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[REQUEST] Nginx w/ RTMP installed


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Found a docker in the comments of the post : https://github.com/DvdGiessen/nginx-rtmp-docker


then can someone convert this so i can manage it through the docker tab?

Turn on dockerhub searches within CA settings, then search for dvdgiessen.  You'll have to add the port of 1935, and a volume mapping of /path/to/my/custom/nginx.conf mapped to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf  (its not an automated build, so CA won't be able to populate those fields)
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Found a docker in the comments of the post : https://github.com/DvdGiessen/nginx-rtmp-docker


then can someone convert this so i can manage it through the docker tab?

Turn on dockerhub searches within CA settings, then search for dvdgiessen.  You'll have to add the port of 1935, and a volume mapping of /path/to/my/custom/nginx.conf mapped to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf  (its not an automated build, so CA won't be able to populate those fields)


tried this. doesnt start for me. and there's nothing in the log from the docker page



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  • 3 years later...

Has anyone figure out some kind of RTMP streaming server docker for unraid?  I'd like to do a few streams of my 4 gaming VMs in real time using AMD's relive which can stream to RTMP.  I'd like to use OBS to mix the feeds into a quad w/ webcams for each.  Any input would be great, otherwise I'm just going to spin up a linux vm and install RTMP since I'm not really experienced with dockers.

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8 hours ago, 0x00000111 said:

Has anyone figure out some kind of RTMP streaming server docker for unraid?  I'd like to do a few streams of my 4 gaming VMs in real time using AMD's relive which can stream to RTMP.  I'd like to use OBS to mix the feeds into a quad w/ webcams for each.  Any input would be great, otherwise I'm just going to spin up a linux vm and install RTMP since I'm not really experienced with dockers.

So i got the Docker Container running. Just map the folder like above (without the files) and map the Port 1935.

Than start the docker container, you may got an Error in Logs.

Then move to your appdata folder e.g. /mnt/appdata/rtmpserver/nginx and make a text file.  Rename it to nginx.conf . Open the "new" file with notepad and paste the following:


user nginx;

worker_processes auto;

rtmp_auto_push on;

events {}

rtmp {

server {

listen [::]:1935 ipv6only=off;

application live {

live on;





Save and start the Container. Now it should run.


You can test this with VLC Player just use rtmp://urserverip:1935/live/test


For your Streaming Project:


1.Use OBS and the Plugin NDI for OBS.


2.Install OBS + NDI on each gaming machine.


3.Set up  OBS on each Gaming Machine

--> Tools --> NDI Output settings (give every Gaming VM a different NDI name)


4.Setup a new VM or use another PC an install OBS + NDI.

--> Move to OBS and add an NDI Source (for every Gaming VM)

--> Setup Streaming Settings pointing to your created RMTP Server

(eg rmtp://


5. now you can arrange your Gaming VM in some Sort of Split Screen

6. Hit Start Streaming and Have Fun


If you want to push your RMTP stream to twitch or something like that you have to change your nginx.conf ( push rtmp://<other streaming service rtmp url>/<stream key>)


Sources: https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/how-to-set-up-your-own-private-rtmp-server-using-nginx.50/



Sorry for the long Post. I'm new in this Forum Stuff. Hoped i could helped.



  • Thanks 1
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  • 1 month later...
On 2/8/2020 at 3:00 PM, DasNekuum said:

So i got the Docker Container running. Just map the folder like above (without the files) and map the Port 1935.

Than start the docker container, you may got an Error in Logs.

Then move to your appdata folder e.g. /mnt/appdata/rtmpserver/nginx and make a text file.  Rename it to nginx.conf . Open the "new" file with notepad and paste the following:


user nginx;

worker_processes auto;

rtmp_auto_push on;

events {}

rtmp {

server {

listen [::]:1935 ipv6only=off;

application live {

live on;





Save and start the Container. Now it should run.


You can test this with VLC Player just use rtmp://urserverip:1935/live/test


For your Streaming Project:


1.Use OBS and the Plugin NDI for OBS.


2.Install OBS + NDI on each gaming machine.


3.Set up  OBS on each Gaming Machine

--> Tools --> NDI Output settings (give every Gaming VM a different NDI name)


4.Setup a new VM or use another PC an install OBS + NDI.

--> Move to OBS and add an NDI Source (for every Gaming VM)

--> Setup Streaming Settings pointing to your created RMTP Server

(eg rmtp://


5. now you can arrange your Gaming VM in some Sort of Split Screen

6. Hit Start Streaming and Have Fun


If you want to push your RMTP stream to twitch or something like that you have to change your nginx.conf ( push rtmp://<other streaming service rtmp url>/<stream key>)


Sources: https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/how-to-set-up-your-own-private-rtmp-server-using-nginx.50/



Sorry for the long Post. I'm new in this Forum Stuff. Hoped i could helped.





it would seem this is not as easy as one would think - Just to introduce myself, I am currently trying the same task above, I am by no means a Linux guru nor amazingly tech savvy, however I can follow good instructions haven built my own server and compiled the Unraid server, mounting and running various dockers just following YouTube Vids and forums a like.


I would really like more clarity on this, from my limited understanding, I managed to configure the folders in the editable setup of the rtmp-nginx docker with the assigned port 1935, also creating the nginx.conf file with the above lines of code. docker setup below




the setting I have above is an attempt not really knowing if this correct.  after applying the settings the docker compiled successfully,  however when I checked the log output its was blank?




needless to say, I tried to gain further conformation via the VLC program using my localhost IP and port prefix 1935 with no great surprise, this proved unsuccessful.


After several attempts I was hoping that someone with greater knowledge would have the correct sample of the settings in the docker setup so I can cross reference the errors of my ways, forgive my ignorance.


Any help would be appreciated :-)




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21 hours ago, Danietech said:



it would seem this is not as easy as one would think - Just to introduce myself, I am currently trying the same task above, I am by no means a Linux guru nor amazingly tech savvy, however I can follow good instructions haven built my own server and compiled the Unraid server, mounting and running various dockers just following YouTube Vids and forums a like.


I would really like more clarity on this, from my limited understanding, I managed to configure the folders in the editable setup of the rtmp-nginx docker with the assigned port 1935, also creating the nginx.conf file with the above lines of code. docker setup below




the setting I have above is an attempt not really knowing if this correct.  after applying the settings the docker compiled successfully,  however when I checked the log output its was blank?




needless to say, I tried to gain further conformation via the VLC program using my localhost IP and port prefix 1935 with no great surprise, this proved unsuccessful.


After several attempts I was hoping that someone with greater knowledge would have the correct sample of the settings in the docker setup so I can cross reference the errors of my ways, forgive my ignorance.


Any help would be appreciated :-)




If you go like that you have to place the config file in the "passedthrough" conf folder. Then it should work. Just copy the conf file from github and paste it in your folder destination.


the next thing is. In your Docker Edit you just mapped the wrong container volume/folders. The Container Path mostly does not match with the path you set for docker. E.g. Docker Path is /etc/nginx/ --> (mapped to) usr/mnt/appdata/rmtp/conf or so on


I hope this is understandable.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/31/2016 at 10:31 AM, Squid said:

Turn on dockerhub searches within CA settings, then search for dvdgiessen.  You'll have to add the port of 1935, and a volume mapping of /path/to/my/custom/nginx.conf mapped to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf  (its not an automated build, so CA won't be able to populate those fields)

This worked great! I used a custom IP.

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  • 4 months later...
On 8/31/2016 at 8:31 PM, Squid said:

Turn on dockerhub searches within CA settings, then search for dvdgiessen.  You'll have to add the port of 1935, and a volume mapping of /path/to/my/custom/nginx.conf mapped to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf  (its not an automated build, so CA won't be able to populate those fields)


Just a quick question - Can't the RTMP module be integrated into the LinuxServer's LetsEncrpypt nginx container?


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13 hours ago, gshlomi said:


Just a quick question - Can't the RTMP module be integrated into the LinuxServer's LetsEncrpypt nginx container?


Answering my own question - it's already integrated, just needs some work to enable it.

Downloaded the complete project as a ZIP file from https://github.com/arut/nginx-rtmp-module and extracted the "stat.xsl" to my "appdata/LetsEncrypt/www" folder.

Then, editing "appdata/LetsEncrypt/nginx/nginx.conf" , changing:

worker_processes 4;


worker_processes auto;

and adding:

rtmp {
	server {
		listen [::]:1935;
		chunk_size 4096;
		application live {
			live on;
			record off;
			push 'rtmp://url.twitch.tv/app/<StreamKey>';
			push 'rtmp://url.youtube.com/<StreamKey>';

after the "events" block.


Additionaly, edited "appdata/LetsEncrypt/nginx/site-confs/default" to add:

server {
    listen 8080;

    location / {
        root /config/www;

    location /stat {
        rtmp_stat all;
        rtmp_stat_stylesheet stat.xsl;

    location /stat.xsl {
        root /config/www;

as a seperate server block.


Last step was adding port mapping 1935(TCP) & 8080(TCP) to the container template (I had to map internal 8080 to 8083 on host due to other containers already mapping 8080) and saving.


Works like a charm, no need for another container just for RTMP streaming 🙂


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  • 4 weeks later...

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