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(SOLVED) Cache Drive Filling and Emptying

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1 hour ago, techsperion said:

Thanks guys! Found the culprit thanks to @Squid suggestion to turn on mover logs.


Created a VDISK of 500GB for one of my VMs to use.



It's sitting on the domains share which is set to Prefer. So every night it was trying to move this large vdisk to a 240GB Cache and failing.

Think I'm going to have to move its location off domains.

Change domains to cache only or cache no, depending on whether you want new files created in the domain share to be on the cache or the array. I have this exact configuration, where some of the domain contents live on the array, some on cache. Fix common problems will complain, but that's ok if you do it on purpose and know what you did, you can just ignore the complaint.

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