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Unnasigned devices in Krusader

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Hello. (COuldnt find a Krusader support area so am posting here)


Ive a mounted Unassigned Device (USB HDD) which i can see in MAIN and is device sdg. I can mount it and see its contents however i cant find it in Krusader. Root/mnt shows nothing which is where i expected to see it. 


Im trying to copy data using a HDD (quicker than via the network) and can see its new location (a share) in Root/media/XXX


Can anyone help?

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17 minutes ago, Squid said:

For next time, that link included directions on how to get the docker run command


1 hour ago, wobblewoo said:

Hello. (COuldnt find a Krusader support area so am posting here)

Also for the next time, you can get to the correct support thread for any docker by clicking on its icon and selecting Support.

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I can see the correct thread and the run command now. cheers both.

root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='binhex-krusader' --net='bridge' --privileged=true -e TZ="Europe/London" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'TEMP_FOLDER'='/config/krusader/tmp' -e 'WEBPAGE_TITLE'='Tower' -e 'VNC_PASSWORD'='' -e 'UMASK'='000' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '8080:6080/tcp' -v '/mnt/user':'/media':'rw' -v '/mnt/disks/':'/UNNASIGNED':'rw' -v '/boot/':'/FLASH':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-krusader':'/config':'rw' 'binhex/arch-krusader'

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  • 1 year later...

Good day everyone,


I'm having some trouble accessing my unassigned devices and through searching through the web and various forum topic, I'm under the impression that I need to direct to a path "/mnt/disks". As can be seen in the attached screenshot, "disks" is not showing up as an option and so I'm reaching out for some help from this group. If there is any other config info you'd like me to post in here, I'm pretty green at this so please give me clear instructions on how to get log files or others to post if requested. Thanks!

Annotation 2020-06-10 065504.png

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Just now, Squid said:

You either don't have Unassigned Devices plugin installed, or have nothing mounted with it.

Unassigned Devices doesn't appear to be there in the community Apps as per the directions I find online. Since it's a plugin, should there not be a URL to install the plugin? Am I missing something here? (obviously I am hence I need your patient help) :)

Annotation 2020-06-10 092032.png

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15 minutes ago, Squid said:

Upgrade your system.  It's running an old version of the OS, and UD is not compatible anymore with it.

I think I figured out why I was running an old version of the OS. I'm using the Unraid Nvidia plugin for a Win10 VM and it only has Unraid Nvidia version 6.6.7. I expect that's what was messing things up for me.

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5 minutes ago, bsimonian said:

I think I figured out why I was running an old version of the OS. I'm using the Unraid Nvidia plugin for a Win10 VM and it only has Unraid Nvidia version 6.6.7. I expect that's what was messing things up for me.

The Nvidia plugin has the current Unraid release (6.8.3)  available so that should not be a problem.    Note however that the Nvidia plugin is irrelevant if using a VM as the VM supplies the Nvidia drivers - it only matters when using Docker containers where you want hardware transcoding support.

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Just now, itimpi said:

The Nvidia plugin has the current Unraid release (6.8.3)  available so that should not be a problem.    Note however that the Nvidia plugin is irrelevant if using a VM as the VM supplies the Nvidia drivers - it only matters when using Docker containers where you want hardware transcoding support.

Right, I remember that now. I've been building this server and going through a lot of installations. I guess the Nvidia plugin is for my Plex transcoding; thanks!

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