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[Support] binhex - TeamSpeak

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I decided to roll back to unraid 6.6.7. Because I were just finishing work on the Teamspeak rights I didn‘t back it up yet. So I had to rebuild it. After 4h of work my teamspeak is 90% back and runing. Will make a backup asap. 😅

Thank you for your help. It‘s realy strange when the teamspeakserver dies while 50+ people are acitve on it and you have no idea what is going on.

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Okay another od thing for you binhex. Today I had a sheduled restart of my server at 04:00. And my teamspeak server is gone. The data in appdata/binhex teamspeak is still there but if I connect to the server there are no channels or rights. (Just the default ts3 channel, like a new teamspeak server) I copied my backup to the folder, restartet everything, it doesn‘t change anything. Do you have an idea why this can happen?


Oh and i‘m still the admin, I don‘t need to use the token.


thank you for your help.

Edited by Akuno
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On 10/21/2019 at 6:36 AM, Akuno said:

Okay another od thing for you binhex. Today I had a sheduled restart of my server at 04:00. And my teamspeak server is gone. The data in appdata/binhex teamspeak is still there but if I connect to the server there are no channels or rights. (Just the default ts3 channel, like a new teamspeak server) I copied my backup to the folder, restartet everything, it doesn‘t change anything. Do you have an idea why this can happen?


Oh and i‘m still the admin, I don‘t need to use the token.


thank you for your help.

no idea really, can you attach the /config/supervisord.log file.

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I can probably do that on the weekend but I need to remove critical date first.
but I think you will not see anything. I tried to restor my ts3 server by copying the old files from friday and removed the files from monday.
In the mean time. Could it be that the userscript for my sheduled restart doesn't savely powerdown the server?
It is this one:


shutdown -r now

The folders for the channels are still there but the server can't read them. I now did rebuild the server again and there are now 60 channels in "\appdata\binhex-teamspeak\sql\files\virtualserver_1" I have acctualy 30 channels on my server. Teamspeak was only able to read the icons.

What do I need to do to backup my ts3 server and what do I need to do to restore it?
Right now I just made a copy of the "binhex-teamspeak" folder in \appdata. But simply change the new files and replace them with the old ones doesn't work.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...



I was updating my Teamspeak image from 3.11.1 to 3.12.1 today. However, the update says it when fine pulling latest but it actually didn't update the server at all.

I managed to force update to 3.12.1 by forcing the repository address to "binhex/arch-teamspeak:3.12.1-1-01", but as soon as I replace it to "binhex/arch-teamspeak" it rolls back to pulling "latest" 3.11.1. And while I could leave the force 3.12 address repository, it's not ideal because the check for update won't find future versions.


Any help is welcomed, thanks!

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I was updating my Teamspeak image from 3.11.1 to 3.12.1 today. However, the update says it when fine pulling latest but it actually didn't update the server at all.
I managed to force update to 3.12.1 by forcing the repository address to "binhex/arch-teamspeak:3.12.1-1-01", but as soon as I replace it to "binhex/arch-teamspeak" it rolls back to pulling "latest" 3.11.1. And while I could leave the force 3.12 address repository, it's not ideal because the check for update won't find future versions.
Any help is welcomed, thanks!
I've triggered a rebuild of the image to ensure that latest is indeed the latest version available please pull down the image again with tag 'latest'

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

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19 hours ago, binhex said:

I've triggered a rebuild of the image to ensure that latest is indeed the latest version available please pull down the image again with tag 'latest'

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

That did the trick! However the pull seemed to timeout from the Dashboard so I had to manually pull from the terminal then trigger the update from the Dashboard. Thanks a lot!

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  • 5 months later...



I have been running your TS3 container for few years now. Thanks for all the work you put in your containers. One problem persists that i havent been able to solve on my own. Every now and then bot/hacker enters my server and all clients get timed out. Im connected to docker local addres and i get timed out as well. I guess bot is somehow overloading my container. I have researched limitations from ts server side to prevent this. Nothing seems to work. Any ideas how to prevent this from happening again?

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1 hour ago, Paintsu said:



I have been running your TS3 container for few years now. Thanks for all the work you put in your containers. One problem persists that i havent been able to solve on my own. Every now and then bot/hacker enters my server and all clients get timed out. Im connected to docker local addres and i get timed out as well. I guess bot is somehow overloading my container. I have researched limitations from ts server side to prevent this. Nothing seems to work. Any ideas how to prevent this from happening again?

why not simply password protect your TS3 server, then no bots/hackers can get in without knowing the password?:-



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1 hour ago, Paintsu said:

That is my plan now. I was just hoping i could keep it open so anyone could use it. 

keeping it open and stopping hackers/bots is not possible afaik without implementing strict ip rules, which will be harder to manage than a password, best to just use a password and tell your friends what it is, the connecting clients can save the password so they will only need to enter it once.

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On 1/4/2018 at 12:48 AM, rx8freehk said:

Cant get the serveradmin password to work trying to generate a new privilege key so trying to reset it.


How do I use the additional parameter :  serveradmin_password=MY_NEW_PASSWORD_HERE


The linix example given here states the following:

Linux example: ./ts3server_minimal_runscript.sh inifile=ts3server.ini serveradmin_password=test1234


I was thinking it could be accomplished utilizing the variable function in the container but I am unable to get it to work.


Any suggestions?

This is obviously super late to the party but I came across the exact same issue (locked out of my own TS server admin group after formatting my PC and no way to find the ServerQuery password). Recreating the entire server configuration and channels was not an option, so I found a solution on my own and thought I'd share it here in case someone needs it later.


a) How to reset the ServerQuery password

  1. From your unraid SSH terminal, enter your running teamspeak container: docker exec -it <teamspeak container ID> bash
  2. Open with a text editor the file ~/start.sh . I use nano as it's available in this container: nano ~/start.sh
  3. Find the "# run teamspeak server" line, it was at the bottom of mine and looked like this:

    cd "${install_path}/sql/" && /usr/bin/ts3server logpath=/config/ dbsqlpath=/usr/share/teamspeak3-server/sql/ licensepath=/config/ license_accepted=1

    Modify the line by adding "serveradmin_password=YourNewPassword". It should look like this:

    cd "${install_path}/sql/" && /usr/bin/ts3server logpath=/config/ dbsqlpath=/usr/share/teamspeak3-server/sql/ licensepath=/config/ license_accepted=1 serveradmin_password=<New serveradmin Password Here>
  4. Save the file, exit the container and restart it from the Unraid Dashboard.
  5. Save your new serveradmin password somewhere safe (e.g. password manager) for future usage, skipping this step.

b) How to create a new privilege key via ServerQuery

  1. Connect to your TS server with a regular client. Go to Permissions > Servergroups. Memorize the number in parentheses behind the server group you want to recover. Usually Server Admin is ID 6.
  2. Connect via telnet to the ServerQuery. I use Kitty but you can use Putty or anything else:
    IP: your Unraid Server IP
    Port: 10011
    Upon connecting, you should see the following text. If not, you probably used the wrong port:


    Welcome to the TeamSpeak 3 ServerQuery interface, type "help" for a list of commands and "help <command>" for information on a specific command.

  3. Type login serveradmin <New serveradmin Password Here> and press Enter. The server should respond error id=0 msg=ok

  4. Type use port=<The port you used to connect using the TS3 Client, usually 9987> and press Enter. The server should respond error id=0 msg=ok

  5. Type privilegekeyadd tokentype=0 tokenid1=<The Number you memorized in step 1> tokenid2=0 and press Enter. The server should respond:
    error id=0 msg=ok

  6. Return to your TS client, Go to Permissions > Use Privilege Key and paste the token in the input box.

  7. Go back to the ~/start.sh file modified in step a) and remove the serveradmin_password=<New serveradmin Password Here> argument as it's not needed anymore. Note that the new serveradmin password will still work, the argument resets it at each restart of the server.

  8. Done. 😉

c) Optional but recommended: remove your old TS credentials

If you completely lost your previous credentials, there's no need to keep them on your server. You can remove them:

  1. Go to Permissions > Server Groups
  2. Select the admin group
  3. On the right side of the window there's a list of all the users in that group. Find your old account and remove it. If the username are similar, you can temporally change your current username and refresh the list to distinguish them.
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  • 6 months later...

Gday good sirs and madams,


I have also posted in the engine section, as i believe it is more related to the docker engine than the docker itsself. but figured i would 'double' post it here too incase it IS related to the docker.


Yesterday i migrated systems, from ryzen to epyc. And everything was fine.

This morning i have issues with the TeamSpeak docker actually getting a mapping.

It says it boots just fine, but if there is no ip assigned (host, bridge or manual) its obviously unreachable.


Any idea if this could be part of the docker?

I would atleast expect a but not blank.




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1 hour ago, Caennanu said:

It says it boots just fine

it doesnt look that way from that screenshot, its stopped and thus 'but if there is no ip assigned (host, bridge or manual) its obviously unreachable.' is expected, especially as this container uses 'Host' network and thus no port mappings will be shown.

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allright, that makes sence from that screenshot.

here a more proper screenshot, where i have the log open next to the field thats should ahve the port mapping. As you can see the other dockers who are running in bridge mode have atleast showing, while teamspeak (not teamspeak3) has not.



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2 minutes ago, Caennanu said:

As you can see the other dockers who are running in bridge mode have atleast showing, while teamspeak (not teamspeak3) has not.

correct, have a look at teamspeak this is using 'host' not 'bridge'.


edit - looking at your screenshot i see something/somebody has changed it over to 'bridge' it should NOT be set to this, switch it back to 'host'

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Just now, Caennanu said:

I switched it back to host, get the same issue. Field for port mapping stays empty.

Even when applying a static ip.

ok so firstly you MUST set 'Network Type' to host, it cannot be bridge, or custom or anything else, just host, i see from your screenshot you have set it to 'Custom : br0' this is not correct, set back to Host.


so in host mode you will not be able to define ports, i'm assuming that is what you mean by 'Field for port mapping stays empty.', this is expected.

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Docker is set to host.



That i can't assign port mapping i am aware, because its using the ports provided in the config file for the docker. But it should still read that from the port mappings field, which it did previously.


Right now, since that part is empty, the docker is not reachable.

Before today, it would state this when offline:



and this when online



But that is not happening anymore.

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10 minutes ago, Caennanu said:

Right now, since that part is empty, the docker is not reachable.

ok so the ports arent defined as exposed, so arent showing up in the unraid web ui, but they are still open, i would double check your teamspeak client and ensure its set correctly, i dont believe the issue is to do with the fact the ip and port is not shown in the unraid web ui.

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