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Cache drive full

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Hi guys first post. I'm loving Unraid but I'm getting issues this week. I have Plex with Parity, 2 drive cache pool of 120GB. Ever since I started recording with Plex I'm getting no space in Plex and now it won't play anything. I'm getting Failed to commit transaction (../Playlists/PlayQueueRequestHandler.cpp:123) (tries=1): Cannot commit transaction. database or disk is full in the Plex logs. Also common fix is saying my cache is full "All writes to your cache enabled shares are being redirected to your array. If this is a transient situation, you can ignore this, otherwise adjust your cache floor", I have 20GB free. Appdata is now set to not use cache. 


Really need your help guys, I'm not sure what to do here.


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When you put 2 drives into the cache pool, by default it sets up a RAID1 configuration. That means that all data must exist on both devices, effectively limiting the size of the pool to the smaller device, regardless of what the GUI says is free.


Bottom line, your cache pool is completely full.


1 hour ago, vchris said:

Appdata is now set to not use cache. 

"Cache: No" means new files will be created on the array, files already on the cache will not be moved.


You need to determine which shares have files on the cache, and possibly change the cache settings on those shares to move those files to the array. Turn on help on the shares page and read the description of the different cache modes. Normally appdata would be cache: prefer.



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Only appdata and Downloads had cache set to yes or only. I can see how that could be a problem but I figured cache should clear itself within 24h. I since switched them. I also moved radarr, sonarr, sabnzbd on /mnt/cache, plex is still on /mnt/user. 


How do I clear the cache drive?

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You probably want Use Cache=Yes.    With that setting new files are written to the cache, and then moved to the array when mover runs (typically overnight).    You also want the Minimum Free Space option under Settings->Global Share Settings to be set to the size of the largest file you expect to download (or larger).     When the free space on the cache drops below this value new files will stop bypassing the cache (rather than error it out due to lack of space).

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12 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

Run the mover, on the main page

Thanks! Saw that last night but wasn't really sure what that did. I'll give it a try tonight.


9 minutes ago, itimpi said:

You probably want Use Cache=Yes.    With that setting new files are written to the cache, and then moved to the array when mover runs (typically overnight).    You also want the Minimum Free Space option under Settings->Global Share Settings to be set to the size of the largest file you expect to download (or larger).     When the free space on the cache drops below this value new files will stop bypassing the cache (rather than error it out due to lack of space).

Makes sense. So instead of the default 20GB I could drop it to 5GB and set appdata and downloads to use cache yes. I guess I should not move plex data to /mnt/cache as that will fill it up.

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Setting Use Cache = No means write new files to the array but leave alone any files already on the cache.   If you want files to be moved from cache to array by mover you need Use Cache = Yes.    Turning on the help in the GUI will help clarify how that setting affects the placement of new files and what action mover takes.

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16 minutes ago, mrtech213 said:

My mover is not moving and the cache is filling up-----> https://gyazo.com/54c2c27318c825d9dc5eb613030d60ac


Not sure why the Mover is not working. Can someone please help :(   



wakanda-diagnostics-20190812-1635.zip 95.94 kB · 0 downloads

We need the mover log to be enable to see the error, assuming you're trying to move from the Downloads share, which is the only one set to use cache, but not much space left on the array, so it will never be able to move everything.

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5 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

We need the mover log to be enable to see the error, assuming you're trying to move from the Downloads share, which is the only one set to use cache, but not much space left on the array, so it will never be able to move everything.

How do I collect Mover logs again?

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17 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

It appears you tuned on the logger but still nothing showing up, not even mover started / finished, which should always appear when logger is enable, so not sure what's going on, try booting in safe mode and running the mover.

Yea I'm going to try that out when I get home after work. But do you think that the issue could be the space you were mentioning before? The fact that I'm running low on space is causing the Mover to not run?

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1 minute ago, mrtech213 said:

Yea I'm going to try that out when I get home after work. But do you think that the issue could be the space you were mentioning before? The fact that I'm running low on space is causing the Mover to not run?

Even if it did run, what do you expect it to do if you have no free space? You really must come up with a plan for dealing with your full disks.

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1 minute ago, johnnie.black said:

You don't have a minimum free space set for your shares, and you should, but depending on the size of the files you want to move, it just might not be enough space, either that or a file already exists on the array, or that share isn't set to cache="yes"

How do I set minimum free space within my shares?

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1 minute ago, johnnie.black said:

Like mentioned depends on the file sizes used on that share, twice the size of the largest file.

oh ok I get you. I'll look at getting larger drives this week to get some more space for my array. Hopefully the Mover will run after that. Thanks for your insight on this  :)

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