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[Support] binhex - rTorrentVPN

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8 hours ago, iceburg said:


The container runs but rTorrent won't start according to the log files. 


Repeatedly get "[debug] Waiting for rTorrent process to start..." 




edit: running container on synology dsm


your LAN_NETWORK is incorrectly configured, see here Q3.:





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About passwords I’ve discovered something not good at all, this is maybe already known. 


But it even if you have authentication required, you can just press cancel and continue to use the ui. You’ll need to press cancel every time it asks you abou a password but I’ve successfully added torrents and downloaded them without logging into rutorrent. 


I used rutorrent behind nginx/cdn but I need to disable that due to this. Too bad..


Edit: canceling the login only seems to work if you have been logged into rutorrent before. 


Using another browser I could cancel the login, it gave me “401 Authorization Required”. 


Will be keeping behind cdn/nginx then.

Edited by Ritt
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, thank you for the time and effort you have put into this project! It looks perfect for what I want to do. 


However whilst the container seems to be running I am unable to access any of the services on localhost. I am running the container on OS X High Sierra. I have attached the log file. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am new to docker so there is a good chance I am missing something obvious!


Edited by voyager1
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20 minutes ago, voyager1 said:

Hi, thank you for the time and effort you have put into this project! It looks perfect for what I want to do. 


However whilst the container seems to be running I am unable to access any of the services on localhost. I am running the container on OS X High Sierra. I have attached the log file. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am new to docker so there is a good chance I am missing something obvious!


wrong username or password:-


AUTH: Received control message: AUTH_FAILED

watch out for passwords with special characters, this can cause issues, recommended to stick to a-z, A-Z, 0-9

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Brand new docker user here.. I have been able to successfully run arch-rtorrentvpn on my Synology DS918+ after LOTS of trial and error.   I am ONLY able to see the Flood UI though.  Even if I disable Flood, the standard rutorrent ui cannot be accessed from port 9080 or 9443.


(EDIT: I think that I have figured this out.. seems to be a couple of settings that are not enabled by default in rtorrent, that most other clients do have enabled by default?)   I am also having an issue where torrents from public trackers are not downloading properly.  I can seed one that has already been completed, but when starting a new one (whether.torrent or a magnet link) it has no activity.  Anything for a private tracker works as expected without issue.


Any ideas?  Below is the docker run command that I used.  Sorry if this is is a stupid mistake or a simple fix.  This is the first docker container that I have ever run!  I'm amazed that it is working at all :-)

docker run -d \
    --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
    -p 9080:9080 \
    -p 9443:9443 \
    -p 8118:8118 \
    -p 3000:3000 \
    --name=rtorrentvpn2 \
    -v /volume1/downloads/c:/data \
    -v /volume1/docker/rutorrent:/config \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    -e VPN_ENABLED=yes \
    -e VPN_USER=removed \
    -e VPN_PASS=removed \
    -e VPN_REMOTE=ca-toronto.privateinternetaccess.com \
    -e VPN_PROV=pia \
    -e ENABLE_PRIVOXY=no \
    -e ENABLE_FLOOD=yes \
    -e LAN_NETWORK= \
    -e DEBUG=false \
    -e PHP_TZ=UTC \
    -e UMASK=000 \
    -e PUID=1026 \
    -e PGID=101 \


Edited by markomax
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Hello, I have a port forwarding question.


I use PIA. When using PIA, how do I know which port is being forwarded? Do I have to change anything inside the rtorrent config with respect to this port? Sometimes I get a yellow triangle with an exclamation point in the check port status section in ruTorrent. I am connecting to an endpoint that allows forwarding. Sometimes everything seems to work fine, other times I cannot seem to connect to all of the seeds and I get slow speeds. Thank you for this great container

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7 minutes ago, theGrok said:

Hello, I have a port forwarding question.


I use PIA. When using PIA, how do I know which port is being forwarded? Do I have to change anything inside the rtorrent config with respect to this port? Sometimes I get a yellow triangle with an exclamation point in the check port status section in ruTorrent. I am connecting to an endpoint that allows forwarding. Sometimes everything seems to work fine, other times I cannot seem to connect to all of the seeds and I get slow speeds. Thank you for this great container


I am also using PIA.  Once I got this to load properly, the port was forwarded automatically and everything regarding the VPN and torrent client being connectable were good to go.  I have been having more issues with the GUI and also not understanding how to configure the Rutorrent settings.

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10 hours ago, theGrok said:

When using PIA, how do I know which port is being forwarded?


its in the rutorrent web ui, look at the value set for settings/connection/port used for incoming connections.


10 hours ago, theGrok said:

Do I have to change anything inside the rtorrent config with respect to this port?


no, its done for you.


10 hours ago, markomax said:

Sometimes I get a yellow triangle with an exclamation point in the check port status section in ruTorrent. 


i have seen this too, but i have confirmed the port is still open so at this point im assuming its a fault with the website used to check the port.

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17 hours ago, binhex said:








I mentioned in the post above theGrok.  I posted the run command as well.


I am only able to see the Flood UI.  Even if I disable Flood using


or if I remove the line about Flood entirely, I can't get the standard rutorrent ui to show up on port 9080 or 9443.


And regarding the rutorrent settings, I thought that I had it figured out.. but I didn't.  I eventually made things worse by messing with the rtorrent.rc  config file and then nothing would download at all.  I could only force recheck and seed completed torrents.


I'm using docker on a Synology DS918+ and I'm brand new to this.  I was able to get Delugevpn to work properly pretty easily, but I feel like rtorrent may end up being a better solution for seeding lots of stuff if I can get it working.


Question: Since Rutorrent is only a GUI for rtorrent , does that mean that ALL settings changes must happen by editing the rtorrent . rc  config file before launching the container?  Or do the settings that you choose from the menu (gear icon) at the top of Rutorrent change the settings in that file in realtime once the container is started?


**EDIT**  Okay I got the standard Rutorrent GUI to load up.  I think the reason was I was stupid and assumed my router's IP address was the normal because that is what I use to log into it, but apparently, I needed to use the "default gateway" as shown in my router's settings for the "LAN_NETWORK=" part.  This video made it clear what needed to be done for that @ 5:32: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AEzm5y2EvM


**EDIT #2** After a bit more screwing around I think that everything is working properly.  Normal Rutorrent GUI is working now, VPN is working, both private and public torrents download and seed without issue.  I am still a little confused about whether or not the settings window in Rutorrent GUI works properly.  I was able to use the settings window to enable a watched folder of my choosing.. but in order to change the default download location, I had to stop the container and edit the rtorrent.rc file.



Edited by markomax
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On 04/01/2018 at 12:55 AM, markomax said:

I have been having more issues with the GUI and also not understanding how to configure the Rutorrent settings.


sorry @markomax i was assuming from the above that you had got passed the issue of not being able to access and were struggling with configuring something in rutorrent web ui, i now see you have things working correctly, so onto the next question:-


7 hours ago, markomax said:

I was able to use the settings window to enable a watched folder of my choosing.. but in order to change the default download location, I had to stop the container and edit the rtorrent.rc file.


indeed, this is covered in the FAQ, scroll down to the rutorrent FAQ Q1 from the link below:-



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Hoping to get a shining beacon of light to help me with my rtorrentvpn issue.


I am having trouble getting port forwarding working and I can't figure out why. I am using Private internet Access VPN and the binhex-rtorrentvpn docker.


I've been using this docker for a while with limited success; it has always said my port was closed, and on torrents with a low number of seeds or peers I'm usually not able to connect to any/many peers. Typically this doesn't matter since I am downloading newer/popular torrents with lots of seeds. I finally decided to try and figure out what the issue is.


ruTorrent claims the port I am using is closed. PIA supposedly supports port forwarding, and I have been using nl.privateinternetaccess.com and port 49160, however rutorrent has the red icon indicated the port is closed. Looking at the FAQ here:

I figured it was because I did not have "STRICT_PORT_FORWARD" enabled. I did not see this value present in the docker advanced settings so I added it myself (was this the correct action to do?)
Config Type: Variable

Name: Key 18


Value: yes

Description: Container Variable: STRICT_PORT_FORWARD


However even after doing this and restarting, the port is still showing as closed.


I tried switching to ca-toronto.privateinternetaccess.com which is also port-forward capable, and changing the port to 51111 in rtorrent.rc. After restarting the docker I see the new port in rutorrent but the port still shows as closed.


Can anyone shed some light on this issue or point out if i missed a step? Thanks!


Edit: is it also just possible the port checker tool built into rutorrent is borked and the port is actually open? Is there an alternate test method I can use?

Edited by noobraider
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11 hours ago, noobraider said:

Hoping to get a shining beacon of light to help me with my rtorrentvpn issue.


I am having trouble getting port forwarding working and I can't figure out why. I am using Private internet Access VPN and the binhex-rtorrentvpn docker.


I've been using this docker for a while with limited success; it has always said my port was closed, and on torrents with a low number of seeds or peers I'm usually not able to connect to any/many peers. Typically this doesn't matter since I am downloading newer/popular torrents with lots of seeds. I finally decided to try and figure out what the issue is.


ruTorrent claims the port I am using is closed. PIA supposedly supports port forwarding, and I have been using nl.privateinternetaccess.com and port 49160, however rutorrent has the red icon indicated the port is closed. Looking at the FAQ here:

I figured it was because I did not have "STRICT_PORT_FORWARD" enabled. I did not see this value present in the docker advanced settings so I added it myself (was this the correct action to do?)
Config Type: Variable

Name: Key 18


Value: yes

Description: Container Variable: STRICT_PORT_FORWARD


However even after doing this and restarting, the port is still showing as closed.


I tried switching to ca-toronto.privateinternetaccess.com which is also port-forward capable, and changing the port to 51111 in rtorrent.rc. After restarting the docker I see the new port in rutorrent but the port still shows as closed.


Can anyone shed some light on this issue or point out if i missed a step? Thanks!


Edit: is it also just possible the port checker tool built into rutorrent is borked and the port is actually open? Is there an alternate test method I can use?


its in the faq, go here FAQ Q5:-



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binhex, I followed the FAQ again but still had no luck. I decided to try delugevpn instead and it's working great. I noticed STRICT_PORT_FORWARD key was there by default on delugevpn, which I think is where the source of my problem was.


Looking at my original rtorrentvpn docker, for some reason the STRICT_PORT_FORWARD key was not present at all by default. I went and looked at re-installing rtorrentvpn and the STRICT_PORT_FORWARD key is now present by default. I don't know what happened between when I originally installed it a year ago and now to cause that key to not be present, since I generally keep my dockers up to date by checking once a week.


Anyways, working now, so I'm happy!

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7 hours ago, noobraider said:

I don't know what happened between when I originally installed it a year ago and now to cause that key to not be present,


docker template information historically did not update, thus if you created the container some time ago you would have an out of date template missing the newer env var's that have been added.


in later versions of CA this is now fixed and updates to the templates are now dynamically pushed out, but its a catch 22, you need to run FCP in order to pick up the xml change that enables the dynamic updates to work, but as you have now gone from scratch again you should now have the latest template and this will now auto update, so you shouldn't see the issue again :-).

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Is anybody running multiple instances of this or another ruTorrent container?   I'm asking as I'm just setting up unRaid and I have about 4500 torrents currently.   On my Synology I had issues with ruTorrent when I got to about 2000 torrents.   So there I am using Transmission and ruTorrent, but I thought it might be nice if I could run 2 or 3 instances of rTorrent instead.   I'd then have to have a few ruTorrents open.  The server I'm building will have 2 Xeon processors and 16 GB of memory so should be able to handle it that way.   I'm just wondering if it is easily doable if I alter the port numbers so there is no overlap.  

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On 1/12/2018 at 2:03 PM, KriZ82 said:

Yeah, thats it, but I still can't get it to work.


My rtorrent.rc file has scgi_port = which i am not sure is right. My server address is and the LAN_NETWORK  setting in the docker is

I got it working now. I was using the username and password and it wasn't working. Without it works fine.


Speeds are very good but I do get a Tracker: [Unable to connect to UDP tracker.] error.  

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