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[Support] binhex - Koel


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Overview: Support for Docker image arch-Koel in the binhex repo.

Application: Koel - https://github.com/phanan/koel

Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/binhex/arch-koel/

GitHub: https://github.com/binhex/arch-koel



For other Docker support threads and requests, news and Docker template support for the binhex repository please use the "General" thread here

If you appreciate my work, then please consider buying me a beer  :D




Edited by binhex
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So i've mapped my /media path to /mnt/user/Music but for some reason, nothing shows up in koel's library. I've tried scanning for for /media , /media/ or even media in the settings, but no joy :( 


No permission issues with the Music share either, i triple checked that.


Anyone? Thanks

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So i've mapped my /media path to /mnt/user/Music but for some reason, nothing shows up in koel's library. I've tried scanning for for /media , /media/ or even media in the settings, but no joy :( 


No permission issues with the Music share either, i triple checked that.


Anyone? Thanks


hmm very odd, so you get nothing scanned? does it have the message to "have a little patience" or whatever it says whilst scanning?.


a few things to debug this:-


1. screenshot of your docker settings screen please for this docker

2. ls -al on /mnt/user/Music

3. screenshot of the settings screen in koel.

4. please attach the supervisord.log file found in /config

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I have the same issue.  :(


I map /mnt/users/Media/Music to media, and I have also tried /mnt/users/Media/ (where I have movies, tv shows and music). Neither works. When I click scan, I get the "little patience" screen for about 4 seconds, and then I get an "Unknown Error" message.


I will upload all the info your request above when I get to my desk.





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I have the same issue.  :(


I map /mnt/users/Media/Music to media, and I have also tried /mnt/users/Media/ (where I have movies, tv shows and music). Neither works. When I click scan, I get the "little patience" screen for about 4 seconds, and then I get an "Unknown Error" message.


I will upload all the info your request above when I get to my desk.






ok i will watch out for the info, in the meantime i have also see the "Unknown Error" message too, it looks like there is some coding issues around handling certain tags and/or  media formats perhaps, not sure of the cause as there is nothing outputted to the log. Im pretty confident this error is caused by certain media files, so what you can try is scanning a smaller subset of your music collection and see if your getting more joy, e.g.  /media/Rock/ or maybe even a little deeper into your collection, once it does index this correctly you can narrow down the file(s) that are causing the issue.


I have a very tightly tagged music collection and i have found that 90% of my music collection scans fine (160GB of mp3's), maybe large audio files, or non mp3 formatted audio causes the issue?.

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Thanks! Below is the info:




ls -l

root@Tower:/mnt/user/Media/Music/Papi# ls -l
total 552
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   4096 Nov  1  2015 A\ Perfect\ Circle/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   4096 Jul 25  2013 ABBA/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users     25 Dec 29  2015 AWOLNATION/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users    116 Jul 24  2013 Alanis\ Morissette/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   4096 Mar 20  2016 Alice\ in\ Chains/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users    172 Dec 29  2015 Arctic\ Monkeys/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   4096 Jul 25  2013 Audioslave/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users    188 Jul 12 00:06 Band\ of\ Skulls/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users     89 Mar 23  2016 Black\ Mountain/
drwxrwxrwx 1 root   root     239 May  3 00:10 Black\ Rebel\ Motorcycle\ Club/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   4096 Dec 29  2015 Black\ Sabbath/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   4096 Jul 24  2013 Boney\ M/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   4096 Mar 19  2016 Boston/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   4096 Jul 26  2013 Bush/
.......... Keeps going... to...
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users    221 Feb 29  2016 Wolfmother/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users    194 Mar  2  2016 Wooden\ Shjips/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   4096 Dec 29  2015 Zeromancer/
-rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody users   7416 Jul 23  2013 artist.nfo
-rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody users 318214 Jul 23  2013 fanart.jpg


koel Settings screen:



Error Message after I hit scan:



Inside the Music folder, files are organized by:

Artist Name1
          Album Name1
                    Song 1.mp3
                    Song 2.mp3
          Album Name2
                    Song 1.mp3
                    Song 2.mp3


Here is the link to the supervisorord.log: http://www.mediafire.com/file/g3gxr73xti7nfxq/supervisord.log


This looks like an awesome thing... I cannot wait to be able to use it.


Many thanks!



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It worked! It scanned the one artist.


ok so that proves the installation is fine, so its either a resources issue, as in its running out of memory or timeout, or (as i suspect) its a tag and/or media format problem, this particular bug raised might be of interest, not sure what version of tagging your using but it might be whats tripping you up:-




so if your up for the task you could now copy half your collection into a temporary folder and then try scanning that temporary folder, if that works you know the dodgy files are in the other half, or vice versa. once you have narrowed it down further you could attempt a re-tag to id3 2.4 as per the suggestion in the issue.

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It worked! It scanned the one artist.


ok so that proves the installation is fine, so its either a resources issue, as in its running out of memory or timeout, or (as i suspect) its a tag and/or media format problem, this particular bug raised might be of interest, not sure what version of tagging your using but it might be whats tripping you up:-




so if your up for the task you could now copy half your collection into a temporary folder and then try scanning that temporary folder, if that works you know the dodgy files are in the other half, or vice versa. once you have narrowed it down further you could attempt a re-tag to id3 2.4 as per the suggestion in the issue.


I was afraid of something like that... like you said, I will move my media around to pinpoint the culprit(s). I will take a look at the re-tagging as well, if it proves to be many folders causing the problem.


Thank you for the Docker and your attention. I will report back.  :)



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It worked! It scanned the one artist.


ok so that proves the installation is fine, so its either a resources issue, as in its running out of memory or timeout, or (as i suspect) its a tag and/or media format problem, this particular bug raised might be of interest, not sure what version of tagging your using but it might be whats tripping you up:-




so if your up for the task you could now copy half your collection into a temporary folder and then try scanning that temporary folder, if that works you know the dodgy files are in the other half, or vice versa. once you have narrowed it down further you could attempt a re-tag to id3 2.4 as per the suggestion in the issue.


I was afraid of something like that... like you said, I will move my media around to pinpoint the culprit(s). I will take a look at the re-tagging as well, if it proves to be many folders causing the problem.


Thank you for the Docker and your attention. I will report back.  :)




no probs, please do report back as im interested in your resolution, as i too have this issue with a small percentage of my collection.

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Hi Binhex,


I am kind of giving up. I started and was forced to do artist-folder by artist-folder to the /media folder. Soooo many failed... I ran the failed ones through MP3Tag and searched and added new media. I think some did not work. I could not get past the artists starting w/ "C".


So I read the post you linked where they want you to convert ID tags to v.2.4, in MP3Tag, I selected the files from a folder that fails (only 3 songs) and went to Options > MPeg and I selected like the screencap below.




I still get the same error. If I move out the same artist's folder out of the /media folder, I do not get the error... I only have 2 other artists in there that do work.


I wish I had better news.






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Ok, well, I guess I was able to get it right after much trial and errors :(


First and foremost, your library must be impeccable in terms of ID3 tagging. I've got well over 2500 tracks in mine and to be honest, i hadn't really kept it clean since my OS X Leopard days  ::) So in the end, it took a couple of hours  :-[ Pathetic....I know...


Anyhow, here's what I've done. Koel is syncing fine now, just like a homemade Spotify:

1) Used an App called TagStripper in MacOS and stripped all tags from my library (in my case, Music share). The automation process took about an hour.

2) Installed Mp3Tag software in a WIndows VM and processed my entire collection using the Action "Filename - Tag"


3) Then, followed this guide to reassign and embed Album Art as it should to my library: https://tinyapps.org/blog/windows/201409100700_batch_download_embed_cover_art.html


I'm pooped!  :-\ But hey, its working now! Using /media in the settings.


Thanks for yet another much appreciated Docker contribution Binhex!




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Ahh progress, I thought it might be tag related, I don't have time right not but later tonight I can share a technique I use to auto strip and retag using my fav tagging tool.


Sent from my LG-V500 using Tapatalk


Share, share please....  ;)  ;) I have been manually doing album by album... And some just wont fix. Usually where its only one song or so.

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Ahh progress, I thought it might be tag related, I don't have time right not but later tonight I can share a technique I use to auto strip and retag using my fav tagging tool.


Sent from my LG-V500 using Tapatalk


Share, share please....  ;)  ;) I have been manually doing album by album... And some just wont fix. Usually where its only one song or so.


i feel your pain, tagging manually is nasty!. ok so i use the excellent (although rather boringly named) windows app mp3tag to do all my tagging http://www.mp3tag.de/en/ i then make use of the convert filename to tag, this allows you construct the tags based off the path, an example below:-




so as long as you have a tight folder structure you can simply use this format to auto tag all of your music, it can cope with mutiple albums, and as long as the path length is constructed in the same way, it should be able to tag everything for you.


so thats all pretty cool but it will requires you to delete the tags, then re-tag and optionally add in the artwork, so still a bit of a pain, so my solution to this is to use autohotkey to drive mp3tag, this then results in a single button press and it does all the hard work for you :-).


here is my autohotkey (https://autohotkey.com/) script:-


SetTitleMatchMode 2
DetectHiddenText, On

IfWinNotExist, Mp3tag
MsgBox, Mp3tag not running, please right click folder and select mp3tag first.
IfWinExist, Mp3tag

SendInput, {ENTER}
WinWait Mp3tag, OK
SendInput {Enter}
SendInput, {ALTDOWN}2{ALTUP}
SendRaw, \`%dummy`%\\`%band`%\`%dummy`%\`%dummy`%
SendInput, {ENTER}
WinWait Mp3tag, OK
SendInput, {ENTER}
SendInput, {ALTDOWN}2{ALTUP}
SendRaw, \`%comment`%\\\`%genre`%\`%artist`%\`%album`%\`%title`%
SendInput, {ENTER}
WinWait Mp3tag, OK
SendInput, {ENTER}
SendInput, {ENTER}
Sleep 1000
SendInput, {ENTER}
StatusBarWait,  Ready,, Part1 ,  Mp3tag
SendInput, {ENTER}
SendInput, IM
SendInput, {ENTER}
SendInput, hires.jpg
SendInput, {ENTER}
WinWait Mp3tag, OK
SendInput, {ENTER}
MsgBox, Script finished.


i hope this helps you out :-)

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Any idea how to manually run the scan from the cli with your docker? Before when I build my test docker I was able to run this to manually scan.  php artisan koel:sync  now it says "Could not open input file: Artisan"    i found that command on the keel Wiki



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Any idea how to manually run the scan from the cli with your docker? Before when I build my test docker I was able to run this to manually scan.  php artisan koel:sync  now it says "Could not open input file: Artisan"    i found that command on the keel Wiki




not tested, but give this a go, its the same command i use to initialise koel:-


cd /opt/koel && /usr/bin/php artisan koel:sync

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