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[Support] binhex - DelugeVPN

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I have been able to get into the WebUI from the beginning. I am unable to download anything. It worked for a bit few days ago but then every other device on my network lost DNS service, so I restarted my router and then it went back to not working again. I Haven't been able to seed or download anything since.


I just attempted to turn off strict port forwarding and change PIA endpoints, but I have the same result. Although it did initialize much faster, I could get into the WebUI in about 5 minutes were as every other time today it has taken about 12 minutes. 

SO if I can get into the WebUI that means the VPN tunnel is established? Deluge no longer shows me an external IP address when it initializes, I assumed that meant the VPN tunnel was not established. So if that is not the issue, any suggestions on what else I can try? Right now I'm running through the different PIA endpoint options to see if any of them give a different result.

Edited by JetPoweredSarcasm
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So I am at a loss here. I went ahead and disabled the VPN to see what would happen, and it loaded right up and started downloading ubuntu, a nice safe torrent with lots of seeders. Downloaded it super fast. So it has to be something with the PIA VPN stuff, but I do not understand why I can't get it to work.

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I have made progress of a sort. I cleared the docker, reinstalled, pulled the oven cinfig files again. I noticed in the log file it saying somthing about my password having characters that could cause issues authenticating, so I changed my VPN password too.


I have no idea what made the difference, but it loaded up with the VPN happy and I was able to download Ubuntu. I had my laptop open too and was browsing around and all seemed fine. For about 10 minutes. Then I lost DNS service for everything on my network except the unraid machine. Through the command prompt in unraid I can ping www.google.com so I assume it's DNS is working fine.


My laptop on the other hand can't talk to anything outside my network. Ditto my xbox, tvs, everything. Posting this from my cell.


So this is where I was at on Sunday and then I reset my router and everything came back, except deluge wouldn't download or seed anything anymore.


So is it safe to assume I have some kind of conflict going on in my network? What might cause this kind of behavior?

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9 hours ago, JetPoweredSarcasm said:

I have been able to get into the WebUI from the beginning.

your previous logs show a failure to establish a vpn tunnel, if this i the case then you will not be able to get to the web ui, it will load ONLY once all checks pass to protect against ip leakage, so if you can view the web ui then the vpn tunnel is running.


6 hours ago, JetPoweredSarcasm said:

Then I lost DNS service for everything on my network except the unraid machine. Through the command prompt in unraid I can ping www.google.com so I assume it's DNS is working fine.


My laptop on the other hand can't talk to anything outside my network. Ditto my xbox, tvs, everything. Posting this from my cell.

This sounds like to me like you are probably using an underpowered router which simply cannot cope with bittorrent traffic, try reducing the number of active connections in deluge and also make sure you throttle upload rates in deluge, you should be setting it to a max of 85% of your total bandwidth otherwise peers will max your upload rate out and you will not have any bandwidth left to maintain normal connectivity, i.e. name resolution. 

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I had DelugeVPN working just fine. I downloaded 2 to 3 dozen torrent files without issue and plenty fast. 


All of a sudden I have dropped down to maybe 9 KiB/second


This is not a VPN location issue and I'm not even sure it's a VPN issue considering that I logged into AirVPN from my laptop to download a torrent and it was fast. I used that same location to create a single site config file on AirVPN and loaded it into deluge openvpn folder.

Maybe something is wrong with my attempt at port forwarding. Not 100% certain.


I have attached several documents. 







Edited by raptureveteran
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On 8/28/2024 at 4:34 AM, binhex said:

your previous logs show a failure to establish a vpn tunnel, if this i the case then you will not be able to get to the web ui, it will load ONLY once all checks pass to protect against ip leakage, so if you can view the web ui then the vpn tunnel is running.


This sounds like to me like you are probably using an underpowered router which simply cannot cope with bittorrent traffic, try reducing the number of active connections in deluge and also make sure you throttle upload rates in deluge, you should be setting it to a max of 85% of your total bandwidth otherwise peers will max your upload rate out and you will not have any bandwidth left to maintain normal connectivity, i.e. name resolution. 

Thanks for the input, I got a new router today and just set it up with a new WAP. Got everything hooked back up and giving it a stress test right now. I have Deluge running pulling down a couple downloads from my unraid, A windows VM running on the unraid downloading and install some things from the xbox app, and some audio streaming on some devices in my home. Trying to see if I get any of the wonky device drop outs I was seeing before. So far so good. Deluge seems happy, and nothing on my network has dropped out yet.


Thanks again.

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Do you have any insight into how to use an "exclusive share" in delugevpn?


writing to the cache through the FUSE file system is really bad for me and peaks my CPU usage during "big" writes 10MB/s+


Setting the /mnt/user/downloads share to an exclusive share completely solves this issue.


However it creates a new issue where passing /mnt/user/ to the container no longer shows the download share (which is i think the expected behaviour for exclusive shares).


I then have to explicitly pass through /mnt/user/downloads to the container but now all the torrents do a copy+delete and creating issues and wasted operations.


I'm wondering if maybe its possible to pass through the downloads directory as /mnt/cache/downloads but treat moves to /mnt/user/* as still being on the cache and executing atomic moves?


I'm not sure if i'm making sense or if a missing something that would make this easier.

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I just had 500 torrents disappear after a crash but luckily i could grab the .state and .fastresume from the archive that was created and i only lost the label assignments.


the archive message is


Bad shutdown detected so archiving state files

and it appears the state went back to a day back or so.


I'm not sure how to find out how the "shutdown" happened since i definitely did not trigger it myself so it wouldve had to have been a crash of some sort.


Might just be relative instability since i just hit 15000 the other day... 🥲

On 8/12/2020 at 10:18 AM, binhex said:

wow really!? 6000 torrents running deluge, i thought that was pretty much impossible!, there is no hard cap that im aware of but you will run into stability issues with that many torrents when running deluge.

Edited by MammothJerk
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