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Docker service fail to start after power outage


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Title says it all.


Im away, get a notification from my user that a service is not working.


Remote in, web UI, Docker, and at the top, a message that the docker service failed to start.


Go in Settings / Docker. Enable Docker @ No, apply, @  yes apply, then all is good.




1. Why ?


2. How can I make it so that the system  restart the services on fail ? (Shouldn't it ?)

   (Would there be a cron job / user script i could use for that ?)





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4 minutes ago, Altheran said:

There is no suspicion, My docker img is working fine,

But it wasn't.  It must've revived itself though.

4 minutes ago, Altheran said:

I don't want the hasle myself with rebuilding all my dockers for nothing.

The link provided shows a semi-hassle way of rebuilding to docker.img.  Utilizing the apps tab, and previous apps section is actually zero-hassle.


5 minutes ago, Altheran said:

can't there just be a watch guard on the docker service to restart it if it fails ?

Sure.  But what if you then get into a situation where it fails to start again.  You wind up in a loop of start - restart - restart - restart which is going to play havoc with your system.

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6 minutes ago, Altheran said:

I don't want the hasle myself with rebuilding all my dockers


That link to that old post makes it seem harder than it really is. After recreating docker.img, you just go to Community Applications - Previous Apps and tell it to reinstall all of them. They will be reinstalled using the same settings as before, including your appdata.

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Well, This happened for the last 3 power outages, all since I am on 6.4 (was on beta before).

For each of these "Docker Service Failed to start" all I had to do is : Go in docker Settings, Turn the docker service off, apply, turn it on, apply, and all is good.


What I suspect is that the docker Service tries to start too fast.


So we can go and rebuild the docker img all we want, but I'd still want to know if there would be a script that could run 5 min after start to do a one time check if the docker service is running, if not, turn it off then on again. :)


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