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OK! So using the plugin version, I was able to successfully add an encrypted Amazon share as well add a mount point. I haven't tested it with another program like Plex but I don't see any reason it won't work. Although throughput might be an issue. The problem I am having though is I cannot find a way to make the mount point accessible as a network share. Not super critical, but it would be nice. Anybody else had a chance to mess with this?



How did you mount the remote?

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OK! So using the plugin version, I was able to successfully add an encrypted Amazon share as well add a mount point. I haven't tested it with another program like Plex but I don't see any reason it won't work. Although throughput might be an issue. The problem I am having though is I cannot find a way to make the mount point accessible as a network share. Not super critical, but it would be nice. Anybody else had a chance to mess with this?



How did you mount the remote?


Just how it says in the documentation.



rclone mount remote:path/to/files /path/to/local/mount &

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OK! So using the plugin version, I was able to successfully add an encrypted Amazon share as well add a mount point. I haven't tested it with another program like Plex but I don't see any reason it won't work. Although throughput might be an issue. The problem I am having though is I cannot find a way to make the mount point accessible as a network share. Not super critical, but it would be nice. Anybody else had a chance to mess with this?



How did you mount the remote?


Just how it says in the documentation.



rclone mount remote:path/to/files /path/to/local/mount &



so do you create a new share say 'acd' and then do  to mount remote 'secret'



rclone mount secret:path/to/files /mnt/user/acd &

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OK! So using the plugin version, I was able to successfully add an encrypted Amazon share as well add a mount point. I haven't tested it with another program like Plex but I don't see any reason it won't work. Although throughput might be an issue. The problem I am having though is I cannot find a way to make the mount point accessible as a network share. Not super critical, but it would be nice. Anybody else had a chance to mess with this?



How did you mount the remote?


Just how it says in the documentation.



rclone mount remote:path/to/files /path/to/local/mount &



so do you create a new share say 'acd' and then do  to mount remote 'secret'



rclone mount secret:path/to/files /mnt/user/acd &


I'm not sure what you mean.


I created a regular share. Then I created an encrypted share. Then I mounted the encrypted share.

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Hey All,


I just fired up the plugin, works fine for me, thanks. I could consider submitting it to CA.


Re the questions about using to as a mount point. You can do this, and pass it into a docker (if using the plug-in) but I found rclone speeds to be insufficient at the moment. The stable version at the moment also doesn't support seeking within a file, a pretty big limitation if you are thinking of hosting Media files. There is mention of this issue on github, and fixes in beta versions, but I found acd_cli much better\quicker as a mount tool.


I am currently using acd_cli and encfs for a mount point that I am able to pass into my plex container. I have been testing for about a month and it seems to work OK so far, I have only tested limited content.


acd_cli has some issue when running multiple versions, so if I want to do a sync with it I need to stop the mount. So I am planning on using rclone sync (without encryption) to upload my encfs mount of local data (a reverse encrypted view of local content).


My setup is just using a script file at startup, it would be nice to move it into a plugin, maybe with a config page for mount points, but I have put that in the too hard basket at the moment. I might see if I can modify this rclone script to do it, but it wouldn't enable any user config for mount points. You can see this thread for my script (https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=50516.0).


I created a share called cloud. under that I have all my mount points.

/mnt/user/cloud/ - share (set as cache only)

/mnt/cache/cloud/.acd - this is the acd_cli mount of my ACD drive (I point to a subfolder called Plex) the data is encrypted as it is stored in ACD.

/mnt/cache/cloud/acd - this is the ENCFS decrypted view of the above mount

/mnt/cache/cloud/.local - this is a read only encrypted view of my local Media (/mnt/user/Media/) that is used for syncing to ACD, this is mounted with the --reverse option in encfs, this means that your CPU is only hit with the encryption\decryption penalty for local data when syncing into the cloud.

/mnt/user/cloud/media - this is my merged mount. It will show both local and ACD data in a single folder view, local data takes precedence. This is the point I pass into my dockers.


The only change since that post is that I have started using unionfs-fuse for my merged mount, rather than overlayfs as it enables me to have the local layer as writable. I have only moved to it today so I'll wait for it to prove stable before I update my post\script.


Some notes\known issues:

  • I was seeing unreliable behaviour with the acd_cli mount, I found an issue on git_hub that suggests running it in foreground mode using screen, that is what my script is doing.
  • If for some reason you remount or any of these mount points, you will need to restart any docker using them, so that it will see the data again. Not sure if this is just a docker limitation or something else. You will see I have this happening at the end of my script
  • I was never able to get any of this to work in a docker in a way that could work between dockers, there is a limitation with exporting fuse mounts, so I could mount something inside a docker, but I could not then get the data outside of that docker, the volume mapped to the host would just be empty for a ACD mount. That is why I moved to working on the unraid HOST.





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Very interesting input, Wob76, thank you.


I initially saw a write up on using encfs and acd-cli but decided to try rclone first as it seemed more efficient to have one program rather than two but that doesn't seem to be the case. I just tried mounting the encrypted share via the plugin and yes, it does work and yes, docker containers can see this but when uploaded a movie, added the share to Plex, and scanned the library, the file dit not get added to the library. I have verified that the file does exist in the folder and it can be accessed in the Plex docker. I suspect the limitation of not being able to seek through files might have something to do with it. Maybe it is trying to read the metadata and essentially needs to download the whole file before it can do so. It's the only explanation I can think of. I was aware of this limitation to begin with but figured it was good enough to test as a proof of concept for now and hoped it would be resolved in the future. But it looks like the acd-cli/encfs route might be the way to go for my situation. Good to hear some feedback on it too.

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I've read through the comments but am still not sure.  Does this automatically encrypt files if I want to send it to ACD or is there something extra I have to setup?  I see crypt on the rclone website, but wasn't sure if I needed to set  it up to go to crypt and then ACD or if it will encrypt files that I send to ACD already?


You have to setup two remotes to encrypt to Amazon:


1. Setup first remote using option 1 which is unencrypted e.g 'acd

2. Then setup second remote e.g. 'secret' choose option 5 and then select remote 'acd' and setup encryption keys

2a. When choosing 'acd' above, you also have to set a location on Amazon e.g if you want your encrypted files to be stored in an 'unRAID' folder on amazon, when specifying the remote for option 5 put 'acd:unRAID' I.e. 'remote:location'. if you don't set a location the encrypted files dont go to Amazon and are stored in your appdata!!!!!

3. Then to sync say your media file you enter 'rclone sync /mnt/user/media secret:media' which will put the files in unRAID/media on amazon



docker exec -it Rclone rclone --config="/config/.rclone.conf" config

2) http://rclone.org/amazonclouddrive/

3) When asked about "Use auto config?" Choose N (no)

4) http://rclone.org/remote_setup/ Authorize rclone with ACD through another PC (your desktop PC)

5) http://rclone.org/crypt/ - Set up another encrypted remote which encrypts the one you set up in step 2,3,4


All data will be encrypted by rclone before being sent to ACD.


Thanks guys!! I'll start working through this


Hey Again,


So I have been testing and tested first just on my desktop with rClone and not the docker.  Was able to get it working with an encrypted file to ACD.  I am a bit confused how I get started using the docker?  When using it on my desktop I was using the command interface to create the config file, not sure how to get to that command line with the docker or if that is needed with a docker?

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Hey Again,


So I have been testing and tested first just on my desktop with rClone and not the docker.  Was able to get it working with an encrypted file to ACD.  I am a bit confused how I get started using the docker?  When using it on my desktop I was using the command interface to create the config file, not sure how to get to that command line with the docker or if that is needed with a docker?


This will give you access to the docker command line:


docker exec -it Rclone bash


The "Rclone" part will be whatever the name of your container is.


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Ok finally got it setup with the default settings.  But if I try and change the CHRON_SCHEDULE or SYNC_COMMAND i am getting the error below.  If I remove CHRON_SCEHDULE and SYNC_COMMAND from the variables all together is the only way I can get the docker to save successfully.  Any thoughts?


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="Rclone" --net="bridge" -e CRON_SCHEDULE="0 * * * *" -e SYNC_DESTINATION="secret" -e SYNC_DESTINATION_SUBPATH="plex" -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -v "/mnt/user/appdata/rclone2":"/config":rw -v "/mnt/user/Music/1TYM/":"/data":ro -v "/mnt/user/Music/ABBA/":"/data2":rw tynor88/rclone:dev

Unable to find image 'bin:latest' locally

Pulling repository bin

Error: image library/bin:latest not found

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Ok finally got it setup with the default settings.  But if I try and change the CHRON_SCHEDULE or SYNC_COMMAND i am getting the error below.  If I remove CHRON_SCEHDULE and SYNC_COMMAND from the variables all together is the only way I can get the docker to save successfully.  Any thoughts?


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="Rclone" --net="bridge" -e CRON_SCHEDULE="0 * * * *" -e SYNC_DESTINATION="secret" -e SYNC_DESTINATION_SUBPATH="plex" -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -v "/mnt/user/appdata/rclone2":"/config":rw -v "/mnt/user/Music/1TYM/":"/data":ro -v "/mnt/user/Music/ABBA/":"/data2":rw tynor88/rclone:dev

Unable to find image 'bin:latest' locally

Pulling repository bin

Error: image library/bin:latest not found

Not that I use this container, but the command as posted works


Wondering however if the SYNC_DESTINATION contains either single or double quotes that would mess this up (as bin doesn't appear anywhere within the posted command which means it has to appear within the SYNC_DESTINATION, and quotes would mess stuff up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just set this up, but I want to do it the other way around..

I want to back up stuff thats on google drive to my array.

I changed the sync command to: rclone copy google: /data

But when the sync runs, it's complaining that it's a read-only filesystem?

I checked the permissions on /data and it's 777

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I just set this up, but I want to do it the other way around..

I want to back up stuff thats on google drive to my array.

I changed the sync command to: rclone copy google: /data

But when the sync runs, it's complaining that it's a read-only filesystem?

I checked the permissions on /data and it's 777


Can you show the docker run command?

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I just set this up, but I want to do it the other way around..

I want to back up stuff thats on google drive to my array.

I changed the sync command to: rclone copy google: /data

But when the sync runs, it's complaining that it's a read-only filesystem?

I checked the permissions on /data and it's 777


Can you show the docker run command?


The sync command? I listed it already..

rclone copy google: /data


errors I get are like:

2016/10/27 15:28:08 Google Photos/IMG_0558.JPG: Failed to copy: mkdir /data/Google Photos: read-only file system

2016/10/27 15:28:08 Google Photos/5929_1107549417547_1491156989_30289734_7861392_n.jpg: Failed to copy: mkdir /data/Google Photos: read-only file system

2016/10/27 15:28:08 Attempt 3/3 failed with 13630 errors and: mkdir /data/Google Photos: read-only file system

2016/10/27 15:28:08 Failed to copy: mkdir /data/Google Photos: read-only file system


ls -al /data from inside the docker:

/ # ls -al /data
total 0
drwxrwxrwx    1 99       100             10 Oct 27 16:02 .
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           206 Oct 26 23:00 ..

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is /data mounted as a r/w volume in the docker run command?


See here: https://docs.docker.com/engine/tutorials/dockervolumes/


YES, that was it.. Thank you.. Can't believe I missed that..


Glad it worked out for you :-)


Love this thing.. backing up from Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox to unraid now..

Funny thing, only the Dropbox backup doesn't give any transfer errors.. (corrupted on transfer: sizes differ 12893 vs 12065)

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Can you try to mount an encrypted share from ACD and then see if this share can be mounted inside a docker? I've tried many solutions, and this is neither possible with docker or VM's.


I had a quick go last night without really knowing what I was doing, which failed. 


I've gone back to using duplication as decline went bonkers with CPU usage maxing my CPU out at 100% constantly, which takes some doing.  I also find the GUI handy as I can track progress easily.


Ok, so you're not going to test this?


I'm really curious whether this will work.


So i modified the original plugin by aschamberger a bit to use the latest beta of rclone, as well as some other minor modifications.

With this im able to mount an encrypted share (From Google Drive) and have it shared on samba as well as available to my dockers. The beta allows seeking as well as more mount options which makes this a possibility. Im getting very good speeds and can easily stream any media i got.

I do believe the plugin is the way to go if one wants the mount feature.

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Can you try to mount an encrypted share from ACD and then see if this share can be mounted inside a docker? I've tried many solutions, and this is neither possible with docker or VM's.


I had a quick go last night without really knowing what I was doing, which failed. 


I've gone back to using duplication as decline went bonkers with CPU usage maxing my CPU out at 100% constantly, which takes some doing.  I also find the GUI handy as I can track progress easily.


Ok, so you're not going to test this?


I'm really curious whether this will work.


So i modified the original plugin by aschamberger a bit to use the latest beta of rclone, as well as some other minor modifications.

With this im able to mount an encrypted share (From Google Drive) and have it shared on samba as well as available to my dockers. The beta allows seeking as well as more mount options which makes this a possibility. Im getting very good speeds and can easily stream any media i got.

I do believe the plugin is the way to go if one wants the mount feature.


Can you post the modified version you made? Perhaps share it on github?

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It's very much a hackjob, with a lot of hardcoded paths (partly due to the fact that the rclone website in my experience is extremely unstable), so i don't think it would be of much use to anyone in its current state.

I could try and clean it a bit up, but that would sacrifice the stability. Coding isn't really my strong suite, so im sure it could be done in a much more elegant way than what i managed ;)

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It's very much a hackjob, with a lot of hardcoded paths (partly due to the fact that the rclone website in my experience is extremely unstable), so i don't think it would be of much use to anyone in its current state.

I could try and clean it a bit up, but that would sacrifice the stability. Coding isn't really my strong suite, so im sure it could be done in a much more elegant way than what i managed ;)


I think you should make a repo for it anyway - eventually someone will fork it and make it "clean". It's nice to have a proof of concept, and it sounds like you've come far in terms of stability of mounting encrypted volumes from cloud services.

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Here goes. I cleaned it up a bit and readded downloading the beta from the rclone website - This might not work every time since the website is somewhat unstable. Removed some personal modifications as well.


You have to call rclone by using myrclone instead so for instance:

To mount your cloud share use: myrclone mount --allow-other  remote:path/to/files /path/to/local/mount &

The "--allow-other" mount option is what gives you the ability to share it with samba or with dockers


<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>

<!ENTITY name      "rclone">
<!ENTITY author    "aschamberger">
<!ENTITY version   "2016.10.28-1">
<!ENTITY pluginURL "&name;.plg">

<PLUGIN name="&name;" author="&author;" version="&version;" pluginURL="&pluginURL;">


- Removed cronjob - Using Userscripts plugin instead

- changed version to latest beta
- small modifications to make the plugin work again.

- add .cron file template for daily backup (use 'update_cron' to reload changes and 'cat /etc/cron.d/root' to see current config)
- update rclone to v1.33

- add myrclone with config + transfers parameter 
- add log dir for --log option of myrclone

- initial version


This plugin installs Rclone on unRAID systems.
This work is entirely based upon the plugin created by aschamberger: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=46663.msg501372
Thanks to stignz for his great guide: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=46663.0


<FILE Run="/bin/bash" Method="install">
# version could be 'current' also

if [ -d /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name; ]; then
  rm -rf /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name;

mkdir -p /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/
if [ -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/ca-certificates.crt ]; then
  rm -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/ca-certificates.crt
curl -o /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/ca-certificates.crt https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bagder/ca-bundle/master/ca-bundle.crt

if [ -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/rclone-*-linux-amd64.zip ]; then
  rm -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/rclone-*-linux-amd64.zip

#Insanely unstable 
wget http://beta.rclone.org/v1.33-85-g6846a1c/$rcloneFile -O /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/$rclonefile

#Temp fix
#cp /boot/rclone-v1.33-85-Beta-linux-amd64.zip /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/$rclonefile

if [ -d /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/rclone-v*/ ]; then
  rm -rf /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/rclone-v*/
unzip /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/$rclonefile -d /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/

cp /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/rclone-v*/rclone /usr/sbin/
chown root:root /usr/sbin/rclone
chmod 755 /usr/sbin/rclone

mkdir -p /etc/ssl/certs/
cp /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/

if [ ! -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/.rclone.conf ]; then
  touch /boot/config/plugins/&name;/.rclone.conf;

mkdir -p /boot/config/plugins/&name;/logs;

echo ""
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
echo " &name; has been installed."
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""


<FILE Run="/bin/bash" Method="remove">
rm -rf /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install
rm -rf /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name;
rm -f /usr/sbin/rclone;
rm -f /usr/sbin/myrclone;
rm -f /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

rm -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/~daily_backup.cron

# we keep config and logs
#rm -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/.rclone.conf;
#rm -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/logs;

echo ""
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
echo " &name; has been uninstalled."
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""


<FILE Name="/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name;/&name;.png" Type="base64">

<FILE Name="/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name;/README.md">
**&name; Plugin**

The plugin installs Rclone. Rclone is a command line program to sync files and directories to and from
* Google Drive
* Amazon S3
* Openstack Swift / Rackspace cloud files / Memset Memstore
* Dropbox
* Google Cloud Storage
* Amazon Drive
* Microsoft One Drive
* Hubic
* Backblaze B2
* Yandex Disk
* The local filesystem

Go to http://rclone.org/ for more information.


#Disabled Cron - remove comment to reactivate
#<FILE Name="/boot/config/plugins/&name;/~daily_backup.cron">
# daily backup of test folder to blackblaze b2 mytest bucket (with log option)
#0 0 * * * /usr/sbin/myrclone --log sync /mnt/user/Public/test b2:mytest &> /dev/null

<FILE Name="/usr/sbin/myrclone" Mode="0755">
for i in "$@" ; do
    if [[ $i = "--log" ]] ; then
    if [[ $i = "-l" ]] ; then

logfile=/boot/config/plugins/&name;/logs/rclone-$(date "+%Y%m%d").log
if [ "$log" = true ] && [ ${#args[@]} -ge 1 ]; then
rclone --config $config --transfers $transfers "${args[@]}" >> $logfile 2>&1
rclone --config $config --transfers $transfers "$@";


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Can you try to mount an encrypted share from ACD and then see if this share can be mounted inside a docker? I've tried many solutions, and this is neither possible with docker or VM's.


I had a quick go last night without really knowing what I was doing, which failed. 


I've gone back to using duplication as decline went bonkers with CPU usage maxing my CPU out at 100% constantly, which takes some doing.  I also find the GUI handy as I can track progress easily.


Ok, so you're not going to test this?


I'm really curious whether this will work.


So i modified the original plugin by aschamberger a bit to use the latest beta of rclone, as well as some other minor modifications.

With this im able to mount an encrypted share (From Google Drive) and have it shared on samba as well as available to my dockers. The beta allows seeking as well as more mount options which makes this a possibility. Im getting very good speeds and can easily stream any media i got.

I do believe the plugin is the way to go if one wants the mount feature.


Just to make sure I am understanding this correctly, you have an encrypted network share mounted from Google Drive (no files cached locally) and all your files that show up on Google Drive are encrypted but the local mount shows them unencrypted and you can stream them ok? How are you streaming them, just with the UnRAID Plex docker? What is your test file and how big is it?

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Yep :)

Tested with a 22 gb mkv. Playback is working perfectly both through the windows 10 media player from the samba share, kodi on my HTPC and Emby web interface :)

Whats odd is that VLC seems to be struggling somewhat with playing back media from the share. The built in windows 10 player has no problems though.

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