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[Feature Request] Beep on system boot or First Array Start


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When rebooting the server it beeps as it starts shutdown, but how about another beep to let me know it is up and running again. I know some people won't be able to hear it, but for those of us that can, it would be a nice feature especially for headless servers. Or in my case, a server in a closet behind me, with the door closed, and the monitor in sleep mode.


Thank you for your consideration.

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When rebooting the server it beeps as it starts shutdown, but how about another beep to let me know it is up and running again. I know some people won't be able to hear it, but for those of us that can, it would be a nice feature especially for headless servers. Or in my case, a server in a closet behind me, with the door closed, and the monitor in sleep mode.


Thank you for your consideration.

Add the following to your go file (/boot/config/go) at the end



(On my servers, I do 3 of them)

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outstanding! thanks [slaps forehead]


Still though, might be nice for that to be build in to avoid GO editing.


A more cheerful one:


  beep -f330 -l138 -n -f330 -l275 -n -f330 -l138 -D138 -n -f262 -l138 -n -f330 -l275 -n -f392     \
  -l550 -D550 -n -f262 -l413 -n -f196 -l138 -D275 -n -f164 -l275 -D138 -n -f220 -l275 -n -f247    \
  -l138 -D138 -n -f233 -l138 -n -f220 -l275 -n -f196 -l206 -n -f330 -l206 -n -f392 -l275 -n       \
  -f440 -l275 -n -f349 -l138 -n -f392 -l138 -D138 -n -f330 -l275 -n -f262 -l138 -n -f294 -l138    \
  -n -f247 -l413 -n -f262 -l413 -n -f196 -l138 -D275 -n -f164 -l275 -D138 -n -f220 -l275 -n -f247 \
  -l138 -D138 -n -f233 -l138 -n -f220 -l275 -n -f196 -l206 -n -f330 -l206 -n -f392 -l275 -n -f440 \
  -l275 -n -f349 -l138 -n -f392 -l138 -D138 -n -f330 -l275 -n -f262 -l138 -n -f294 -l138 -n -f247 \
  -l413 -D275 -n -f392 -l138 -n -f370 -l138 -n -f349 -l138 -n -f311 -l275 -n -f330 -l138 -D138 -n \
  -f207 -l138 -n -f220 -l138 -n -f262 -l138 -D138 -n -f220 -l138 -n -f262 -l138 -n -f294 -l138    \
  -D275 -n -f392 -l138 -n -f370 -l138 -n -f349 -l138 -n -f311 -l275 -n -f330 -l138 -D138 -n -f523 \
  -l275 -n -f523 -l138 -n -f523 -l550 -n -f392 -l138 -n -f370 -l138 -n -f349 -l138 -n -f311 -l275 \
  -n -f330 -l138 -D138 -n -f207 -l138 -n -f220 -l138 -n -f262 -l138 -D138 -n -f220 -l138 -n -f262 \
  -l138 -n -f294 -l138 -D275 -n -f311 -l275 -D138 -n -f294 -l275 -n -f262 -l550


;D ;D

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