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Smart History


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I am confused.  What you are calling "Smart History"?   Is it a plugin or Docker (that I couldn't find)?  If it is in the current GUI, please tell us how you get to it.


BTW, 'Smart' is actually S.M.A.R.T.  which stands for "Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology"  and the term is definitely an Oxymoron!   There are probably more topics on this forum about interpreting its output than any other single subject.  Plus, no HD manufacturer has ever really defined what his reported attributes are really measuring and what the 'number' reported really is and means. (There has been a lot of guessing and some are rather obvious like #9 (Power on hours).)   And no two manufacturers report the same set of attributes.

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31 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

some are rather obvious like #9 (Power on hours)


He,he even that isn't always the case. Some of my Crucial SSD measure in days, eventhough the description says hours. The net result: the uptime is extremly low.

9	Power on hours	0x0000	100	100	000	Old age	Offline	Never	982 (1m, 9d, 22h)

The 1 month is in reality more than 2 years.

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@bonienl since you are here, could you please take a swipe at implementing smart data historical collection and graphical display? The way bubbaQ implemented it was great, a text file was generated for each unique drive serial number that stored date stamped smart values. That meant you could move the text file to follow the drive if you moved the drive to a different server, and it would pick up where it left off.


There are a BUNCH of metadata items about the physical disks that it would be nice to have in a simple portable text file.

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15 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

@bonienl since you are here, could you please take a swipe at implementing smart data historical collection and graphical display? The way bubbaQ implemented it was great, a text file was generated for each unique drive serial number that stored date stamped smart values. That meant you could move the text file to follow the drive if you moved the drive to a different server, and it would pick up where it left off.


There are a BUNCH of metadata items about the physical disks that it would be nice to have in a simple portable text file.


Any examples of how this looks like? What was shown in the graphs, all attributes or a subset or something different?


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1 hour ago, bonienl said:
1 hour ago, Frank1940 said:

some are rather obvious like #9 (Power on hours)


He,he even that isn't always the case. Some of my Crucial SSD measure in days, eventhough the description says hours. The net result: the uptime is extremly low.


LOL, your example just goes to show that go to show that with S.M.A.R.T.  reporting, you can't even trust the obvious!


I downloaded the app and had a quick look at it.  It appears to be written in php.  I must admit that I had to look up php to find out what programming environment that even was.  Perhaps, it might even be too difficult to modify it to integrate it in with the current GUI.  @bubbaQ has not been very active lately and I don't know how receptive he might be in permitting his efforts to be modified for use with the current GUI.  (I think most of the old timers here can agree that "asking for forgiveness rather than for permission" is not the way to proceed!) 


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10 hours ago, trurl said:



Looks like your most recent posts are either to Lounge or to V5 area. And the Smart History you are talking about was definitely from the pre V6 era.


Are you using V6 now?


Yes, I'm on 6.40. However as some of my drives are starting to age I want to be able to check the smart values pretty easy. I admit I'm lazy.


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10 hours ago, Frank1940 said:

I am confused.  What you are calling "Smart History"?   Is it a plugin or Docker (that I couldn't find)?  If it is in the current GUI, please tell us how you get to it.


BTW, 'Smart' is actually S.M.A.R.T.  which stands for "Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology"  and the term is definitely an Oxymoron!   There are probably more topics on this forum about interpreting its output than any other single subject.  Plus, no HD manufacturer has ever really defined what his reported attributes are really measuring and what the 'number' reported really is and means. (There has been a lot of guessing and some are rather obvious like #9 (Power on hours).)   And no two manufacturers report the same set of attributes.


Thanks for the reply. I see that you misunderstood what I was asking for. To see if a package was still being maintained or supported.

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12 minutes ago, dimaestro said:


Yes, I'm on 6.40. However as some of my drives are starting to age I want to be able to check the smart values pretty easy. I admit I'm lazy.



You can view the SMART report of any disk by clicking on its name on the Main page. When you have notifications enabled then any changes in critical attributes are reported to you as soon as they happen. Use this mechanism to be warned in time about the (ailing) health of your disks.


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11 minutes ago, dimaestro said:

as some of my drives are starting to age I want to be able to check the smart values pretty easy. I admit I'm lazy.


While you don't have a history of SMART, it is very easy to check the current SMART values of all disks in the webUI by clicking on the disk and going to Attributes. From there you can even select the next or previous disk to see attributes of other disks. And you will get a warning in the Dashboard for key attributes. You will also get notified by email or some other agent if you setup Notifications.


Do you have Notifications setup?

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1 minute ago, trurl said:

While you don't have a history of SMART, it is very easy to check the current SMART values of all disks in the webUI by clicking on the disk and going to Attributes. From there you can even select the next or previous disk to see attributes of other disks. And you will get a warning in the Dashboard for key attributes. You will also get notified by email or some other agent if you setup Notifications.


Do you have Notifications setup?

Yes, I do have notifications enabled I just like to be a little proactive monitoring my drives. If I have one near what I consider failure I'd like to know it in advance.


However when you have 11 disks, it takes a little bit of time. I know disks have gotten larger, the drive pool #s have gone down - but this *is* from 7 years ago.

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1 minute ago, dimaestro said:

However when you have 11 disks, it takes a little bit of time. I


The dashboard gives you an instant view or your disks. A critical SMART issue is indicated with a yellow triangle. Click on it and it brings you to disk in question.

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13 minutes ago, bonienl said:


The dashboard gives you an instant view or your disks. A critical SMART issue is indicated with a yellow triangle. Click on it and it brings you to disk in question.


I want to be ahead of critical SMART issue - if a disk is critical, it's already dead in my eyes. I was just looking for smarthistory. Thanks for the input guys.

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1 hour ago, dimaestro said:


I want to be ahead of critical SMART issue - if a disk is critical, it's already dead in my eyes. I was just looking for smarthistory. Thanks for the input guys.

Not sure what you consider being "ahead of critical". The warnings and notifications aren't only triggered when a disk SMART is considered FAILING.


And the webUI will already let you customize this to some extent. Settings - Disk Settings - Global SMART Settings. You can enable or disable the most common attributes, and you can add more attributes to monitor. Any change to an attribute, just a single uptick, will trigger a warning in the Dashboard, which will stay on until acknowledged, and trigger a Notification. You can also configure this on a per disk basis by clicking on the disk in Main which will get you to SMART settings for the disk.

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