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File Activity Plugin - How can I figure out what keeps spinning up my disks?


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10 minutes ago, bakes82 said:

Tower login: root
Linux 4.4.30-unRAID.
Last login: Wed Feb 22 17:56:32 -0500 2017 on /dev/pts/1 from
root@Tower:~# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/file.activity/scripts/inotify.file.activity
/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/file.activity/scripts/inotify.file.activity: line 41: /usr/bin/inotifywait: No such file or directory


What version of unRAID are you running?

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19 minutes ago, bakes82 said:

6.2.4.  Anything > throws a kernel panic.


I've just modified the plugin and the File Activity xml on CA.  File Activity needs at least 6.3.0.  The inotify package was installed in the released version starting with 6.3.0.

Try 6.3.2.  I believe the kernel panics were solved with the version of Linux in 6.3.2.

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  • 2 weeks later...
17 minutes ago, Squid said:

Minor issue:


On a fresh install, the max_user_watches entry is reflecting the system default value, not the value that it is currently set to.

With the issues I see with max user watches, I'm thinking this would be a setting that would go better in Tips and Tweaks so a person doesn't have to have the Files Activity plugin installed to set it.  Still thinking about it.

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Just now, dlandon said:

With the issues I see with max user watches, I'm thinking this would be a setting that would go better in Tips and Tweaks so a person doesn't have to have the Files Activity plugin installed to set it.  Still thinking about it.

I do agree.  Only noticed this because I know that my watches are set to 720000 instead of 524288.  BTW, I did add in a test for watch exhaustion in FCP a week or so ago, but it can only tell if its currently exhausted (ie: if it can't create a single watch)

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11 minutes ago, Squid said:

I do agree.  Only noticed this because I know that my watches are set to 720000 instead of 524288.  BTW, I did add in a test for watch exhaustion in FCP a week or so ago, but it can only tell if its currently exhausted (ie: if it can't create a single watch)

I think I will go ahead and move it to Tips and Tweaks.  It is designed to show the current setting and allow changes.

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I can't get this to work. Needed to increase my max_user_watches and that got rid of inotify watches reached error. Now its says running but shows nothing, looks the same as digitalfixer post here:

This line is in my processes:

root 12643 12638 10 15:32 ? 00:02:06 inotifywait -mrqs -e open,attrib,move,create,delete --excludei appdata/ --timefmt %b %d %H:%M:%S --format %T %e => %w%f --fromfile /tmp/file.activity/file.activity.disks


No errors in the syslog. Any ideas?

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14 hours ago, bnevets27 said:

I can't get this to work. Needed to increase my max_user_watches and that got rid of inotify watches reached error. Now its says running but shows nothing, looks the same as digitalfixer post here:

This line is in my processes:

root 12643 12638 10 15:32 ? 00:02:06 inotifywait -mrqs -e open,attrib,move,create,delete --excludei appdata/ --timefmt %b %d %H:%M:%S --format %T %e => %w%f --fromfile /tmp/file.activity/file.activity.disks


No errors in the syslog. Any ideas?

How about a diagnostics?

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27 minutes ago, allischalmersman said:

I also cannot get the plug in to work. I assume there is something wrong with my inotifywait.  When I ran the whereis inotifywait command I get /usr/bin/inotifywait  Attaching logs.  Any help appreciated. 


It looks like File Activity is assuming the Unassigned Devices plugin is installed and you are not using it.  I will have to make an update to fix this.

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5 hours ago, bnevets27 said:

Good idea, I'm off my game. Attached


File Activity is not starting and I can't see why.  Be sure you have the latest version of the plugin installed.


Go to a command line and run this command:


See if you get any errors.  If it looks like the program is hanging, then it is running.  Ctrl-C to stop the program.  Let me know the results.

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File Activity is not starting and I can't see why.  Be sure you have the latest version of the plugin installed.


Go to a command line and run this command:


See if you get any errors.  If it looks like the program is hanging, then it is running.  Ctrl-C to stop the program.  Let me know the results.

Running the latest version 03.17. Running that command doesn't throw any errors, it shows running in the gui and is listed in processes but still doesn't show anything on the file activity page.



root     27703 10365  0 14:42 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/bash /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/file.activity/scripts/inotify.file.activityroot     27705 27703  1 14:42 pts/0    00:00:00 inotifywait -mrqs -e open,attrib,move,create,delete --excludei appdata/ --timefmt %b %d %H:%M:%S --format %T %e => %w%f --fromfile /tmp/file.activity/file.activity.disks


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On 3/18/2017 at 2:55 PM, bnevets27 said:

Running the latest version 03.17. Running that command doesn't throw any errors, it shows running in the gui and is listed in processes but still doesn't show anything on the file activity page.




root     27703 10365  0 14:42 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/bash /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/file.activity/scripts/inotify.file.activityroot     27705 27703  1 14:42 pts/0    00:00:00 inotifywait -mrqs -e open,attrib,move,create,delete --excludei appdata/ --timefmt %b %d %H:%M:%S --format %T %e => %w%f --fromfile /tmp/file.activity/file.activity.disks



Please post your diagnostics and the /tmp/file.activity/file.activity.disks file.

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4 hours ago, dlandon said:

File Activity is not including all of your disks.  Please post the result of this command 'ls /mnt/'.

cache/  disk10/  disk11/  disk12/  disk13/  disk14/  disk15/  disk16/  disk22/  disk23/  disk24/  disk3/  disk4/  disk9/  disks/  user/  user0/


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2 hours ago, bnevets27 said:

cache/  disk10/  disk11/  disk12/  disk13/  disk14/  disk15/  disk16/  disk22/  disk23/  disk24/  disk3/  disk4/  disk9/  disks/  user/  user0/


You have a problem not related to File Activity.  Your diagnostics shows 24 disks, but they are not all mounted.  Sort that out and File Activity should work.

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