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[support] rix's Docker Repository


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On 17.8.2017 at 11:47 PM, randomninjaatk said:


Hey, just stumbled across your docker for Ripper!!! I was wondering if you were interested in any suggestions? I modified your Rip script slightly to add MKV profiles, which would allowed myself to adjust the default Audio/Subtitle/Track selections. The reason for doing this, is because by default it does not select the HD audio tracks.


Hi. Of course, input is highly appreciated.

On 18.8.2017 at 5:03 PM, randomninjaatk said:

I created a Github pull request for the changes that I'm talking about in my last post...

In its current state, the Pull Request does not work (wrong path info), but that can be fixed easily.

I do not think it is required though. You should be able to edit the ripping script locally, to your liking (part of the concept!). So if you don't need FLAC or MP3 or anything else, just hack away at the script. Its merely an example, that should work.


Is your script being overwritten on container updates? That would be an issue. Otherwise, just feel free to keep your changes local.


From my understanding, those MKV profiles are really useful, but an advanced feature. I will look for documentation to back this up. As it stands now, I will not patch this into the image, just because it might not be required by others. E.g. baking in a preselected audio language or subtitle preference is not as universally distributable.

Edited by rix
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  • 4 months later...

Hi there. 


Thank you fro all the work you put in to the dockers. I don't pretend to know how exactly they work, I am using the Jottacloud docker and all the files from UnRaid are getting uploaded to a folder called "sync" in the synced files main directory. Where it should be just to the root directory.


I believe the issue may be in the following command:


jotta-scanner /sync /Jotta/Sync


From what I understand I THINK the initial "/sync" reference is unneeded and is what is causing everything to upload to the folder called 'sync". Not specifying a directory should just upload it to the root of the Jottacloud folder.


I am not able to test this as I don't know how to.


Really sorry if I'm wrong, thanks for taking the time.



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Glad, you find my work useful.


Sadly jotta-scanner does not work as I expected it to. Unlike a real client this tool only uploads a specific folder to jottacloud. It does not really sync files. If you remove anything from the online folder, it will be re-uploaded on the next run. I've oppened issues on both the original and the forked jottalib (see https://github.com/Fjodor42/jottalib-ng/issues/12), but no replies were made.


Currently this tool only works for uploading files from a folder to Jottacloud - nothing I can change about that.


If you want to test changes, fork my docker-jottacloud project on github and make changes to /root/etc/services.d/jottacloud/run then create an automated build on hub.docker.com and test your image. Its super easy.


/sync merely refers to the path you link your container to and is required by jotta-scanner. Also /Jotta/Sync refers to the generic sync folder of jottacloud (not Archive/device specific).


jotta-scanner /Jotta/Sync will not work.

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  • 2 months later...

Using the Ripper docker for the first time in a long time and now getting this error.  Deleted the Docker and appdata/settings and recreated and still getting this error.


cp: cannot create regular file '/root/.MakeMKV/': Not a directory


Any ideas what i screwed up? 

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4 hours ago, FryGuy said:

Using the Ripper docker for the first time in a long time and now getting this error.  Deleted the Docker and appdata/settings and recreated and still getting this error.


cp: cannot create regular file '/root/.MakeMKV/': Not a directory


Any ideas what i screwed up? 


No Idea what went wrong for you, but here is the line probably responsible for it..


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Rix, should your DNScrypt image be working in its current iteration?


I've been trying to get it up and running and am failing.


My docker command:

"root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='DNScrypt' --net='br0' --ip='' -e TZ="America/Chicago" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" 'rix1337/docker-dnscrypt'


Log output...


Using the default dnscrypt config file
Starting dnscrypt
[2018-04-13 20:12:24] [NOTICE] Source [public-resolvers.md] loaded
[2018-04-13 20:12:24] [NOTICE] dnscrypt-proxy 2.0.9
[2018-04-13 20:12:24] [NOTICE] Now listening to [UDP]
[2018-04-13 20:12:24] [NOTICE] Now listening to [TCP]
[2018-04-13 20:12:24] [FATAL] listen udp [::1]:53: bind: cannot assign requested address
*** /etc/my_init.d/dnscrypt_update_and_config.sh failed with status 255

*** Killing all processes...
Apr 13 20:12:24 d83f66ba992b syslog-ng[10]: syslog-ng shutting down; version='3.5.6'
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/10_syslog-ng.init...
Apr 13 20:12:57 d83f66ba992b syslog-ng[9]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.6'
Apr 13 20:12:58 d83f66ba992b syslog-ng[9]: EOF on control channel, closing connection;
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/dnscrypt_update_and_config.sh...
cp: cannot stat 'example-dnscrypt-proxy.toml': No such file or directory
Using the default dnscrypt config file
Starting dnscrypt
[2018-04-13 20:12:59] [NOTICE] Source [public-resolvers.md] loaded
[2018-04-13 20:12:59] [NOTICE] dnscrypt-proxy 2.0.9
[2018-04-13 20:12:59] [NOTICE] Now listening to [UDP]
[2018-04-13 20:12:59] [NOTICE] Now listening to [TCP]
[2018-04-13 20:12:59] [FATAL] listen udp [::1]:53: bind: cannot assign requested address
*** /etc/my_init.d/dnscrypt_update_and_config.sh failed with status 255

*** Killing all processes...
Apr 13 20:12:59 d83f66ba992b syslog-ng[9]: syslog-ng shutting down; version='3.5.6'


Looks like it is having an issue binding port 53 and looking for the config file.


Note: during install (and I've edited the setup to check that this wasn't a typo) I set "Fixed IP address (optional):" to, however, when I look at my port mappings on my docker page in UnRAID, it shows this:

" is my UnRAID IP.


Is the container ignoring the IP and that's what's causing the problem?


I also noticed that this doesn't map a folder for /config during setup. Should I do that manually so that I can customize this?


Am I missing something else?

Thanks in advance!

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You can't listen on IPv6 apparently

listen udp [::1]


You need to supply a config without the IPv6 blocks, then it should work. 


And yes you need to bind the /config path. Have you had the old image installed? The latest template on community applications has the mapping set. 

Edited by rix
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5 hours ago, rix said:

Have you had the old image installed? The latest template on community applications has the mapping set. 


The only image I've installed was the one from the community apps yesterday. No previous versions...unless I tried it months/years ago and forgot - but I doubt it :)


I'll try to fix the IPv6 issue and set the path and report back, thanks for the quick reply (and for building these in the first place!!)

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6 hours ago, rix said:

You need to supply a config without the IPv6 blocks, then it should work. 


And... it does! In case anyone else runs into this, I did have to manually add the path when I rebuilt the docker container. Just mapped "/config" to a host folder, built a "dnscrypt-proxy.toml" file in the folder that did NOT include an IPv6 address in the "listen_addresses" line, restarted the DNScrypt docker and I'm up and running.


I had mentioned that the UnRAID docker page was reporting this container's IP address as even though I had specified I added the on the "listen_addresses" line in my config and now the UnRAID docker page shows this container's address as - and it is pingable and listening on port 53.


Thanks, rix!!


Off to get my pihole container connected to this one...

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/13/2017 at 2:07 PM, rix said:

You could of course edit the script for 5 drives. But this would not achieve simultaneous ripping.


I would rather advise you to set up this container 5 times with different names for your different drives. Dunno how this will perform, though.

Could you give a little more detail on how to go about this? I'm a total newb at Unraid. I have it working fine with one drive but when I set up a second none worked.

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Of course,


when you set up the container it is mapped to /dev/sr0

Your second drive should reside at /dev/sr1


verify this by opening a terminal and entering

ls /dev/

There should be multiple sr drives,.. these are your optical disk drives.


Now, when installing Ripper from my template it is given a unique name ("Ripper").

You should be able to install this template a second time, only modifying the Name (e.g. "Ripper2"), and editing the mapping to /dev/sr1 where it sais /dev/sr0 (switch to advanced mode!).


If you are unable to install this container a second time from the Community Applications, there is another way: On the docker tab you can also add new containers (button on the bottom of the page). Just select "my-Ripper" and modify as described above.

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Okay so I was doing it right. The second container when mapped to /dev/sr1 neither drive works. I'll have to do some checking when I get home, But thats the setup I had last night. Two drives, two containers ripper and ripper2, /dev/sr0 and /dev/sr1. when I would start the second container the neither would work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, glad you like it. I am using the image myself and have already talked to the dev about v2.


There is one dealbreaker for me, currently: the removed webroot:

I am reverse proxying multiple services, none of whom need a custom subdomain... synclounge would be the first one.

The dev seemed okay about reimplementing the feature, but until then I will not update my image.


Feel free to fork & try it yourself.. I will get around to v2 eventually.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/5/2017 at 6:50 PM, John_M said:

From the appdata/ripper/Ripper.log file, it seems that cddb returned a unicode character instead of the left square bracket in one of the query responses:




and somehow ripit converted it into two unprintable ASCII codes:






I spent the afternoon playing and here's what works for me:







/usr/bin/ripit -d "$DRIVE" -o "$STORAGE_CD" -c 0,2 -b 320 -W -w --comment cddbid -D '"$suffix/$artist/$album"' -e --infolog "/log/autorip_"$LOGFILE"" -Z 2 -O y --playlist 0 --nointeraction >> $LOGFILE 2>&1



It fixes all the issues I've mentioned. I've decided to keep the .wav files (-w) for the time being as I have plenty of space, but I have no use for the .m3u files.


Thanks for posting this. The default configuration file didn't work for me, but this did the trick!

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  • 3 months later...

I have recreated a more stable image for the official Google MusicManager. It should appear in Community apps any minute:



This one runs on --net=host to ensure the MAC adress does not cause issues.

It also runs VNC on the host, with a port that can be set up by an environment variable.


The host display :20 should not be in use, as this could break things.


The MusicManager should always be visible on container launch.

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I need help with Ripper...


I'm in search of an docker that rips CD/DVD's and I think this is what I'm looking for, but I'm not sure.  I do IT for a retail business and often there's venders that stop in with data or video CD/DVD's.  Will Ripper copy unprotected DVD's, such as company training videos, and can it also ISO (or copy) a product CD unattended?  I'm hoping an employee, or sales rep can insert a disc and the system will auto negotiate the contents for later review and sorted for future employees.  If so, I'm using unRaid as our platform backbone and I see the docker, which asks for a path to a disc drive.  However, unRaid doesn't support CDFS, thus doesn't mount those type of drives.  Am I to assume I need to net share a drive into unRaid and then use that path with Ripper or am I totally lost, missed the boat, or I'm looking at the use of Ripper incorrectly?  I'll be happy to work myself through this, I just need pointed in the proper direction.


Sorry for any ignorance I portray and also for interrupting any ongoing conversation topics.  I've been trying to work through this for about a month now and trying to find answer for an application named "Ripper" tends to result in a lot of reading material.  From what I've read so far, the name seems fitting.


Thank you in advance to anybody that can help me with this.

(PS: Yes, I'll be happy to donate if I can get this working )

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9 hours ago, ReidS said:

I need help with Ripper...


I'm in search of an docker that rips CD/DVD's and I think this is what I'm looking for, but I'm not sure.  I do IT for a retail business and often there's venders that stop in with data or video CD/DVD's.  Will Ripper copy unprotected DVD's, such as company training videos, and can it also ISO (or copy) a product CD unattended?  I'm hoping an employee, or sales rep can insert a disc and the system will auto negotiate the contents for later review and sorted for future employees.  If so, I'm using unRaid as our platform backbone and I see the docker, which asks for a path to a disc drive.  However, unRaid doesn't support CDFS, thus doesn't mount those type of drives.  Am I to assume I need to net share a drive into unRaid and then use that path with Ripper or am I totally lost, missed the boat, or I'm looking at the use of Ripper incorrectly?  I'll be happy to work myself through this, I just need pointed in the proper direction.


Sorry for any ignorance I portray and also for interrupting any ongoing conversation topics.  I've been trying to work through this for about a month now and trying to find answer for an application named "Ripper" tends to result in a lot of reading material.  From what I've read so far, the name seems fitting.


Thank you in advance to anybody that can help me with this.

(PS: Yes, I'll be happy to donate if I can get this working )

You might need to modify my script if it does not detect a specific disk, but it should mostly work right now.



Let me know if you need further help.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I just started to use Ripper and I'm really happy with it so far, thanks alot!

At the moment I use it just for CDs but I'd also like to use it for DVDs and Blurays and for that I need a little help.

The current settings.conf of my MakeMKV container look  like that:

# MakeMKV settings file, written by MakeMKV v1.12.3 linux(x64-release)

app_DataDir = "/config/data"
app_DestinationDir = "/output"
app_DestinationType = "2"
app_ExpertMode = "1"
app_InterfaceLanguage = "eng"
app_Java = ""
app_Key = "T-60xZwR6c65pJ3ykvVyyS4SiNFEpYHA0dDEjkdEH7Ab@Sa6uG3RCaFb8YzYhViTwimT"
app_PreferredLanguage = "ger"
app_UpdateEnable = "0"

Can I just copy and paste that into rippers settings.conf file. And is it possible to use two preferred languages? (for me that would be ger and eng)

One more thing I'd like to change the output for DVDs and BluRays to another Share how can I do that?




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On 10/14/2018 at 7:10 PM, Leuchtekulli said:



I just started to use Ripper and I'm really happy with it so far, thanks alot!

At the moment I use it just for CDs but I'd also like to use it for DVDs and Blurays and for that I need a little help.

The current settings.conf of my MakeMKV container look  like that:

# MakeMKV settings file, written by MakeMKV v1.12.3 linux(x64-release)

app_DataDir = "/config/data"
app_DestinationDir = "/output"
app_DestinationType = "2"
app_ExpertMode = "1"
app_InterfaceLanguage = "eng"
app_Java = ""
app_Key = "T-60xZwR6c65pJ3ykvVyyS4SiNFEpYHA0dDEjkdEH7Ab@Sa6uG3RCaFb8YzYhViTwimT"
app_PreferredLanguage = "ger"
app_UpdateEnable = "0"

Can I just copy and paste that into rippers settings.conf file. And is it possible to use two preferred languages? (for me that would be ger and eng)

One more thing I'd like to change the output for DVDs and BluRays to another Share how can I do that?




Only place the settings.conf in the /config volume, if you entered a purchased app Key. Else you'll prevent ripper from automatically grabbing the latest free beta key on launch.


I am almost certain that every other setting from the settings.conf is ignored, because everything else is set in ripper.sh at the /config volume.


Look at line 86

Edited by rix
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Just in case I'm not the one with this issue with Ripper as I spent a few hours getting it right:


I have two optical drives and simply creating a second docker while changing /dev/sr0 to /dev/sr1 in the configuration didn't cut it out for me.


For some reason, even though /dev/sr1 was effectively mapped to /dev/sr0 in the container, makemkv(con) didn't got the memo. Therefore, drive 0 was still /dev/sr0 and drive 1 still /dev/sr1. At best, I could get my second drive to create an .iso file.


To get around this, first, you need two different config directory, say ripper0 and ripper1. You can leave ripper0 as is but in ripper1, you'll need to edit ripper.sh in three ways:

  1. Change every instance of /dev/sr0 to /dev/sr1
  2. Change every instance of DRV:0 to DRV:1 
  3. On line 24 (as of this writing) the grep must be set to look for 'DRV:1,' (note the coma) instead of DRV:1 otherwise the grep on $INFO will return all the information on DRV:10, DRV:11, etc. that makemkvcon will return.


That's about it. Hope this helps some of you.

Edited by guilligan
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On 10/28/2018 at 5:13 PM, jj_uk said:

How do i get to the webgui for this?

What webgui? Ripper has none.


On 10/24/2018 at 5:56 AM, guilligan said:

Just in case I'm not the one with this issue with Ripper as I spent a few hours getting it right:


I have two optical drives and simply creating a second docker while changing /dev/sr0 to /dev/sr1 in the configuration didn't cut it out for me.


For some reason, even though /dev/sr1 was effectively mapped to /dev/sr0 in the container, makemkv(con) didn't got the memo. Therefore, drive 0 was still /dev/sr0 and drive 1 still /dev/sr1. At best, I could get my second drive to create an .iso file.


To get around this, first, you need two different config directory, say ripper0 and ripper1. You can leave ripper0 as is but in ripper1, you'll need to edit ripper.sh in three ways:

  1. Change every instance of /dev/sr0 to /dev/sr1
  2. Change every instance of DRV:0 to DRV:1 
  3. On line 24 (as of this writing) the grep must be set to look for 'DRV:1,' (note the coma) instead of DRV:1 otherwise the grep on $INFO will return all the information on DRV:10, DRV:11, etc. that makemkvcon will return.


That's about it. Hope this helps some of you.

Thanks for the input. I might change the script to use a variable for the disk device number.

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On 10/31/2018 at 2:32 PM, rix said:

What webgui? Ripper has none.

Sorry, I was referring to the WebUI for Google Music Manager, which this thread also covers.

Maybe the author (rix) could start another separate thread for GMM support.


How do you access VNC for this container?




Edited by jj_uk
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