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[Support] Ninthwalker - NowShowing

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I have a weard problem with this docker.

I am building a new unRaid Machine. So I installed this docker yesterday and cofigured it through the wizard.

Then I realized that I had messed up some array configuration and deleted my docker-image and reinstalled the docker. Now the admin-page starts with the wizard again (which would not be a problem) but when I try to click on "next" to start the configration the cursor turns into a "no entry"-Symbol and I can't click on next.

I tried to delete the docker and also delete the appdata Folder for NowShowing2 but even after that I get that same issue.

Can you help?

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11 minutes ago, AcidReign said:

I solved this by setting a password in the secure.oho and going to the /admin/index.php and setting it up without a wizard. I still don't know, why I can't click on next, but hey. It is solved ;)


Glad you fixed it. Not sure exactly why it behaved like that. Almost seems like it still saw files from the old install even though I know you said you deleted the appdata. 


Let me know if you need help with anything else. Thanks. 

Edited by ninthwalker
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On 8/19/2018 at 7:29 AM, CyberMew said:

Now I'm thinking is it possible to add a opt-out section for emails? I have it set to email all users and one guy wanted to opt out, so it would be great if I could do that. Also now I think that adding a custom message section in the email would be good because I can then say something like "email sent weekly, if you want to opt out, contact me at +xxxxxxxx or reply to the email directly" or something like that too


Customizing who gets the emails is already possible. Uses a whitelist though, not a blacklist. 


Instead of selecting ‘yes’ to email Plex users, set that to no. Then in the field below it enter everyone’s email that you do want it to go to seperate by a comma and save. 


Thats what I do for mine.

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On 8/12/2018 at 7:06 PM, Rookie said:

Webserver logs


x.x.x.x x.x.x.x:xxxx - [12/Aug/2018:20:53:33 -0500] "POST /admin/test_report.php HTTP/1.1" 200 16 "http://x.x.x.x:xxxx/admin/index.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36"
x.x.x.x x.x.x.x:xxxx - [12/Aug/2018:20:51:46 -0500] "POST /admin/test_report.php HTTP/1.1" 200 16 "http://x.x.x.x:xxxx/admin/index.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36"
x.x.x.x x.x.x.x:xxxx - [12/Aug/2018:20:46:18 -0500] "GET /admin/logs.php?p=%252Fconfig%252Flogs%252Fnowshowing.log HTTP/1.1" 200 6234 "http://x.x.x.x:xxxx/admin/index.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36"

now showing logs

I, [2018-08-12T20:47:32.374959 #4282]  INFO -- : Starting up NowShowing
I, [2018-08-12T20:47:34.458613 #4282]  INFO -- : Reporting Movie: Deadpool 2
I, [2018-08-12T20:47:35.583122 #4282]  INFO -- : Reporting Movie: Hunger
I, [2018-08-12T20:47:36.654296 #4282]  INFO -- : Reporting Movie: In Darkness
I, [2018-08-12T20:47:37.821793 #4282]  INFO -- : Reporting Movie: Like Father
I, [2018-08-12T20:47:38.943489 #4282]  INFO -- : Reporting Movie: Skyscraper
I, [2018-08-12T20:47:40.115009 #4282]  INFO -- : Reporting Movie: Tag
I, [2018-08-12T20:47:41.228461 #4282]  INFO -- : Reporting Movie: Wildling
I, [2018-08-12T20:47:43.588940 #4282]  INFO -- : Reporting Alone Season 5 Episode 9
I, [2018-08-12T20:48:22.096238 #4282]  INFO -- : Reporting Big Brother Season 20 Episode 20
E, [2018-08-12T20:48:22.096586 #4282] ERROR -- : Something failed. Most likely metadata related. If you see this error all the time, turn on debugging and open an issue on github.
I, [2018-08-12T20:48:49.353611 #1251]  INFO -- : Reporting Making It Season 1 Episode 2
I, [2018-08-12T20:48:54.909170 #4282]  INFO -- : Reporting Castle Rock Season 1 Episode 5
I, [2018-08-12T20:49:35.644725 #1251]  INFO -- : Reporting Queen of the South Season 3 Episode 8
I, [2018-08-12T20:50:13.587649 #1251]  INFO -- : Reporting Suits Season 8 Episode 4
I, [2018-08-12T20:50:47.224917 #4282]  INFO -- : Reporting Making It Season 1 Episode 2
I, [2018-08-12T20:51:09.311769 #1251]  INFO -- : Reporting Yellowstone (2018) Season 1 Episode 7
I, [2018-08-12T20:51:15.593231 #1251]  INFO -- : Adding Statistics from Tautulli
I, [2018-08-12T20:51:30.919555 #4282]  INFO -- : Reporting Queen of the South Season 3 Episode 8
I, [2018-08-12T20:51:46.554145 #1251]  INFO -- : SMTP mailing failed!
execution expired["/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/net/smtp.rb:542:in `initialize'", "/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/net/smtp.rb:542:in `open'", "/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/net/smtp.rb:542:in `tcp_socket'", "/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/net/smtp.rb:552:in `block in do_start'", "/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/timeout.rb:101:in `timeout'", "/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/net/smtp.rb:551:in `do_start'", "/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/net/smtp.rb:521:in `start'", "/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/mail-2.6.3/lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp.rb:112:in `deliver!'", "/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/mail-2.6.3/lib/mail/message.rb:252:in `deliver!'", "/var/lib/nowshowing/mailReport.rb:99:in `sendMail'", "/usr/local/sbin/combinedreport:452:in `main'", "/usr/local/sbin/combinedreport:460:in `<main>'"]
I, [2018-08-12T20:51:46.559671 #1251]  INFO -- : Script complete.  Ran in 390.029264528 seconds
I, [2018-08-12T20:52:06.561907 #4282]  INFO -- : Reporting Suits Season 8 Episode 4
I, [2018-08-12T20:52:58.048268 #4282]  INFO -- : Reporting Yellowstone (2018) Season 1 Episode 7
I, [2018-08-12T20:53:03.580459 #4282]  INFO -- : Adding Statistics from Tautulli
I, [2018-08-12T20:53:34.513395 #4282]  INFO -- : SMTP mailing failed!
execution expired["/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/net/smtp.rb:542:in `initialize'", "/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/net/smtp.rb:542:in `open'", "/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/net/smtp.rb:542:in `tcp_socket'", "/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/net/smtp.rb:552:in `block in do_start'", "/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/timeout.rb:101:in `timeout'", "/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/net/smtp.rb:551:in `do_start'", "/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/net/smtp.rb:521:in `start'", "/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/mail-2.6.3/lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp.rb:112:in `deliver!'", "/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/mail-2.6.3/lib/mail/message.rb:252:in `deliver!'", "/var/lib/nowshowing/mailReport.rb:99:in `sendMail'", "/usr/local/sbin/combinedreport:452:in `main'", "/usr/local/sbin/combinedreport:460:in `<main>'"]
I, [2018-08-12T20:53:34.523801 #4282]  INFO -- : Script complete.  Ran in 362.149994013 seconds

docker log

Brought to you by:


User xyz set to: 99
Group xyz set to: 100

[cont-init.d] 10-set-uidgid: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 20-setup: executing...
Advanced config file detected. Checking version ..

Latest 2.0.3 release found. Nothing to update.
Server ready
Please go to http://hostIP:hostPort/admin to configure settings
[cont-init.d] 20-setup: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
2018-08-12 20:28:26: (log.c.217) server started

for the email setting I just selected Yahoo from the drop down and provided the email address and password.


Just in case it helps I'm adding the advanced.yaml

  title: "New This Week"
  image: "http://i.imgur.com/LNTSbFl.png"
  footer: "Thanks for watching!"
  language: "en"
  title_image: "img/nowshowing.png"
  logo: "img/logo.png"
  headline_title: 'Just added:'
  headliners: "Laughs,Screams,Thrills,Entertainment"
  footer: "Thanks for watching!"
  language: "en"
  plex_user_emails: "yes"
    - ""
  server: "x.x.x.x"
  from: "Plex Server"
  subject: "Now Showing"
    - ""
    - ""
  provider: "yahoo"
  address: "smtp.mail.yahoo.com"
  port: "587"
  username: "[email protected]"
  password: "xxxxxxxxxxx"
  interval: "7"
  report_type: "both"
  email_report_time: '30 10 * * 5'
  web_report_time: '0 23 * * *'
  extra_details: "yes"
  test: "enable"
  server: "x.x.x.x"
  port: "xxxx"
  https: "no"
  httproot: ""
  api_key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  title: 'Statistics:'
  stats: "LBmv"
  api_key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Thats everything I can think of to send you.


Thanks for the logs. 

One possible reason may be a block on the 587 port by your ISP if this is running from your home or from a VPS provider. 


If you have telnet installed try using that to manually test the port. 


‘telnet smtp.mail.yahoo.com 587’


thay should connect and either return a blank screen or a message from their smtp server. If it throws an error about can’t connecting then it’s a port issue. 


Let me know the outcome of that.


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On 8/25/2018 at 12:25 PM, ninthwalker said:


Thanks for the logs. 

One possible reason may be a block on the 587 port by your ISP if this is running from your home or from a VPS provider. 


If you have telnet installed try using that to manually test the port. 


‘telnet smtp.mail.yahoo.com 587’


thay should connect and either return a blank screen or a message from their smtp server. If it throws an error about can’t connecting then it’s a port issue. 


Let me know the outcome of that.


I used the command

telnet smtp.mail.yahoo.com 587

per your instruction and the output I got was:

telnet: connection to address connection timed out

standing by for further instructions

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3 hours ago, Rookie said:

I used the command

telnet smtp.mail.yahoo.com 587

per your instruction and the output I got was:

telnet: connection to address connection timed out

standing by for further instructions


Sorry, I should have clarified.

Don’t run that from inside the docker. 

Run that from the unraid Server or even from another Linux/windows box that has telnet


The idea is to try and verify if that port outgoing is blocked at your internet or local router level. 

Link to comment
5 hours ago, ninthwalker said:


Sorry, I should have clarified.

Don’t run that from inside the docker. 

Run that from the unraid Server or even from another Linux/windows box that has telnet


The idea is to try and verify if that port outgoing is blocked at your internet or local router level. 

I didn't run it from inside the docker.  I SSH'd into my unraid server and ran it there.  Just to make sure I just SSH'd into my router and ran the same command there and got the same thing.  However from the router (PFSense) I got the following:

telnet: connect to address Operation timed out
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host



so I got bored and just updated my email address to a gmail account that I have. It worked like a champ! Switched it back to the yahoo email that I prefer and it doesn’t work. So I don’t think the problem is with NowShowig. The problem is either PFBlockerNG blocking something or Yahoo blocking something. I would still love any help that you can give.

Edited by Rookie
Gmail works/yahoo does not
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@ninthwalker got a new questions for you.  I've be playing around with the emailbody.erb trying to find a way to make it so that when it sends an email instead of listing every new episode of a show that has came out it only tells me that a new episode for "Show X" has been down loaded.  No other data, just the series image, series title and that's it.  Any clue how this could be done?  Maybe an option in a future update?  If it is possible to help with the code on this that would be great.  Thanks

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3 hours ago, Rookie said:

@ninthwalker got a new questions for you.  I've be playing around with the emailbody.erb trying to find a way to make it so that when it sends an email instead of listing every new episode of a show that has came out it only tells me that a new episode for "Show X" has been down loaded.  No other data, just the series image, series title and that's it.  Any clue how this could be done?  Maybe an option in a future update?  If it is possible to help with the code on this that would be great.  Thanks


I often get extended lists of new episodes, all for the same series. Would be very nice to have an option to collapse this to a single listing in the email.

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  • 1 month later...




Hey guys, sorry for being a bit absent. Real life catches up sometimes.

I plan on starting up some development of this docker again in the near future and can look at what you suggested.


To clarify, rather than it listing say 3 episodes like this:


House Hunters S155E03


House Hunters S155E04


House Hunters S155E06



You would instead want it to just list:


House Hunters


------------- ?


I can look into trying to detect that and make it an option possibly. Would have to create some logic around it detecting multiple episodes.

I currently have some logic built in to try and detect if it's a new season, then it just lists the one object for the new season instead of 10 episodes, so maybe i can do something similar with normal episodes added.





Edited by ninthwalker
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  • 1 month later...

@ninthwalker I have a question. I set up the NowShowingV2 docker on UnRAID put in the required information and tested the tool/Announcement Email to see if it sends. It worked perfect! I tried to do a test report and a On-Demand report but never received any emails. Plus the Web interface is still showing nothing but the "you must go to admin" part. So not sure what is wrong if the email sent on the announcement part but not on the others.


In addition, is there a way to have NowShowing come up in Plex like a plugin? Or even a Roku Channel?

Edited by gsd2012
Additional Information
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On 12/17/2018 at 12:36 PM, gsd2012 said:

@ninthwalker I have a question. I set up the NowShowingV2 docker on UnRAID put in the required information and tested the tool/Announcement Email to see if it sends. It worked perfect! I tried to do a test report and a On-Demand report but never received any emails. Plus the Web interface is still showing nothing but the "you must go to admin" part. So not sure what is wrong if the email sent on the announcement part but not on the others.


In addition, is there a way to have NowShowing come up in Plex like a plugin? Or even a Roku Channel?



So the 'you must go to admin' page still show's that because a web report was never generated.

If you received a test announcement, but not a plex email report or web page, then that probably means the nowshowing access/connection to the plex instance is either not setup correctly or not working for some reason. If you look in the various logs (tools/logs in the web interface or the docker logs, or appdata nowshowing logs, you may see an error in there hat points you in the right direction.


On The Plex tab did you generate a token from the button, or did you manually enter one?


Plugins/Channel will not be happening. Plex has been moving away from that so a lot of that is going away these days.


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On 12/20/2018 at 7:33 PM, ninthwalker said:



So the 'you must go to admin' page still show's that because a web report was never generated.

If you received a test announcement, but not a plex email report or web page, then that probably means the nowshowing access/connection to the plex instance is either not setup correctly or not working for some reason. If you look in the various logs (tools/logs in the web interface or the docker logs, or appdata nowshowing logs, you may see an error in there hat points you in the right direction.


On The Plex tab did you generate a token from the button, or did you manually enter one?


Plugins/Channel will not be happening. Plex has been moving away from that so a lot of that is going away these days.


Yeah everything seems to be set correct. I get the test message but when I generated a test report it seem to do nothing.  Not sure what the issue is.

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@gsd2012 and @enigmat3461


I'm going to need to see logs or something, as both of you say everything is correct, but it's still not working, so that's not much to go on.

You can PM me them, or post them here. Below are the logs that may help me see what's going on.


NOTE: Make sure to redact/delete private information like your email or password or plex token before posting logs.


Go to tools > Log Viewer

Grab the 'Now Showing' and 'Web Server' Logs.

Copy/paste the code in the windows that open into a text doc and PM me them.


Also, the docker logs.

Click on the 'Now Showing' icon on your unRAID dockers page and click 'logs' to see them.


Lastly, post your advanced.yml config located in your docker's appdata folder at:



This has your emails/smtp password in it, so redact that and whatever else you want in it.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got Now Showing V2 up and running on my Unraid server. All seems to working except for a couple of the statistics.


I, [2019-01-04T23:31:58.008141 #1441]  INFO -- : Script complete.  Ran in 116.799115386 seconds
I, [2019-01-04T23:31:57.965926 #1441]  INFO -- : Adding Statistics from Tautulli to webpage report
I, [2019-01-04T23:31:57.506471 #1441]  INFO -- : Top User Stat failed
I, [2019-01-04T23:31:57.506387 #1441]  INFO -- : Most Streams Stat failed

So everything works except those two stats. I check the container logs for NowShowing, and found nothing there. So I ran a test report again, and then checked the API logs for Tautulli.


2019-01-05 22:42:31	DEBUG	Tautulli APIv2 :: Cleaned kwargs: {}
2019-01-05 22:42:31	DEBUG	Tautulli APIv2 :: API called with kwargs: {'cmd': u'get_libraries', 'apikey': u'********ac'}
2019-01-05 22:42:31	DEBUG	Tautulli APIv2 :: Cleaned kwargs: {'y_axis': u'duration', 'time_range': u'7'}
2019-01-05 22:42:31	DEBUG	Tautulli APIv2 :: API called with kwargs: {'cmd': u'get_plays_by_hourofday', 'y_axis': u'duration', 'apikey': u'********ac', 'time_range': u'7'}
2019-01-05 22:42:31	DEBUG	Tautulli APIv2 :: Cleaned kwargs: {'y_axis': u'duration', 'time_range': u'7'}
2019-01-05 22:42:31	DEBUG	Tautulli APIv2 :: API called with kwargs: {'cmd': u'get_plays_by_dayofweek', 'y_axis': u'duration', 'apikey': u'********ac', 'time_range': u'7'}
2019-01-05 22:42:31	DEBUG	Tautulli APIv2 :: Cleaned kwargs: {'stats_type': u'0', 'time_range': u'7'}
2019-01-05 22:42:31	DEBUG	Tautulli APIv2 :: API called with kwargs: {'cmd': u'get_home_stats', 'apikey': u'********ac', 'stats_type': u'0', 'time_range': u'7'}

That's all I found after the test report generated. Is there some setting or something I'm missing to get the "Top User" and "Most Streams" stat to work?

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On 1/5/2019 at 8:45 PM, drawmonster said:

I've got Now Showing V2 up and running on my Unraid server. All seems to working except for a couple of the statistics.


I, [2019-01-04T23:31:58.008141 #1441]  INFO -- : Script complete.  Ran in 116.799115386 seconds
I, [2019-01-04T23:31:57.965926 #1441]  INFO -- : Adding Statistics from Tautulli to webpage report
I, [2019-01-04T23:31:57.506471 #1441]  INFO -- : Top User Stat failed
I, [2019-01-04T23:31:57.506387 #1441]  INFO -- : Most Streams Stat failed

So everything works except those two stats. I check the container logs for NowShowing, and found nothing there. So I ran a test report again, and then checked the API logs for Tautulli.


That's all I found after the test report generated. Is there some setting or something I'm missing to get the "Top User" and "Most Streams" stat to work?


There are different reasons stats can fail. Hard to pinpoint sometimes.

One common one for example, would be say you set 'Days to report on' to 2 days. And then no one watched anything in 2 days. The top user stat would fail as there was none. In the future for the logging, maybe I'll try and say 'no stat found' instead of fail if there was none found to differentiate.


Here is something you can do though to test. Manually use the below URL to navigate to the failed stat from the Tautulli API and see if there is a stat listed there. Change the Ip to your Ip, your port, your base url (if using in tautulli) and your tautulli token. (All found on the stats tab in NowShowing). Also change the time_range=# to the number you are using in the 'Days to report' on the report tab in NowShowing.




Then drill down to this xml section in your browser and see if there is a stat listed:


For top user:

Data: 7

 Rows: 0

  user: ??


For Most Streams:

Data: 9

  Rows: 0

   Count: ??


See attached screenshot for an example.





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44 minutes ago, ninthwalker said:


There are different reasons stats can fail. Hard to pinpoint sometimes.

One common one for example, would be say you set 'Days to report on' to 2 days. And then no one watched anything in 2 days. The top user stat would fail as there was none. In the future for the logging, maybe I'll try and say 'no stat found' instead of fail if there was none found to differentiate.


Here is something you can do though to test. Manually use the below URL to navigate to the failed stat from the Tautulli API and see if there is a stat listed there. Change the Ip to your Ip, your port, your base url (if using in tautulli) and your tautulli token. (All found on the stats tab in NowShowing). Also change the time_range=# to the number you are using in the 'Days to report' on the report tab in NowShowing.




Then drill down to this xml section in your browser and see if there is a stat listed:


For top user:

Data: 7

 Rows: 0

  user: ??


For Most Streams:

Data: 9

  Rows: 0

   Count: ??


See attached screenshot for an example.





I did the test like you suggested and both items had data listed for them in the XML. They also have data listed for them on the Tautulli home screen under "Most Active Users" and "Most Concurrent Steams". 


Is there anything else I can try to get those two stats working?

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  • 4 weeks later...
8 hours ago, rmilyard said:

So this has started to happen few days ago from CA Fix Common Problems. 


Deprecated in favor of NowShowing v2


ideas how to fix this?


7 hours ago, wgstarks said:

Looks like the original version has been deprecated. I think the best resolution would be to install v2, but you could also just select “ignore” for the warning in fix common problems if you don’t want to upgrade.



I haven't supported the old v1 since releasing v2.

Looks like Squid got around to marking the old version as deprecated in Community Applications.

You can just keep using the old one, or you can install v2 as a fresh install and try it out along side the old one if needed.

Just change the port and name of the new docker to something not currently being used.




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On 1/11/2019 at 5:49 PM, drawmonster said:

I did the test like you suggested and both items had data listed for them in the XML. They also have data listed for them on the Tautulli home screen under "Most Active Users" and "Most Concurrent Steams". 


Is there anything else I can try to get those two stats working?


Not sure too much else to try. when you checked the data in the XML response from Tautulli, did it match the row # as well?

Like top user was from Data 7 and most streams from data 9 field. not different data #'s?


Also, as mentioned before that the length of time is correct. Like in tautulli dashboard i think it defaults to the last 7 days for most streams.

But then if no one streamed in 2 days, it would still show that in the dashboard, but when running a nowshowing report for only say the last 2 days, there wouldn't be any data actually there for that time range.


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