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Guide: How To Use Rclone To Mount Cloud Drives And Play Files


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4 minutes ago, Kaizac said:

Ok, so where do we stand now? Opening files through windows explorer all works? They all play? And only Plex now gives problems with sometimes playing and sometimes not?

To sum up:

On Unraid: 

Plex: All local files plays, some remote plays, other don't (seems to be always the same)

Windows explorer on the unraid rclone mount share: some remote files plays other dont. (seems to be always the same)


On Windows:

If I mount the same rclone share directly on windows (with rclone windows, without passing thru unraid) All files plays fine plex/explorer

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1 minute ago, yendi said:

To sum up:

On Unraid: 

Plex: All local files plays, some remote plays, other don't (seems to be always the same)

Windows explorer on the unraid rclone mount share: some remote files plays other dont. (seems to be always the same)


On Windows:

If I mount the same rclone share directly on windows (with rclone windows, without passing thru unraid) All files plays fine plex/explorer

Ok let's run through the basics first to be 100% sure.


Did you get the latest Rclone version on your Unraid box?

Create your Rclone mount freshly. So just delete it from the config and create it new. You don't have the recreate the crypt, just the mount. Then reboot without your dockers autostarting. Test it through windows explorer on the mount_rclone folder (so not the union folder).

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1 minute ago, Kaizac said:

Ok let's run through the basics first to be 100% sure.


Did you get the latest Rclone version on your Unraid box?

Create your Rclone mount freshly. So just delete it from the config and create it new. You don't have the recreate the crypt, just the mount. Then reboot without your dockers autostarting. Test it through windows explorer on the mount_rclone folder (so not the union folder).

Do I need a new API and stuff ? If I change API and key, will I loose my data?

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Just now, yendi said:

Do I need a new API and stuff ? If I change API and key, will I loose my data?

No you don't need a new API, neither would it lose your data. Just create the new rclone mount. A little tip to be sure. When filling in your client ID and password, delete the laster number or letter of the string and type it in manually. Just to make sure there are no copy and pasting errors.

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2 minutes ago, Kaizac said:

No you don't need a new API, neither would it lose your data. Just create the new rclone mount. A little tip to be sure. When filling in your client ID and password, delete the laster number or letter of the string and type it in manually. Just to make sure there are no copy and pasting errors.

I just tried, I even used an other rclone version (stable one this time, not the beta) and same issue. The mount is here but some media can be read other dont.

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Just now, yendi said:

No error, either explorer hangs until I manually kill it, or VLC never starts (I double click but nothing happens, and VLC is running under task manager but the windows never shows up)

Are you able to copy the files through windows explorer? Try it for both the files that do play and won't play.

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Just now, yendi said:

i7 7700 / 20gb ram / 1tb SSD cache and few HDD

Hmmm such a strange problem. Seems like a R/W issue per individual file which seems unlikely. Can you copy one of the movies you can't play to your array and make a new library for that specific movie on your array. See if it plays then? If that does work then you might try something like setting new perms on your mount_rclone share. But I doubt it will work as expected.

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3 hours ago, yendi said:

To sum up:

On Unraid: 

Plex: All local files plays, some remote plays, other don't (seems to be always the same)

Windows explorer on the unraid rclone mount share: some remote files plays other dont. (seems to be always the same)


On Windows:

If I mount the same rclone share directly on windows (with rclone windows, without passing thru unraid) All files plays fine plex/explorer

sounds like a plex problem as you've got enough RAM and CPU power (and bandwidth if I remember correctly - what's your line speed?).  When testing I would stop all other dockers that are accessing the mount to double-check they aren't doing something daft.


Can you post a screenshot of your plex scheduled tasks page. 


And to eliminate rclone, can you post your mount script please.

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I have a 1000/300 fiber. I have stopped every other docker than plex but I have to disagree, it's not related to plex:

I cannot access in a reliable way media thru rclone unraid on windows, BUT i can access those files from rclone on Windows. For me it's a Rclone or Unraid problem. What do you guys think ?


Rclone mount:

#######  Check if script is already running  ##########
if [[ -f "/mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/rclone_mount_running" ]]; then
echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Exiting script already running."
touch /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/rclone_mount_running
#######  End Check if script already running  ##########
#######  Start rclone gdrive mount  ##########
# check if gdrive mount already created
if [[ -f "/mnt/user/mount_rclone/google_vfs/mountcheck" ]]; then
echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Check rclone vfs already mounted."
echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: mounting rclone vfs."
# create directories for rclone mount and unionfs mount
mkdir -p /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone
mkdir -p /mnt/user/mount_rclone/google_vfs
mkdir -p /mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs
mkdir -p /mnt/user/rclone_upload/google_vfs
rclone mount --allow-other --buffer-size 128M --dir-cache-time 72h --drive-chunk-size 512M --fast-list --log-level INFO --log-file /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/rclone_mount/mount.log --vfs-read-chunk-size 128M --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit off gdrive_media_vfs: /mnt/user/mount_rclone/google_vfs &
# check if mount successful
# slight pause to give mount time to finalise
sleep 5
if [[ -f "/mnt/user/mount_rclone/google_vfs/mountcheck" ]]; then
echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Check rclone gdrive vfs mount success."
echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") CRITICAL: rclone gdrive vfs mount failed - please check for problems."
rm /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/rclone_mount_running
#######  End rclone gdrive mount  ##########
#######  Start unionfs mount   ##########
if [[ -f "/mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs/mountcheck" ]]; then
echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Check successful, unionfs already mounted."
unionfs -o cow,allow_other,direct_io,auto_cache,sync_read /mnt/user/rclone_upload/google_vfs=RW:/mnt/user/mount_rclone/google_vfs=RO /mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs
if [[ -f "/mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs/mountcheck" ]]; then
echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Check successful, unionfs mounted."
echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") CRITICAL: unionfs Remount failed."
rm /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/rclone_mount_running
#######  End Mount unionfs   ##########
############### starting dockers that need unionfs mount ######################
# only start dockers once
if [[ -f "/mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/dockers_started" ]]; then
echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: dockers already started"
touch /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/dockers_started
echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Starting dockers."
docker start plex
docker start tautulli
docker start radarr
docker start sonarr
docker start ombi
docker start bazarr
docker start radarr-uhd-binhex
############### end dockers that need unionfs mount ######################


Edited by yendi
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Everything looks ok with the mount file.  


- you've added a log file to the mount - is that giving any clues as to what's going wrong?

- have you uninstalled the rclone plugin and reinstalled to get the latest version?


Other than that, I think you've exhausted this thread and I'd see if ncw or someone else

over on the rclone board can help 

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Sorry man, i'm French so my english is not perfect :D


My original usage was everything on Unraid as everyone here, I made several test when the issue started to troubleshoot...

I think that my issues started when I shrinked my array (using unbalance) as I had 44Tb before switching to rclone + gdrive and I didn't need all those drives anymore. Maybe the gathering process done by Unbalance created side effects on my unraid installation.


So to explain the best possible way, I tried few things:

1/ rclone mounted on unraid:

        a/ Plex on Unraid: some media do not play

        b/ Plex on a windows PC targeting the "/rclone_mount" or "/union" share (on unraid): some media do not play

        c/ "/rclone_mount" (on unraid) accessed via a windows PC: some media do not play (Explorer/VLC freeze)

        d/ copy of any file works and is playable in local...


2/ rclone mounted on windows

        a/ Plex on windows: no issue

        b/ Playing any file directly from the mount: no issue


I have formated my HDD and restored the USB stick as a new 6.6.7 and recreating my server as we speak.

I have changed my cache drive as xfs (was btrfs) and hopefully it will work... I just have Rclone + scripts and plex installed. I let it create all libraries right now and will test it tonight. FINGER CROSSED !


Edited by yendi
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LoL. I just got an idea what could create trouble.


Do you have maybe double files?







Because i had the same issue with unbalance (but my error in the end - e.g. if you stop a transfer and restart it this might happen)


Unraid should always display ONLY the file which is the lowest disk number so in this e.g. it would be disk1 - and maybe that file is corrupt?

Edited by nuhll
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