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Then why did you say

When i double click the finished torrent, it says the location is "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming/"

With those mappings, when you double click the finished torrent it should say the location is /downloads.

well, that's what is says on webUI...

i just checked the logs (probably should have started with that) and:

Couldn't create "/mnt/cache": Permission denied (file-posix.c:189)

error moving "/config/incomplete/abcd.mkv" to "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming//abcd.mkv": Unable to create directory for new file: Permission denied (torrent.c:3162)

i also noticed double forward slash "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming//abcd.mkv", which im quite sure shouldnt be there?


permissions on /mnt/cache and /mnt/cache/downloads/incoming are:

drwxrwxrwx 9 nobody users 248 Jan 15 14:57 cache/
drwxrwx--- 4 nobody users 384 Jan 17 18:35 downloads/
drwxrwx--- 2 nobody users   48 Jan 18 01:16 incoming/

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i just checked the logs (probably should have started with that) and:

Couldn't create "/mnt/cache": Permission denied (file-posix.c:189)

error moving "/config/incomplete/abcd.mkv" to "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming//abcd.mkv": Unable to create directory for new file: Permission denied (torrent.c:3162)

Which log is this? If it is the log from the transmission docker itself then that just further illustrates what I have been saying. The container doesn't know anything about the path "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming". It is going to refer to that host path as "/downloads".


If you click on the wrench button at the bottom of the Transmission webUI, what does it say for "Dowload to"?

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Which log is this? If it is the log from the transmission docker itself then that just further illustrates what I have been saying. The container doesn't know anything about the path "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming". It is going to refer to that host path as "/downloads".

yes, it's from the transmission docker

If you click on the wrench button at the bottom of the Transmission webUI, what does it say for "Dowload to"?

it says "/downloads"

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Which log is this? If it is the log from the transmission docker itself then that just further illustrates what I have been saying. The container doesn't know anything about the path "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming". It is going to refer to that host path as "/downloads".

yes, it's from the transmission docker

If you click on the wrench button at the bottom of the Transmission webUI, what does it say for "Dowload to"?

it says "/downloads"

If your mappings are indeed what you say (are you sure you don't have them backwards?), then the container doesn't know about the path "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming", unless you told it about that path through its user interface (or possibly .json though it isn't clear how that would get involved for this specific case). When you first add a torrent, the user interface lets you override the default download location. When you added the torrent, did you perhaps tell it to download it to "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming"?


I see from your post history that you used to use PhAzE plugins. Is it possible that somehow you have resumed a torrent that was originally added from a plugin version of Transmission and you are reusing the Transmission appdata from that plugin?


Probably should have asked this long ago. Post your docker run command.


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If your mappings are indeed what you say (are you sure you don't have them backwards?), then the container doesn't know about the path "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming", unless you told it about that path through its user interface (or possibly .json though it isn't clear how that would get involved for this specific case). When you first add a torrent, the user interface lets you override the default download location. When you added the torrent, did you perhaps tell it to download it to "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming"?

i'm sure i don't have them backwards :)

"Download to" in webUI is /downloads, settings.json is

"download-dir": "/downloads",

this happens with every new torrent that i add.


I see from your post history that you used to use PhAzE plugins. Is it possible that somehow you have resumed a torrent that was originally added from a plugin version of Transmission and you are reusing the Transmission appdata from that plugin?

no, when i moved to Docker few days ago i started fresh - new config and no old torrents.


Probably should have asked this long ago. Post your docker run command.

here it is:

root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="transmission" --net="bridge" -e TZ="Europe/Warsaw" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 9091:9091/tcp -p 51413:51413/tcp -v "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming":"/downloads":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/transmission/watch":"/watch":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/transmission":"/config":rw linuxserver/transmission

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And what about this question?

... the container doesn't know about the path "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming", unless you told it about that path through its user interface ... When you first add a torrent, the user interface lets you override the default download location. When you added the torrent, did you perhaps tell it to download it to "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming"?


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And what about this question?

... the container doesn't know about the path "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming", unless you told it about that path through its user interface ... When you first add a torrent, the user interface lets you override the default download location. When you added the torrent, did you perhaps tell it to download it to "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming"?

No, I did not tell the app to use any other folder.


I just started messing with my config and noticed something weird. I changed the mappings and "Download to" in webUI to something random: "/mnt/cache/appdata/transmission/test" and "/abc" respectively. When I add new torrent and doubleclick it in webUI, it say the location is "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming". Docker logs also show same permission error in "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming" folder. How is this possible? I chaged docker mappings and application settings to point to entirely different locations. I restarted the Docker after making changes.



edit: okay, after further testing it seems that no matter what I type in "Download to:" (or how I change settings.json), upon completing the download, Transmission tries to move the files to "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming", which results in permissions error.

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It is certainly confusing. Obviously have done something wrong but we haven't been able to discover what it is. Maybe you should just start over with this docker by removing it, deleting its appdata and adding it back by selecting the LSIO transmission again from CA so you get started with a new template instead of selecting it from your Previous Apps.
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It is certainly confusing. Obviously have done something wrong but we haven't been able to discover what it is. Maybe you should just start over with this docker by removing it, deleting its appdata and adding it back by selecting the LSIO transmission again from CA so you get started with a new template instead of selecting it from your Previous Apps.

yeah i just did that before You posted this reply - removed transmission docker, removed appdata folder and added new template from CA, then added torrent without touching webUI or settings.json, and guess where the download location is set to...yep, "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming". how is that possible? like there is some hidden config that this docker is using or something :/

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It is certainly confusing. Obviously have done something wrong but we haven't been able to discover what it is. Maybe you should just start over with this docker by removing it, deleting its appdata and adding it back by selecting the LSIO transmission again from CA so you get started with a new template instead of selecting it from your Previous Apps.

yeah i just did that before You posted this reply - removed transmission docker, removed appdata folder and added new template from CA, then added torrent without touching webUI or settings.json, and guess where the download location is set to...yep, "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming". how is that possible? like there is some hidden config that this docker is using or something :/

I would say you have done it wrong again in the same way. But since I can't see exactly what you are doing I don't know what it is.


Do you have any other working dockers?

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I would say you have done it wrong again in the same way. But since I can't see exactly what you are doing I don't know what it is.


Do you have any other working dockers?

i dont really see what i could have done wrong

i even set the docker mappings to different folder "/mnt/cache/appdata/test" this time, changed the ports and used default settings.json, download location location in webGUI is still /mnt/cache/downloads/incoming


i have filebot docker running with no problems.


edit: so yeah, i just removed docker.img and appdata folder, reinstalled transmission docker from command line (skipping CA), used fresh, untouched install, and boom, there it is: /mnt/cache/downloads/incoming...

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This path doesn't exist anywhere in the LSIO template for this docker or in their dockerfile. If you really started over these are the only places we would have to look to find it. You must have entered it somewhere or pointed the volume mappings to it or pointed the volume mappings to some files that had it in them.
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This path doesn't exist anywhere in the LSIO template for this docker or in their dockerfile. If you really started over these are the only places we would have to look to find it. You must have entered it somewhere or pointed the volume mappings to it or pointed the volume mappings to some files that had it in them.


this is fresh install, i removed appdata content before

rm /mnt/cache/appdata/* -rf


docker mappings:












root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="transmission" --net="bridge" -e TZ="Europe/Warsaw" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 9091:9091/tcp -p 51413:51413/tcp -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/222":"/downloads":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/222":"/watch":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/222":"/config":rw linuxserver/transmission

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This path doesn't exist anywhere in the LSIO template for this docker or in their dockerfile. If you really started over these are the only places we would have to look to find it. You must have entered it somewhere or pointed the volume mappings to it or pointed the volume mappings to some files that had it in them.


this is fresh install, i removed appdata content before

rm /mnt/cache/appdata/* -rf


docker mappings:












root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="transmission" --net="bridge" -e TZ="Europe/Warsaw" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 9091:9091/tcp -p 51413:51413/tcp -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/222":"/downloads":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/222":"/watch":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/222":"/config":rw linuxserver/transmission

This is probably less than ideal for the volume mappings since everything it going to be mixed together in you appdata.


Are you sure you don't also have a transmission plugin running, and perhaps you are actually using its webUI?

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This is probably less than ideal for the volume mappings since everything it going to be mixed together in you appdata.

this is just a test install to show you that the mappings should be okay and that i did not accidentally type wrong paths somewhere

Are you sure you don't also have a transmission plugin running, and perhaps you are actually using its webUI?

after installing docker i have removed the transmission plugin. in fact, i just removed all my remaining Phaze plugins (sonarr, nzbget and couchpotato) and moved to docker counterparts. no problems whatsoever.

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This is probably less than ideal for the volume mappings since everything it going to be mixed together in you appdata.

this is just a test install to show you that the mappings should be okay and that i did not accidentally type wrong paths somewhere

Are you sure you don't also have a transmission plugin running, and perhaps you are actually using its webUI?

after installing docker i have removed the transmission plugin. in fact, i just removed all my remaining Phaze plugins (sonarr, nzbget and couchpotato) and moved to docker counterparts. no problems whatsoever.

Have you rebooted since removing the plugins?
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This is probably less than ideal for the volume mappings since everything it going to be mixed together in you appdata.

this is just a test install to show you that the mappings should be okay and that i did not accidentally type wrong paths somewhere

Are you sure you don't also have a transmission plugin running, and perhaps you are actually using its webUI?

after installing docker i have removed the transmission plugin. in fact, i just removed all my remaining Phaze plugins (sonarr, nzbget and couchpotato) and moved to docker counterparts. no problems whatsoever.

Have you rebooted since removing the plugins?

yes i did. after removing the plugins and after removing docker.img

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Post the contents (directory listing) of these folders on your flash drive:





and also the config/go file.


root@lilmofo:/boot# ls config/plugins
ca.backup/      ca.update.applications/      community.applications/      custom/     dynamix/              dynamix.plg*
ca.backup.plg*  ca.update.applications.plg*  community.applications.plg*  dockerMan/  dynamix.kvm.manager/  images/


custom is just a collection of some bash scripts, not related to docker or transmission in any way


there are no "extra" or "plugins" folders on my flash drive


root@lilmofo:/boot/config# cat go
# Start the Management Utility
/usr/local/sbin/emhttp &

echo "alias cddl='cd /mnt/cache/downloads && ls'" >> /etc/profile
echo "alias cda='cd /mnt/user/ && ls'" >> /etc/profile
echo "alias cdad='cd /mnt/cache/appdata/ && ls'" >> /etc/profile
echo "alias cdc='cd /mnt/cache/ && ls'" >> /etc/profile
echo "alias du='du -sh * | sort -h'" >> /etc/profile
echo "alias permsfix='chmod -R go-rwx,u-x,g+u,ug+X * -R && chown nobody:users * -R'" >> /etc/profile
echo "alias whitespace='/boot/config/plugins/custom/removewhitespace'" >> /etc/profile
echo "alias lowercase='/boot/config/plugins/custom/lowercase'" >> /etc/profile
echo "alias rsync='rsync -rtvu'" >> /etc/profile
echo "alias rsyncdelete='rsync -rtvu --delete'" >> /etc/profile
echo "alias amclog='tail -F /mnt/cache/appdata/filebot/amc.log'" >> /etc/profile

echo "PS1='\[\033[1;33m\]\W/\[\033[0m\] '" >> /etc/profile

sh /boot/config/plugins/custom/beep.sh

cp /boot/config/plugins/custom/rsync-apps /etc/cron.weekly
cp /boot/config/plugins/custom/rsync-flash /etc/cron.weekly


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there are no "extra" or "plugins" folders on my flash drive

That appears to rule out any non-docker instances of transmission running on your server. Are you sure you don't have multiple transmission dockers installed? Do you possibly have more than one server and you are confused about which one you are working with?


I don't have any other ideas. Are you sure you aren't trolling me? ;)

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there are no "extra" or "plugins" folders on my flash drive

That appears to rule out any non-docker instances of transmission running on your server. Are you sure you don't have multiple transmission dockers installed? Do you possibly have more than one server and you are confused about which one you are working with?


I don't have any other ideas. Are you sure you aren't trolling me? ;)


yes, i'm sure i don't have multiple dockers installed, and no, i'm not trolling you :)


now see this - i just tried installing transmission docker on my parents server, and wow...EXACTLY same problem!


i'm changing mappings on their server and config in settings.json and the download location is still /mnt/cache/downloads/incoming (their unraid config is nearly identical to mine, so its easier to maintain two servers).


i have no clue what is happening here and i'm running out of ideas what to do next.

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there are no "extra" or "plugins" folders on my flash drive

That appears to rule out any non-docker instances of transmission running on your server. Are you sure you don't have multiple transmission dockers installed? Do you possibly have more than one server and you are confused about which one you are working with?


I don't have any other ideas. Are you sure you aren't trolling me? ;)


yes, i'm sure i don't have multiple dockers installed, and no, i'm not trolling you :)


now see this - i just tried installing transmission docker on my parents server, and wow...EXACTLY same problem!


i'm changing mappings on their server and config in settings.json and the download location is still /mnt/cache/downloads/incoming (their unraid config is nearly identical to mine, so its easier to maintain two servers).


i have no clue what is happening here and i'm running out of ideas what to do next.


thought i'd comment, hope nobody minds, can you post a screenshot of unraid webui/docker tab/left click transmission and select edit, make sure to select top right "advanced view" then post the screenshot (or screenshots as you might need to take more than one to capture all settings), just need to see exactly how its defined in the ui.


also post the contents of your settings.json file here.


one last question, how are you adding torrents to transmission?, are you doing this manually via a blackhole (watch) directory?, or using something else (couchpotato, sickrage etc)?


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one last question, how are you adding torrents to transmission?, are you doing this manually via a blackhole (watch) directory?, or using something else (couchpotato, sickrage etc)?

binex, thank you! after your question i started looking outside unraid server and i narrowed down the problem to outdated safari extension that i use to send magnet links to transmission. seems for whatever reason it wasn't working with docker mappings. i tried different extension and it now works as it supposed to! :)


trurl, thanks for taking your time and trying to help me!

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one last question, how are you adding torrents to transmission?, are you doing this manually via a blackhole (watch) directory?, or using something else (couchpotato, sickrage etc)?

binex, thank you! after your question i started looking outside unraid server and i narrowed down the problem to outdated safari extension that i use to send magnet links to transmission. seems for whatever reason it wasn't working with docker mappings. i tried different extension and it now works as it supposed to! :)


trurl, thanks for taking your time and trying to help me!


ahh awesome, thought it might be an external call to transmission that was the issue :-).

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