted, if he hasn't killed the container yet that is...


docker exec -it HandBrake mv /nobody/*.m4v /Output/



from the unraid command line should give him it.

Wasn't sure I should give him that opportunity to pollute his docker .img further since his understanding is a little uncertain.
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Thank you!



As you can see from your volume mappings, only a subfolder of /nobody is actually mapped to unRAID. So, /nobody itself is inside the container, and the file you have created is taking up space in your docker .img file.


You should remove the container and image in order to clean up your docker .img file. Then add the container again from your template, and when you use it, make sure you make it output to a folder that is mapped to unRAID. That is probably what your /Output folder is for.


if he wants the converted file outputted, if he hasn't killed the container yet that is...


docker exec -it HandBrake mv /nobody/*.m4v /Output/



from the unraid command line should give him it.

Wasn't sure I should give him that opportunity to pollute his docker .img further since his understanding is a little uncertain.


a fair point..

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  • 4 weeks later...

Two requests:

[*]Would it be possible to add the event "moved_to" to inotifywait?  Some .mkv I want to convert are already on the array and since they're big I'd rather move than copy them.


[*]Could the watched dir be changed to something I could assign with volume mapping?  I don't know if it's a good idea to map /nobody/.config/ghb/Watch-Folder to something since /nobody/.config/ghb is already a mapping.


I'll modify convert.sh to move files from the watched dir to a processed dir once handbrake had done it's thing.



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Two requests:

[*]Would it be possible to add the event "moved_to" to inotifywait?  Some .mkv I want to convert are already on the array and since they're big I'd rather move than copy them.


[*]Could the watched dir be changed to something I could assign with volume mapping?  I don't know if it's a good idea to map /nobody/.config/ghb/Watch-Folder to something since /nobody/.config/ghb is already a mapping.


I'll modify convert.sh to move files from the watched dir to a processed dir once handbrake had done it's thing.




i've added the moved_to to inotifywait, via adding the wrong command first... it's building on the hub so give about an hour from the timestamp of this message.


as for the folder mappings, i'm not in a position to change those as it would affect a lot of existing users.

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Could the watched dir be changed to something I could assign with volume mapping?  I don't know if it's a good idea to map /nobody/.config/ghb/Watch-Folder to something since /nobody/.config/ghb is already a mapping.


as for the folder mappings, i'm not in a position to change those as it would affect a lot of existing users.


Another crazy little idea from RobJ, since this probably won't be the last time you face backward compatibility issues with desired improvements -


Create the almost identical container with all the improvements and optimizations and what has been learned from past mistakes, and call it the same name plus v2, e.g Handbrake_v2 or similar.  Then perhaps Squid can establish a linkage (or not, since they should sort together), with the older one marked with a 'Deprecated' tag (or 'Deprecated, use ___ instead'), and the new one have a link to a post containing what's different/better and what has to be changed/moved/converted/etc for existing users to move to the new one.


That 'Deprecated' tag could also be useful for containers that appear abandoned, if there's a suitable replacement.

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