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I keep getting this problem with port 53 for the DNS server. I'm unsure how to correct it...

Do you have virtual machines enabled in your settings? If so where turning that on unraid starts a dnsmasq service listening on port 53 so it's unavailable for the docker container to use. This is only fixed by turning of VM's in unraid settings.

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  • 2 weeks later...
48 minutes ago, 2fat2fly said:

How can I do this via Terminal?

Which config should I change?

Why via terminal. Do you not have access to web UI. It's much easier with the web UI. 

I have not tried this via terminal however if you stop and remove the current container:

docker stop steamcache-dns
docker rmi steamcache-dns

Then try running the following command. I have not tried this so I have no idea if it will work but it should be the command that the web UI runs. Don't forget to change the IP to the IP of your unraid server.


/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker create --name="steamcache-dns" --net="bridge" -e TZ="Europe/London" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "STEAMCACHE_IP"="" -p 53:53/udp steamcache/steamcache-dns:latest


I have just tried the above command. It appears to work. The container appears in the GUI. I did have to tell it to update for it to report if it was up to date or not in the GUI. It started off saying unavailable. Another note. There should be an update available now so you should just be able to click the update button in the GUI for it to pull these changes.

Edited by cheesemarathon
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4 minutes ago, Risha said:

i have done everything you have said and games install really fast like there coming right off the server but i get a few red lines amoung the crap load of green is this normal or am i missing somthing





Hi There

That's perfectly normal. Green text is data steam is getting from your cache. Red is data steam is getting from steam servers. Yellow (none here but you may see some at some point) is any other internet traffic. The download in the pictures looks like you have most of the data but there has been an update since the cache was made so it's grabbing those parts from steams servers!

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Loving the steamcache docker!


I discovered I can add the variables to the steamcache-dns docker to enable the Blizzard stuff, etc, but don't have the necessary knowledge to pull the steamcache / generic stuff into unraid to make that a seperate docker.  Of course, the existing steamcache docker just passes through requests that the dns redirects to it for non-Steam downloads (yellow text when I tested with Hearthstone download).


Any plans to make an unraid template for the steamcache/generic cache?  Or possibly some hints on how to do my own? 


Edit:  Disregard.  Used the CA option to enable Dockerhub and installed it from there, using the path variable example from your steamcache docker template.  Changed the steamcache container and the converted steamcache-generic container to use different IP addresses than unRaid's (linked here), so I could run both, and just pointed the steamcache and the 'generic' cache seperately in steamcache-dns.  whew!






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I completely forgot about this thread and wanted to chime in that with the latest beta build allowing you to change the IP of a docker I have it set up on a different IP address than my unraid leaving port 80 available for the unraid interface. obviously it doesnt really matter to have unraid on a different port, i could have put it on 8080 or 443 or something, but it was a neat test.

Edited by realmonster
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I dont want to flame, but the first part is already broken!? I did change -p 81 but its still on 80...?



i thought maybe ts because i edited it via smb /flash/ but also if i ssh into it, it displays: 

# Start the Management Utility
/usr/local/sbin/emhttp -p 81 &

Read /boot/config/go, 3 lines, 74 chars


But when it reboots, its still on 80...?? i have the latest "next" branch.



Okay it seems they changed it in 6.4, you can edit it via settings identification.... :)



How can i change how long he cache? And how much GB?

Edited by nuhll
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I dont want to flame, but the first part is already broken!? I did change -p 81 but its still on 80...?
i thought maybe ts because i edited it via smb /flash/ but also if i ssh into it, it displays: 
# Start the Management Utility
/usr/local/sbin/emhttp -p 81 &
Read /boot/config/go, 3 lines, 74 chars
But when it reboots, its still on 80...?? i have the latest "next" branch.

Okay it seems they changed it in 6.4, you can edit it via settings identification.... [emoji4]
How can i change how long he cache? And how much GB?
Glad you got the port sorted. The cache doesn't have a time frame or a data limit. If you download something through steam it stores it forever. It will store as much as you download provided you have space on your array. If you want to limit it you may be able to put a limit on the size of a share on your array but I'm not sure, I've not looked into that. Does that answer your question?

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Oh, thats probably the worst cache option ever... xD Why should i want to store all steam downloads forever? xD

I wonder why its not correct working. I dont use your DNS i use my routers DNS options: (am i right that i dont need ur steamcache-dns then?)





I tried installing and deinstalling 2 games, i get yellow (omething like /server status) and red (chunks) but no greens.


I really need a way to limit it e.g. only 1 month or something. Do you know how i can make a sheduler which is running like every week and reoving files not edited 1 month?

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You could write a script to delete files older than a month. cheesemarathon threw together a docker that simply acts as a proxy cache for steam data. If you think keeping that data forever is "the worst cache option ever" then I don't think you are the intended audience. I suggest you make your own docker with a full browser interface and timers and blackjack and hookers yourself to show how much better than cheesemarathon you are... that will show him.


In the mean time, thank you cheesemarathon for making a super basic steamcache so I don't have to buy a 2TB nvme drive for my vr set up, i can just get the 256GB nvme and cache all that stuff on my unraid server

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Blablablabla im angry thats why i blablablalba.



Caching useless steam chunks which even sometimes getting new generated every download IS THE WORST OPTION IN THIS WORLD. YES CORRECT.


Im not even sure if he invented it, because theres already a nginx cache solution, i think he "just" did it in a docker. Iam ofc really thankfull to him. But the solution as it is now, is atleast not working. 


Do you know how i can make a sheduler which is running like every week and removing files older then 1 month?

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Blablablabla im angry thats why i blablablalba.
Caching useless steam chunks which even sometimes getting new generated every download IS THE WORST OPTION IN THIS WORLD. YES CORRECT.
Im not even sure if he invented it, because theres already a nginx cache solution, i think he "just" did it in a docker. Iam ofc really thankfull to him. But the solution as it is now, is atleast not working. 
Do you know how i can make a sheduler which is running like every week and removing files older then 1 month?
No i didn't write the steam cache software. Just made the template and put it on community applications. If you have questions about why it's like this, more options or suggestions for it then I suggest trying here:


I think the reason alot of people use this is at gaming events or on connections with a data cap. Gaming events it's a short lived thing so you don't need a time limit or data limit on it. At home who knows what or when you need to redownload something so having a time limit on it seems a poor idea to me. However if it's a feature you require consider writing yourself a script that checks the age of files or request it at the link I posted.

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I guess, thanks. lol
Ehm, could u atleast tell me if i need the dns if i use my own dns server? (router)
I have never set it up other than with the included DNS. I would recommend using it. It's purpose is to forward queries to the steamcache docker but only if the file requested already exists. So there is some communication between the two containers. I'm sure you could roll your own setup for the DNS. There may be more info about that in the first link I posted.

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Okay, its very good hidden on the site.


But i found for Steam:





If thats the same as u uploaded here, then u can pretty much cache all important things with it, windows update, origin and so on.


Also the implementation also has limits on caching (https://github.com/steamcache/generic)

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Okay, its very good hidden on the site.
But i found for Steam:
Ok glad you've found it. As I said though. I didn't write the DNS software. I'm unsure how you would use this info exactly. I hope you get it to work. If you do would you mind positing here how you set it up for others info? Thank you.

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