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[SOLVED] cAdvisor Documentation?

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Just started using this very useful tool and looking for documentation on the various bits.  Noob on dockers, starting to use and understand how they work.  Cool stuff.  For cAdvisor there are many bits of information that I can't track. 


1. For instance, in the screenshot below, there are a number of FS indicators (some file system interface I assume?).  I know what CPU and Memory mean, but I don't know how to connect FS#1 (or 2,3,4,5...) to something that means anything to me.  i.e. FS#2 is at 79%, is that bad?  Should that make me want to change some setting?




2. I see that memory is at 52%.  I've only got two dockers installed (had to rebuild mine and have a half dozen more apps to install) and using 52% of a 20gb Docker?  Is that right?  Seems like I should make it bigger?


Thanks in advance...

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FS1 is the usage of the docker image.

FS2-5 are the usage of 4 of the array drives (if you keep scrolling down on the main UI page you'll see exactly what drives correspond with them)

CPU self explanatory

Memory is the memory utilized on the system as a whole including the cached memory.  (ie: should always be high)


Realistically cAdvisor is great for seeing what individual apps are utilizing at any moment in time (the same as CA's resource monitor but in greater detail and prettier).


But, here are the docs for cAdvisor: https://github.com/google/cadvisor/tree/master/docs  But they are all really about how to interface to it if you're programming your own statistic grabbing app.

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  • 2 months later...

Will take some screenshots when I get home


My Mappings are not blank they mirror the left side pasted above


/rootf = /rootf

/var/run = /var/run

/sys = /sys

/var/lib/docker/ = /var/lib/docker/


I did install using the common applications


The app does not seem to want to start and the log stays empty.  Tried using localIP:8080 and nothing.  Something is messing with my docker image and was hoping to use this to see what.

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Think I found the problem in the UNRAID log


Sep 28 08:44:07 Tower root: cadvisor: Error response from daemon: failed to create endpoint cadvisor on network bridge: Bind for failed: port is already allocated Error: failed to start containers: cadvisor


Changed port to 5051 and it started up.


Going to look at installing the above mentioned Cas resource app


Something started goblin up my docket image

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Think I found the problem in the UNRAID log


Sep 28 08:44:07 Tower root: cadvisor: Error response from daemon: failed to create endpoint cadvisor on network bridge: Bind for failed: port is already allocated Error: failed to start containers: cadvisor


Changed port to 5051 and it started up.


Is it possible to point me to a post that explains how I use this tool to see what is using my docker image?



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  • 5 years later...

My cAdvisor stopped working today. I have this message in the fix common problems app ...


"cadvisor (google/cadvisor:latest) has the following comments: This dockerHub repository has been deprecated and will no longer receive any updates. You should uninstall and reinstall the container from SelfHosters which utilizes the correct and updated repository from Google This application has been deprecated from Community Applications for that reason. While still functional, it is no longer recommended to utilize it."


anyone else having this issue?  I'm still a UNRAID nube so other than using the GUI I am not familiar with how to check this stuff at command prompt level.


Appears to no longer be supported.


I'm not entirely sure what the app does or if is needed, but I was just following a tutorial ... I believe it was a Space Invader 1 tutorial for must have apps and tuning.




Edited by E-ManN
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6 hours ago, Squid said:

Yeah, just uninstall it and then search for cAdvisor in CA and install that.  It's simply a graphical way of showing what your system (in particular containers) as up to.  


Personally, I far prefer NetData though.

Thanks for the info Squid ... I already tried uninstall and re-install 2x ... app fails to start.  I am installing NetData now. Thanks for the info. 😁

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23 hours ago, Squid said:

Yeah, just uninstall it and then search for cAdvisor in CA and install that.  It's simply a graphical way of showing what your system (in particular containers) as up to.  


Personally, I far prefer NetData though.

Thanks again for pointing me towards NetData Squid.  Awesome app with so much detail with regards to operations on my box.  😁


I have removed cAdvisor as it will install from community app, but does not start up\run for me.

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